A User Function for use with Oblivion Script Extender
(DeserializedArray :array) ArrayDeserialize SerialArray :array
Deserializes a one-dimension StringMap array, converting it back to a multi-dimensional array structure.
The arguments are:
- Array - the array to deserialize
An array like this:
['EntryA_Attr1'] = 'A' ['EntryA_Attr1_0_Value1'] = 11 ['EntryA_Attr1_0_Value2'] = 22 ['EntryA_Attr1_1_Value1'] = 1111 ['EntryA_Attr1_1_Value2'] = 2222 ['EntryB_Attr1'] = 'B' . . . etc
Will become:
['EntryA'] = = ['Attr1'] = 'A' = = ['Attr2'] = = = = [0] = = = = = = ['Value1'] = 11 = = = = = = ['Value2'] = 22 = = = = [1] = = = = = = ['Value1'] = 1111 = = = = = = ['Value2'] = 2222 ['EntryB'] = = ['Attr1'] = 'B' = = = = = = . . . etc
- This function is designed to be used in conjunction with its sister function ArraySerialize
- A Map type array will be created if the corresponding key part is a number formatted with a decimal point.
- A Array type array will be created if the corresponding key part is a number formatted without a decimal point.
- A StringMap type array will be created if the corresponding key part is not a number.
- The code uses the underscore ('_') as the concatenating char and assumes that it will not be present in any array key or value. Change it to another char if you have underscores in your arrays.
- StringMap arrays containing numeric strings as keys (like "0005") as the first entry will not convert appropriately.
let MyMultiArray := Call ArrayDeserialize MySerialArray
scriptname ArrayDeserialize ;--------------------------------------- array_var arDesSerial array_var arKey array_var arr array_var asEntry array_var asParts array_var asSerial float v ref reff short i string_var s string_var ss begin Function {asSerial} let arKey := ar_Construct Array ; used as a generic var to holg either a string or numeric key ;--------------------------------------- ; Determine the type of the main parent array ; ( NOTE: based on the first entry !!! ) ;--------------------------------------- ;=== Set the key === let s := ar_first asSerial let asParts := sv_split s "_" let s := asParts[0] let v := ToNumber s if eval (v != 0) || (s == "0") || (s == "0.0") ;=== conversion succeeded >> Map or Array === if eval (sv_Find "." s) < 0 ;=== No period >> Array === let arDesSerial := ar_Construct Array else ;=== Has period >> Map === let arDesSerial := ar_Construct Map endif else ;=== conversion failed >> StringMap === let arDesSerial := ar_Construct StringMap endif foreach asEntry <- asSerial ;=== Start at the top === let arr := arDesSerial ;=== Set the key === let s := asEntry[key] let asParts := sv_split s "_" let i := -1 while ( i += 1 ) < (ar_size asParts) - 1 ; all excelp last if eval (typeof arr) == "StringMap" let arKey[0] := asParts[i] else let arKey[0] := ToNumber asParts[i] endif ;=== Move 'arr' one level down === if eval ar_haskey arr arKey[0] ;=== branch exists - set arr=== let arr := arr[arKey[0]] else ;=== First time, create array based on next key part === let s := asParts[i+1] let v := ToNumber s if eval (v != 0) || (s == "0") || (s == "0.0") ;=== conversion succeeded >> Map or Array === if eval (sv_Find "." s) < 0 ;=== No period >> Array === let arr[arKey[0]] := ar_Construct Array else ;=== Has period >> Map === let arr[arKey[0]] := ar_Construct Map endif else ;=== conversion failed >> StringMap === let arr[arKey[0]] := ar_Construct StringMap endif let arr := arr[arKey[0]] endif loop ;=== Set the key of the new entry === if eval (typeof arr) == "StringMap" let arKey[0] :=asParts[i] else let arKey[0] := ToNumber asParts[i] endif ;=== Set the value of the new entry === let s := asEntry[value] if eval (sv_Find "0x" s) == 0 if eval (sv_length s) > 2 let s := s[2:(sv_length s) - 1] let reff := GetFormFromMod "Oblivion.esm" $s let arKey[1] := reff else call zuERROR xxsSelf "Bad ref: " + asEntry[key] + "=" + asEntry[value] endif elseif eval (sv_Find "'" s) == 0 let arKey[1] := s[1:(sv_length s) - 2] else let arKey[1] := ToNumber s endif let arr[arKey[0]] := arKey[1] loop SetFunctionValue arDesSerial sv_destruct s ss end