Returns a random, integer number from 0-99 inclusive.
To generate a random number between min and max:
set randVal to min + GetRandomPercent * (max-min+1) / 100
To generate a random number between 1 and max:
set randVal to 1 + GetRandomPercent * max / 100
short dice set dice to 1 + 0.06 * GetRandompercent ; => 1 to 6 (almost equal chances see talk page)
short rnd set rnd to 5.0/99 * Getrandompercent ; => 0 to 5 (only 1% chance for 5! see talk page)
float rnd set rnd to 0.05 * Getrandompercent ; => 0.00 to 4.95
float rnd set rnd to 5.0/99 * Getrandompercent ; => 0.00 to 5.00
- GetRandomPercent does not always operate as expected during the OnLoad phase. It appears to only execute once, so if you have multiple scripts using it, they will all get the same result rather than each getting a different result. This is not a problem during other phases.