Mining tutorial


This article is here because I wanted to put a piece or two of scripting knowlegde here.


What This TeachesEdit

This article teaches how to make a script for:

  1. A rock to mine ores from
  2. A furnace to refine the ores
  3. Different anvils to craft weapons and items

Here we go!Edit

The RockEdit

The script for the rock is very simple. Be sure to attach this script to a character that is shaped like a rock.

Scriptname AAAminingrockscript

Begin onhitwith pickaxe
Player.additem ironore 1

Lets examine what that means, shall we? We added the part where you hit it with the pickaxe

Begin onhitwith pickaxe

We added the part where you get the iron ore

Player.additem ironore 1

And we ended the script.


The FurnaceEdit

The Script for the furnace is a bit more complicated. Be sure you attach this script to an activator.

Scriptname aaafurnacescript

short donothing
short amountofiron

Begin onactivate
   if isactionref player == 1
      if player.getitemcount ironore >= 1
          set amountofiron to player.getitemcount ironore
              player.removeitem ironore amountofiron
                   player.additem ironbar amountofiron
                       messagebox "You recieve some iron!"
      elseif player.getitemcount ironore < 1
         messagebox "You don't have enough iron ore!"
      elseif isactionref player == 0
         set donothing to 1
end ; This script has been edited to be easier read

The AnvilsEdit

This is a test. Using what you know of the scriptname, short, messagebox, isactionref, etc. commands, create the scripts for several anvils, each creating a different item. You can do it!


The maker, Axle12693 16:51, 4 January 2007 (EST)