A command for Oblivion Script Extender
(totalMag:long) reference.GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitude effectCode:chars (totalMag:long) reference.GetTotalAEMagnitude effectCode:chars
Returns the total magnitude of all Active Effects with a given code on the reference.
short EffectMag set EffectMag to (player.GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitude SHLD)
If the player currently has one Shield effect at 10 magnitude and another at 90, this will return 100.
See AlsoEdit
- Magic Effects List
- GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude
- GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitude
- GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAESpellMagnitude
- GetTotalAESpellMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitude
- GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEPowerMagnitude
- GetTotalAEPowerMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitude
- GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitude
- GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitude
- GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitude
- GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitude
- GetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitudeC