Cell Conflicts


This page is for listing Worldspace alterations to Tamriel for the purpose of promoting fewer conflicts between mods by showing where changes have been made by existing mods.

Note: This article has been condensed from the original form of a category plus multiple subpages.

German ModsEdit

For the German modding community, the Planet Oblivion ModMap provides similar information in the form of an interactive map.

It's possible that a similar approach could be taken with English mods, but the approach requires a lot of work and may not scale well to the larger number of mods in the English community.



  • CursedMine03
(Adds container to (693,744,6162))
  • ICChestnutHandyStables
(Adds XMarker to (-55,-77,-76))


  • ICArcaneUniversityArchMagesTowerLobby
(Changes ICDoor4 owned by Bothiel)
  • ICArcaneUniversityImperialOrrery
(Completely alters this interior)


Thievery in the Imperial CityEdit

  • 07,17 (ICMarketDistrict01)
(Blocks the outermost waythrough and modifies the pathgrid)
  • 08,16 (ICMarketDistrict03)
(Blocks the outermost waythrough and modifies the pathgrid)



  • 4,15 (ICStables01)
(Adds objects to ICStables01 and replaces door to ICChestnutHandyStables interior)


  • 15,33 (Wilderness)
(Alters Tamriel Wilderness 15,33)
  • 15,34 (Wilderness)
(Alters Tamriel Wilderness 15,34)
  • 15,35 (Wilderness)
(Alters Tamriel Wilderness 15,35; Changes name to FrostCragSpireExterior)
  • 15,36 (Wilderness)
(Alters Tamriel Wilderness 15,36)
  • 15,37 (Wilderness)
(Alters Tamriel Wilderness 15,37)
  • 16,34 (Wilderness)
(Alters Tamriel Wilderness 16,34)
  • 16,35 (Wilderness)
(Alters Tamriel Wilderness 16,35)
  • 16,36 (Wilderness)
(Alters Tamriel Wilderness 16,36)


  • -28,10 (BrotchCamp)
(Adds MapMarker to BrotchCamp)
  • -29,4 (DagnysCamp)
(Adds MapMarker to DagnysCamp)
  • -36,7 (CampAles)
(Adds MapMarker to CampAles)
  • -43,1 (BodeanCamp)
(Adds MapMarker to BodeanCamp)
  • -45,6 (VarusCamp)
(Adds MapMarker to VarusCamp (??))

Thievery in the Imperial CityEdit

  • 03,11 (ICWaterfront02)
(Adds a building and modifies pathgrid )
  • 03,10 (ICWaterfront05)
(Modifies pathgrid)
  • 08,-08 (Wilderness west of Bravil)
(Adds a cave-entrance (rock and door))