
A command for Pluggy.


(Info) HudTInfo HudSID:long InfoType:short

Returns information about the HudT.

InfoType codes
  0: Width
  1: Height
  2: Scaled Width
  3: Scaled Height
  4: Show State
  5: Native X
  6: Native Y
  7: L
  8: Aligned X
  9: Aligned Y
  10: Scale X
  11: Scale Y
  12: Opacity%
  13: Align
  14: AutoScale state
  15: EspID
  16: Protected State
  17: FontHeight
  18: FontWidth
  19: Weight
  20: Italic state
  21: R
  22: G
  23: B
  24: Format


Show Codes
Add for combinations; i.e., GameMode+MenuMode is 11 (1 + 2 + 8)
  0:    Hidden
  1:    GameMode only (all menus closed, console closed)
  2:    MenuMode only (a menu open, console closed)
  4:    Console only (from GameMode or MenuMode)
  8:    Disable the "only" behaviour - this is necessary for any combination of GameMode, MenuMode, and console
  16:   Always display under Oblivion menus and huds (i.e., compass)
Alignment Codes
Add for combinations; i.e., Top-left would be 5, Center would be 15.
  1:    Left
  2:    Right
  4:    Top
  8:    Bottom
Format codes
Add for combinations
  1: Displays the text on a single line, regardless of line breaks or carriage returns.
  2: Centers the text in the rectangle.
  4: Aligns the text to the left side of the rectangle.
  8: Aligns the text to the right side of the rectangle.
  16: Justifies the text to the top of the rectangle.
  32: Justifies the text to the bottom of the rectangle. It only works when combined with 1
  64: Justifies the text in the center of the rectangle. It only works on single lines.
  128: Lines are automatically broken between words when text reaches the end of a rectangle, thus adding an additional line