Difference between revisions of "User talk:Mathyn"

519 bytes removed ,  18:43, 24 August 2007
this is the proper place for this.
(this is the proper place for this.)
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Hello I'm Mathyn. Before working with the Oblivion CS I used to work with the Morrowing CS. Never done scripting tough and Oblivion is the first game I do a little scripting. I find it really enjoyable to learn from this site and got a place to answer questions (Thx CS Wiki!) and I hope that I will one day be able to release a nice mod.
You can find the answer to your question "Ingame Water Height Increase" in [[Changing Water Level via Script]].
Currently I'm working on a mod that will add some special staffs with scripted effects on them. If you want to contact me plz use:
MSN: Mathyn.Buiteveld@hccnet.nl
You can email me but please only email me if it is about modding or mods.
[[User:Mathyn|Mathyn]] 08:43, 22 August 2007 (EDT)