Scripting Tutorial: Creating a Simple Timer
Timers are one of the most useful code snippets in Oblivion scripting. Their uses range from remote spell casting to manipulating animation playback. One could find a use for them in almost every script. Timers also happen to be the least understood of scripting elements, especially so when it comes to learning the scripting language for the first time. It must be noted that there aren't as complex as they may seem - They are pretty easy to wrap your head around if you understand the basic logic behind ObScript.
For this exercise, we shall be creating a simple timer that displays a message after a certain amount of time passes.
Tools used in this tutorial
Required |
Basic knowledge of:
- Coding
- The Construction Set and its usage
Commands and Functions usedEdit
- Start the Construction Set. We need not load the game's master file(Oblivion.esm) for this exercise for we will not be using any resources from it.
- Open the script window and use the File menu to create a new one. Set the script type to Quest script
- Start with the script name:
scn <name of the script>
We shall call it timerTestScript.
- Declare a float variable. We shall call it timer
scn timerTestScript float timer
Float is used as the data type because getSecondsPassed returns a floating point value, i.e., the time that has passed since the last time the function was called
- We shall now define the timer.
scn timerTestScript float timer float fQuestDelayTime begin gameMode set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 if ( timer < 5 ) set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed else Message "Your 5 seconds are up !" endif end
The duration of the timer is set in the if condition. fQuestDelayTime is a special variable used in quest scripts to change their processing speeds.
- Save the script. Create a quest with the Start Game Enabled flag and attach the timer script to it
- Finally, save the plugin. Launch the game with it activated
The quest script starts when the game is loaded. The gameMode block runs every frame. On each run ( in this case, every frame ), the timer variable is checked for the condition ( i.e., if it's less than 5 ). If the condition evaluates true, the timer variable is incremented with the value returned by the getSecondsPassed function.
When the condition evaluates false i.e., when the timer variable's value equals or exceeds 5, our message is displayed. Since getSecondsPasssed returns values that are comparable to realtime seconds, the script has effectively run for 5 seconds.
But the script doesn't end here - it keeps printing the message since the if condition checks only if the timer's value equals or exceeds 5. The If statement's condition can be modified to walk through this issue by adding a do-once catch.
scn timerTestScript float timer float fQuestDelayTime short doOnce begin gamemode set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 if ( doOnce ) ; the == operator isn't necessary when checking boolean values.... return ; ... the above expression is equivalent to (doOnce != 0) elseif( timer > 5 ) set doOnce to 1 Message "Your 5 seconds are up" else set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed endif end
Alternatively, the timer variable can be decremented, after setting it to the duration of the timer.
scn timerTestScript float timer float fQuestDelayTime short doOnce begin gamemode set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 if ( doOnce == 0 ) set timer to 5 ; Initialize the timer variable set doOnce to 1 endif if ( timer > 0 ) set timer to timer - getSecondsPassed else Message "Your 5 seconds are up" endif end
The doOnce variable is used to make sure the initialization happens only once, i.e., during the script's first iteration. But this method not preferable as it calls more comparisons, is longer and needs initialization.