Difference between revisions of "Category:Variables"

3 bytes added ,  14:43, 28 May 2008
(removing from Functions category... gonna have to give Scripting and Command categories similar treatment...)
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Other than that, however, generally [[Long Integer|longs]] and [[Short Integer|shorts]] will be rounded off to the nearest integer (i.e. 1.25 becomes 1, 1.75 becomes 2), while [[Floating Point|floats]] will store the decimal data. However, if a variable is a Global, then it will ''always'' be a [[Floating Point|float]] and therefore will not round off the decimal values.
Other than that, however, generally [[Long Integer|longs]] and [[Short Integer|shorts]] will be rounded off to the nearest integer (i.e. 1.25 becomes 1, 1.75 becomes 2), while [[Floating Point|floats]] will store the decimal data. However, if a variable is a Global, then it will ''always'' be a [[Floating Point|float]] and therefore will not round off the decimal values.

<div id="catlinks"><p class='catlinks'>[[Special:Categories|Category]]: [[:Category: Scripting|Scripting]] | [[:Category: Commands]] | Category: Functions]]</p></div>
<div id="catlinks"><p class='catlinks'>[[Special:Categories|Category]]: [[:Category: Scripting|Scripting]] | [[:Category: Commands]] | [[:Category: Functions]]</p></div>