A command for Oblivion Script Extender
(reference:ref) GetFirstRef type:short cellDepth:short includeInactiveRefs:short
Returns the first reference in the current cell; use with GetNextRef to scan all of the cell's references.. A type can optionally be supplied to return only references matching that type. Additionally, you can pass 69 for actors and 70 for inventory items. An optional cell depth can be supplied to specify the number of adjacent cells to scan in exteriors; a cell depth of 1 scans the player's current cell plus 8 adjacent cells, a depth of 2 scans the player's cell plus 25 adjacent cells. By default, inactive references to items which were previously picked up by an actor are ignored; passing 1 for the third parameter will force those references to be included.
ref pDoor ... set pDoor to GetFirstRef 24 1 while (pDoor) ; do something with pDoor set pDoor to GetNextRef loop
Scans the list of doors in the player's current cell and the surrounding 8 cells.
- References can be added to or removed from a cell between frames; for this reason GetFirst/NextRef should be used within a loop that executes within a single frame.
- The order of references as returned by GetFirst/NextRef is essentially undefined. It is not guaranteed that it will remain the same from one frame to the next. As stated above, a loop should be used each time. Usually, however, the first ref is the most recently placed one. It is altogether unwise to rely on this, however.
- The syntax and function has changed between v13 and v14:
- The includeInactiveRefs flag was added.
- In v13, inactive references were included (as if the flag was set to 1). This would include items that have been picked up and are no longer in the world.
Form Type IDsEdit
0: None 1: TES4 2: Group 3: GMST 4: Global 5: Class 6: Faction 7: Hair 8: Eyes 9: Race 10: Sound 11: Skill 12: Effect 13: Script 14: LandTexture 15: Enchantment 16: Spell 17: BirthSign 18: Activator 19: Apparatus 20: Armor 21: Book 22: Clothing 23: Container 24: Door 25: Ingredient 26: Light 27: Misc 28: Static 29: Grass 30: Tree 31: Flora 32: Furniture 33: Weapon 34: Ammo 35: NPC 36: Creature 37: LeveledCreature 38: SoulGem 39: Key 40: AlchemyItem 41: SubSpace 42: SigilStone 43: LeveledItem 44: SNDG 45: Weather 46: Climate 47: Region 48: Cell 49: REFR 50: ACHR 51: ACRE 52: PathGrid 53: WorldSpace 54: Land 55: TLOD 56: Road 57: Dialog 58: DialogInfo 59: Quest 60: Idle 61: Package 62: CombatStyle 63: LoadScreen 64: LeveledSpell 65: ANIO 66: WaterForm 67: EffectShader 68: TOFT 69: Actors 70: Inventory items