imported>Kkuhlmann |
imported>Bnesmith |
Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| As you can see, there are hundreds of game settings. Some are relatively innocent, such as fSneakSleepBonus, which determines the Sneak bonus an actor gets if the target is sleeping. Others can break the game in a heartbeat. Be very careful with any changes to make to these settings.
| |
| |
| |
| '''Floating point game settings:'''
| |
| |
| fAbsorbCoreColorB
| |
| |
| fAbsorbCoreColorG
| |
| |
| fAbsorbCoreColorR
| |
| |
| fAbsorbGlowColorB
| |
| |
| fAbsorbGlowColorG
| |
| |
| fAbsorbGlowColorR
| |
| |
| fActorArmorDesirabilityDamageMult
| |
| |
| fActorStrengthEncumbranceMult
| |
| |
| fActorSwimBreathBase
| |
| |
| fActorSwimBreathMult
| |
| |
| fActorTeleportFadeSeconds
| |
| |
| fAIDefaultAttackDuringRecoilStaggerBonus
| |
| |
| fAIDefaultAttackSkillMult
| |
| |
| fAIDefaultBlockDuringAttackMult
| |
| |
| fAIDefaultBlockNoAttackMult
| |
| |
| fAIDefaultBlockSkillMult
| |
| |
| fAIFleeConfBase
| |
| |
| fAIFleeHealthMult
| |
| |
| fAIMaxHeadTrackDistance
| |
| |
| fAIMaxSmileDistance
| |
| |
| fAIPowerAttackRecoilBonus
| |
| |
| fAISocialchanceForConversation
| |
| |
| fAISocialRadiusToTriggerConversation
| |
| |
| fAITrespassWarningTimer
| |
| |
| fAIYieldBase
| |
| |
| fAutoDoorActivateDistance
| |
| |
| fBarterSellBase
| |
| |
| fBribeBase
| |
| |
| fBribeCurve
| |
| |
| fBribeScale
| |
| |
| fChase3rdPersonXYMult
| |
| |
| fClothingClassScale
| |
| |
| fClothingJewelryScale
| |
| |
| fCombatGiantCreatureReachMult
| |
| |
| fCombatHitConeAngle
| |
| |
| fCombatSoundArmorPct
| |
| |
| fCombatSoundFleshPct
| |
| |
| fCombatSoundWeaponPct
| |
| |
| fCombatSpeakAttackChance
| |
| |
| fCombatSpeakHitChance
| |
| |
| fCombatSpeakHitThreshold
| |
| |
| fCombatSpeakPowerAttackChance
| |
| |
| fCrimeAlarmRespMult
| |
| |
| fDamagePowerAttackBackBonus
| |
| |
| fDamagePowerAttackBonus
| |
| |
| fDamagePowerAttackForwardBonus
| |
| |
| fDamagePowerAttackSideBonus
| |
| |
| fDamagePowerAttackStandBonus
| |
| |
| fDamageSkillMult
| |
| |
| fDamageStrengthBase
| |
| |
| fDamageStrengthMult
| |
| |
| fDamageToArmorPercentage
| |
| |
| fDamageToWeaponPercentage
| |
| |
| fDamageWeaponConditionBase
| |
| |
| fDamageWeaponConditionMult
| |
| |
| fDamageWeaponMult
| |
| |
| fDaytimeColorExtension
| |
| |
| fDetectionCommentTimer
| |
| |
| fDetectionSneakLightMod
| |
| |
| fDifficultyDamageMultiplier
| |
| |
| fDispActorPerMult
| |
| |
| fDispTargetFactionRankBase
| |
| |
| fDispTargetPerMult
| |
| |
| fDistanceProjectileExplosionDetection
| |
| |
| fDyingTimer
| |
| |
| fEnchantmentGoldMult
| |
| |
| fFatigueAttackWeaponBase
| |
| |
| fFatigueAttackWeaponMult
| |
| |
| fFatigueBase
| |
| |
| fFatigueBlockSkillBase
| |
| |
| fFatigueBlockSkillMult
| |
| |
| fFatigueCastBase
| |
| |
| fFatigueJumpBase
| |
| |
| fFatigueJumpMult
| |
| |
| fFatigueMult
| |
| |
| fFatigueReturnBase
| |
| |
| fFatigueReturnMult
| |
| |
| fFatigueRunBase
| |
| |
| fFatigueRunMult
| |
| |
| fFightAggrBase
| |
| |
| fFightFriendDispBase
| |
| |
| fFirstPersonCameraMult
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker01DeltaX
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker01DeltaY
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker01DeltaZ
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker01HeadingDelta
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker02DeltaX
