ClearOwnership T

< [[::Category:Functions|Category:Functions]]

A function added by the Oblivion Script Extender.


(void) reference.ClearOwnership_T

This function duplicates the existing ClearOwnership command, but it attempts to prevent the changes made by that command from being stored in the savegame.

The behavior is otherwise identical to the original function. By default, a command like SetOwnership or SetPos sets a flag telling the game that an attribute of the object (ownership, position, etc) has been changed.

When the game is saved, the current value of the flagged attribute will be recorded in the savegame.

The game remembers only the fact that the attribute was changed - not the value to which it was changed.

The upshot is that if, for example, any script uses SetPos to change the position of an object, the object's position as saved in the savegame will be its position at the time the save is made - not necessarily the position set by any particular script command.

See Also