Talk:Find Package

Revision as of 02:01, 10 October 2008 by imported>Shademe (→‎Procedures which make up the Find Package)

I am not sure how 'real' the find package is in regards to the game world.

According to the wiki if a find command is run on an object the item will be activated, causing it to be picked up.

As a case study lets look at "M'aiq the Liar" (ID:Maiqtheliar) If you enter his AI list there are only 3 elements.

  • A find command to collect 20 callipers per search
  • Two travel commands

If the callipers are really being collected, why don't they end up littering his inventory? Why doesn't he end up over-burdened? There are no AI commands for selling of these objects, or putting them down anywhere.

This is the fact for almost every case of find object in the game. This limitation has been the downfall of many of my plans to make a world where people have to barter in order to have enough gold to survive.

I would like to hear others opinions of this package.Decoup 08:36, 27 May 2006 (EDT)

just moving this info from the Questions page where it was previously posted.
In my experience, it does work, but it only works within the location of the package. NPCs won't go through doors to find items, so if you place an NPC with a Find Weapons package outside the door to a blacksmith's shop, he will search outside in the radius given, but will not enter the shop. If no valid items exist within that area, he will do nothing or default to wandering. As far as I've seen, if the items are found, they ARE placed in his inventory. I haven't looked at Maiq's packages specifically, but I imagine there just aren't any calipers in the areas he explores. Try using the console to place a set near on the ground near him; he will most likely pick them up. Side note: NPCs won't pick up items you drop from your own inventory, because they are considered 'owned' by you. This applies even to characters who would normally steal from other NPCs. Scruggs 09:13, 28 May 2006 (EDT)
I'm getting good results with this package. I can drop items from my inventory that I own and the NPC will pick them up. Settings I am using are "Current location 0 radius" and "all:Wearable value 10". This makes the NPC pick up any armor or weapons that I drop at his feet, or any dropped by other NPC's. b3w4r3 08:46 08 Sept (EST)

Regarding chair: He will NOT sit in it. He will "tap" the chair but not sit.

Procedures which make up the Find Package

What procedures does the Find AI package contain ? -- shademe 03:01, 10 October 2008 (EDT)

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