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker02DeltaY
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker02DeltaZ
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker02HeadingDelta
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker03DeltaX
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker03DeltaY
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker03DeltaZ
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker03HeadingDelta
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker04DeltaX
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker04DeltaY
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker04DeltaZ
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker04HeadingDelta
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker11DeltaX
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker11DeltaY
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker11DeltaZ
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker11HeadingDelta
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker12DeltaX
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker12DeltaY
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker12DeltaZ
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker12HeadingDelta
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker13DeltaX
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker13DeltaY
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker13DeltaZ
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker13HeadingDelta
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker14DeltaX
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker14DeltaY
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker14DeltaZ
| |
| |
| fFurnitureMarker14HeadingDelta
| |
| |
| fHandFatigueDamageBase
| |
| |
| fHandFatigueDamageMult
| |
| |
| fHandHealthMax
| |
| |
| fHandReachMult
| |
| |
| fIdleChatterCommentTimer
| |
| |
| fImpactShaderMaxMagnitude
| |
| |
| fInfamyBountyMod
| |
| |
| fJumpDoubleMult
| |
| |
| fJumpFallTimeMult
| |
| |
| fJumpHeightMax
| |
| |
| fKnockdownChance
| |
| |
| fKnockdownDamageMult
| |
| |
| fLeafRockAmountSwayInfluence
| |
| |
| fLeafRockSpeedSwayInfluence
| |
| |
| fLeafRockTimeScale
| |
| |
| fLeafRustleAmountSwayInfluence
| |
| |
| fLeafRustleSpeedSwayInfluence
| |
| |
| fLeafRustleTimeScale
| |
| |
| fLockPickAutoBase
| |
| |
| fLockPickAutoDifficulty
| |
| |
| fLowLevelNPCBaseHealthMult
| |
| |
| fMagicCasterSkillCostBase
| |
| |
| fMagicCasterSkillCostMult
| |
| |
| fMagicCostScale
| |
| |
| fMagicDiseaseTransferMult
| |
| |
| fMagicExplosionAgilityMult
| |
| |
| fMagicFatigueDrainBase
| |
| |
| fMagicFatigueDrainMult
| |
| |
| fMagicFogMaximumDistance
| |
| |
| fMagicFogOptimalDistance
| |
| |
| fMagickaReturnBase
| |
| |
| fMagickaReturnMult
| |
| |
| fMagicLightHeightOffset
| |
| |
| fMagicLightRadiusBase
| |
| |
| fMagicSpellLevelApprenticeMin
| |
| |
| fMagicSpellLevelExpertMin
| |
| |
| fMagicSpellLevelJourneymanMin
| |
| |
| fMagicSpellLevelMasterMin
| |
| |
| fMagicTelekinesiDistanceMult
| |
| |
| fMagicTelekinesisLiftPowerMult
| |
| |
| fMasserAngleFadeEnd
| |
| |
| fMasserAngleFadeStart
| |
| |
| fMasserAngleShadowEarlyFade
| |
| |
| fMaxArmorRating
| |
| |
| fMoveCharWalkMax
| |
| |
| fMoveCharWalkMin
| |
| |
| fMoveCreatureWalkMax
| |
| |
| fMoveCreatureWalkMin
| |
| |
