Oblivion Graphics Extender

Revision as of 18:09, 15 February 2008 by imported>DragoonWraith (some updates from the thread)

The Oblivion Graphics Extender is a discontinued OBSE Plugin made by Timeslip. The following documentation is based off of the source code and is entirely untested and likely wrong in at least a few places. If you have any experience with this utility, you are encouraged to correct this documentation and place a note of your correction in the Talk page.


  • HUD
  • (HUDID:int) CreateHUDElement
"Creates a new HUD element"
  • SetHUDElementTexture HUDID:int TexID:int
"Sets the texture of a HUD element"
  • SetHUDElementColor HUDID:int Red:float Green:float Blue:float
"Sets the colour of a HUD element"
  • SetHUDElementPosition HUDID:int Xpos:float Ypos:float
"Sets the position of a HUD element"
  • SetHUDEleemntScale HUDID:int Xscale:float Yscale:float
"Sets the scale of a HUD element"
  • SetHUDElementRotation HUDID:int Radians?:float
"Sets the rotation of a HUD element"
  • Misc
  • (Memory:float?) GetAvailableGraphicsMemory
"Returns an approximate amount of remaining graphics memory"
  • (Width:float?) GetScreenWidth
"Returns the x resolution of the backbuffer"
  • (Height:float?) GetScreenHeight
"Returns the y resolution of the backbuffer"
  • ForceGraphicsReset
"Resets the graphics device in the same way as alt-tabbing"
  • PurgeManagedTextures
"Evicts managed resources from vram"
  • Shaders
  • (ShaderID:int) LoadShader Path:string
"Loads an effect file. (Must be in the .fx format)"
  • ApplyFullscreenShader ShaderID:int ShaderAffectsHUD:bool
"Applies a fullscreen shader to oblivion. The second parameter affects whether or not the HUD is affected by the shader (in most cases it should not be)."
  • RemoveFullscreenShader ShaderID:int
"Removes a fullscreen shader from oblivion"
  • SetShaderInt ShaderID:int Variable:string Value:int
"Sets an integer variable in a fullscreen shader"
  • SetShaderFloat ShaderID:int Variable:string Value:float
"Sets an float variable in a fullscreen shader"
  • SetShaderVector ShaderID:int Variable:string Value:float Value:float Value:float Value:float
"Sets an array of 4 floats in a fullscreen shader"
  • SetShaderTexture ShaderID:int Variable:string TexID:int
"Sets a texture variable in a fullscreen shader"
  • Textures
  • (TexID:int) LoadTexture Path:string DoNotModify:bool
"Loads a texture for use in shaders or HUD elements. If the second parameter is 0 (false), then OBGE may modify the texture's color depth if it is too high for the graphics card - if this parameter is 1 and the call is run on a computer with a card that does not support the texture's color depth, the call will fail."
  • FreeTexture TexID:int
"Frees up the memory used by an OBGE texture"