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Question PageEdit
Can I ask, why has the question page been removed? I mean, if the question page is getting long, then if there are answered questions that have been there for over a certain period of time, delete them! Another way to make space!
- This is a very old discussion (look at the dates) and has nothing to do with the current decision to disallow questions. When the Wiki first started all questions were on one page, and every new question and answer made page longer. As you can see there was decided to put every question on it's own page, like threads in a forum and put all those questions in the question category.
- In regard to the recent decision to disallow questions completely; the amount of space is not the problem, the forums are far more appropriate to ask questions. Compared to the past the number of active members has decreased dramatically and the amount of articles that need attention is increasing every day. The regular contributers don't have time to answer questions and it's pointless to have a questions category if hardly any questions are answered and if there's a better alternative - the construction set forums.
- --Qazaaq 12:46, 4 February 2008 (EST)