| fMoveEncumEffect
| |
| |
| fMoveNoWeaponMult
| |
| |
| fMoveRunMult
| |
| |
| fMoveSneakMult
| |
| |
| fMoveWeightMax
| |
| |
| fNPCAttributeHealthMult
| |
| |
| fNPCBaseMagickaMult
| |
| |
| fNPCGeneticVariation
| |
| |
| fPathAvoidanceCreatureIntLimit
| |
| |
| fPCBaseMagickaMult
| |
| |
| fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanApprenticeMult
| |
| |
| fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanExpertMult
| |
| |
| fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanJourneymanMult
| |
| |
| fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanMasterMult
| |
| |
| fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanNoviceMult
| |
| |
| fPersuasionCurve
| |
| |
| fPersuasionMod
| |
| |
| fPersuasionReactionDislike
| |
| |
| fPersuasionReactionHate
| |
| |
| fPickPocketActorSkillBase
| |
| |
| fPickPocketActorSkillMult
| |
| |
| fPickPocketAmountMult
| |
| |
| fPickPocketMaxChance
| |
| |
| fPickPocketTargetSkillMult
| |
| |
| fPlayerDeathReloadTime
| |
| |
| fPotionGoldValueMult
| |
| |
| fPotionT1AleDurMult
| |
| |
| fPotionT1AleMagMult
| |
| |
| fPotionT1CalDurMult
| |
| |
| fPotionT1RetDurMult
| |
| |
| fPotionT2AleDurMult
| |
| |
| fPotionT3AleMagMult
| |
| |
| fPowerAttackFatiguePenalty
| |
| |
| fRechargeGoldMult
| |
| |
| fRegionGenTexGenMatch
| |
| |
| fRegionGenTexGenNotMatch
| |
| |
| fRegionGenTexPlacedMatch
| |
| |
| fRegionGenTexPlacedNotMatch
| |
| |
| fRepairArmorerMult
| |
| |
| fSecundaAngleFadeEnd
| |
| |
| fSecundaAngleFadeStart
| |
| |
| fSecundaAngleShadowEarlyFade
| |
| |
| fSecundaSpeed
| |
| |
| fSkillUseExp
| |
| |
| fSkillUseFactor
| |
| |
| fSneakBaseValue
| |
| |
| fSneakBootWeightBase
| |
| |
| fSneakBootWeightMult
| |
| |
| fSneakLightMult
| |
| |
| fSneakMaxDistance
| |
| |
| fSneakRunningMult
| |
| |
| fSneakSkillMult
| |
| |
| fSneakSleepBonus
| |
| |
| fSneakSoundLosMult
| |
| |
| fSneakTargetAttackBonus
| |
| |
| fSneakTargetInCombatBonus
| |
| |
| fSpeechDelay
| |
| |
| fSpellCastingDetectionMod
| |
| |
| fSpellmakingGoldMult
| |
| |
| fStarsRotateDays
| |
| |
| fStarsRotateXAxis
| |
| |
| fStarsRotateYAxis
| |
| |
| fStarsRotateZAxis
| |
| |
| fStatsHealthStartMult
| |
| |
| fSunAlphaTransTime
| |
| |
| fSunMinimumGlareScale
| |
| |
| fSunReduceGlareSpeed
| |
| |
| fTorchLightLevelMorning
| |
| |
| fTorchLightLevelNight
| |
| |
| fTrainingCostMult
| |
| |
| fTreeFarDistanceBase
| |
| |
| fTreeNearDistanceBase
| |
| |
| fTreeWindVariance
| |
| |
| fVanityModeAutoDelay
| |
| |
| fWeatherFlashAmbient
| |
| |
| fWeatherFlashDuration
| |
| |
| fWeatherTransMax
| |
| |
| fWortcraftChanceIntDenom
| |
| |
| fWortcraftChanceLuckDenom
| |
| |
| |
| '''Integer Game Settings'''
| |
| |
| iAIDefaultAttackChance
| |
| |
| iAIDefaultBlockChance
| |
| |
| iArmorWeightHelmet
| |
| |
| iArmorWeightShield
| |
| |
| iCrimeAlarmRecDistance
| |
| |
| iCrimeGoldAttackMin
| |
| |
| iCrimeGoldJailBreak
| |
| |
| iCrimeGoldStealHorse
| |
| |
| iDeathDropWeaponChance
| |
| |
| iLevCreaLevelDifferenceMax
| |
| |
| iLevItemLevelDifferenceMax
| |
| |
| iLowLevelNPCMaxLevel
| |
| |
| iLowResponsiblityLevel
| |
| |
| iMagicMaxPotionsApprentice
| |
| |
| iMagicMaxPotionsExpert
| |
| |
| iMagicMaxPotionsJourneyman
| |
| |
| iMagicMaxPotionsMaster
| |
| |
| iMagicMaxPotionsNovice
| |
| |
| iMapMarkerRevealDistance
| |
| |
| iMapMarkerVisibleDistance
| |
| |
| iMasserSize
| |
| |
