set refVar to this set refVar to GetSelf
if this == GetActionRef
set MyQuest.targetRef to this
An alias for GetSelf. Returns the calling object itself as a reference. Useful for if statements, or for setting reference variables on other scripts.
- Main difference from GetSelf is that This may be called directly as a reference for other functions, while GetSelf must be recorded to a script variable before it can be used.
- When this function is called on a carriable object (such as a weapon or miscellaneous item), the reference returned only remains valid while the object remains in the gameworld.
- This function appears to be unreliable when called on the player.
- This function returns 0 when called on a Light.
- Mostly applicable in cases of object scripts referencing the object to which they are linked without using OBSE's refwalking functions, while that object is in-world.
Begin ondrop if getcontainer == 0 this.activate <containerref>, 1 endif end
- Due to being a bit less reliable, should only be used in instances where an object needs to refer to itself, but cannot use other methods.