Bribery is controlled by several game settings fBribeCostCurve, fBribeScale, fBribeNPCLevelMult, fBribeCurve and fBribeSpeechcraftMult.
The fBribeCurve value controls how steep the non-linear increase of the disposition bonus will be.
Example: If fBribeCurve is set to 1.0, disposition bonus increases linearly based on the combined Speechcraft scores of the two actors.
The fBribeNPCLevelMult value determines how much weight the NPC's level has relative to the player's level.
fBribeScale is a global multipler that increases or decreases all bribe costs proportionally (1.0 is 100% of normal, 2.0 is 200% of normal, etc.).
The fBribeCostCurve value controls how steep the non-linear increase of the price will be, as determined by the actors' Speechcraft scores.
Note: If fBribeCostCurve is set to 1.0, bribe cost increases linearly based on the combined Speechcraft scores of the two actors.
The fBribeSpeechcraftMult variable determines how much impact the relative Speechcraft values have compared to the actor's levels.