| iNPCBasePerLevelHealthMult
| |
| |
| iNumberActorsInCombatPlayer
| |
| |
| iPCStartSpellSkillLevel
| |
| |
| iPerkBlockStaggerChance
| |
| |
| iPerkExtraBarterGoldMaster
| |
| |
| iSoulLevelValueCommon
| |
| |
| iSoulLevelValueGrand
| |
| |
| iSoulLevelValueGreater
| |
| |
| iSoulLevelValueLesser
| |
| |
| iSoulLevelValuePetty
| |
| |
| |
| '''String Game Settings'''
| |
| |
| sAddItemtoInventory
| |
| |
| sAddItemtoInventoryText
| |
| |
| sAddItemtoSpellList
| |
| |
| sAgilityDescription
| |
| |
| sAnimationCanNotEquipWeapon
| |
| |
| sAnimationCanNotUnequip
| |
| |
| sAttributeDescAgility
| |
| |
| sAttributeDescEndurance
| |
| |
| sAttributeDescIntelligence
| |
| |
| sAttributeDescLuck
| |
| |
| sAttributeDescPersonality
| |
| |
| sAttributeDescSpeed
| |
| |
| sAttributeDescStrength
| |
| |
| sAttributeDescWillpower
| |
| |
| sCanNotEquipAlchemy
| |
| |
| sCanNotEquipQuestArrows
| |
| |
| sCanNotEquipRepairHammer
| |
| |
| sCanNotEquipSoulGem
| |
| |
| sCanNotReadBood
| |
| |
| sCanNotTrainAnymore
| |
| |
| sCanNotTrainHigher
| |
| |
| sCombatDescription
| |
| |
| sContinueText
| |
| |
| sDerivedAttributeDescEncumbrance
| |
| |
| sDerivedAttributeDescFatigue
| |
| |
| sDerivedAttributeDescHealth
| |
| |
| sDerivedAttributeDescMagicka
| |
| |
| sDiscoveredText
| |
| |
| sDropEquippedItemWarning
| |
| |
| sEnduranceDescription
| |
| |
| sEssentialCharacterDown
| |
| |
| sFavoredAttributes
| |
| |
| sHairColor0
| |
| |
| sHairColor1
| |
| |
| sHairColor10
| |
| |
| sHairColor11
| |
| |
| sHairColor12
| |
| |
| sHairColor13
| |
| |
| sHairColor14
| |
| |
| sHairColor15
| |
| |
| sHairColor2
| |
| |
| sHairColor3
| |
| |
| sHairColor4
| |
| |
| sHairColor5
| |
| |
| sHairColor6
| |
| |
| sHairColor7
| |
| |
| sHairColor8
| |
| |
| sHairColor9
| |
| |
| sHitParticleMetal
| |
| |
| sHitParticleStone
| |
| |
| sHitParticleWood
| |
| |
| sImpossibleLock
| |
| |
| sIntellegenceDescription
| |
| |
| sKeyLocked
| |
| |
| sLevelDefault
| |
| |
| sLevelDoneWarning
| |
| |
| sLevelUp11
| |
| |
| sLevelUp12
| |
| |
| sLevelUp15
| |
| |
| sLevelUp17
| |
| |
| sLevelUp18
| |
| |
| sLevelUp19
| |
| |
| sLevelUp20
| |
| |
| sLevelUp4
| |
| |
| sLevelUp6
| |
| |
| sLoadWhilePlaying
| |
| |
| sLockLevelNameImpossible
| |
| |
| sLowSoul
| |
| |
| sLuckDescription
| |
| |
| sMagicDescription
| |
| |
| sMajorSkills
| |
| |
| sMiscNumPlacesDiscovered
| |
| |
| sMonthHeartFire
| |
| |
| sMonthMidYear
| |
| |
| sMonthRainsHand
| |
| |
| sNoFastTravelCombat
| |
| |
| sNoFastTravelScriptBlock
| |
| |
| sNoHammer
| |
| |
| sNoLockPick
| |
| |
| sNoLockPickKey
| |
| |
| sNoMortor
| |
| |
| sNoSleepCombat
| |
| |
| sNoSleepHostilActorsNear
| |
| |
| sNoSleepInOwnedBed
| |
| |
| sNoSoul
| |
| |
| sNoSoulGem
| |
| |
| sNoSoulInGem
| |
| |
| sNoTalkFleeing
| |
| |
| sNoWaitHostilActorsNear
| |
| |
| sNoWaitInCombat
| |
| |
| sNoWaitUnderWater
| |
| |
| sNoWaitWhileAlarmSounding
| |
| |
| sOpenWithKey
| |
| |
| sOverEncumbered
| |
| |
| sPersonalityDescription
| |
| |
| sPlayerLeavingBorderRegion
| |
| |
| sReturnToMainMenu
| |
| |
| sSoulGemTooSmall
| |
| |
| sSpecialization
| |
| |
| sStealthDescription
| |
| |
| sStrengthDescription
| |
| |
| sSuccessfulSneakAttackEnd
| |
| |
| sTravelQuestion
| |
| |
| sUnequipItemOnPlayer
| |
| |
| sVampireFeedQuestion
| |
| |
| sVarlaStoneMessage
| |
| |
| sWillPowerDescription
| |
| |
| |
| [[Category:Gameplay Menu]]
| |