AI Button
Revision as of 10:51, 18 February 2008 by imported>Haama (Added Artifical Intelligence search tag)
Displays the AI screen for that creature or NPC.
- Aggression: If the actor's disposition toward another actor falls below this level, it will initiate combat. A setting of 5 or below means it will not initiate combat under any circumstance, but will enter combat if directly attacked. A setting of zero means it will refuse combat even if attacked.
- Confidence: A measure of how likely the actor is to attack or flee in combat. It is not a die roll, but a threshhold for a complicated, deterministic calculation. A setting of 100 guarantees the actor will never flee.
- Energy Level: Determines how often the actor moves to a new location when executing Wander packages.
- Responsibility: Determines how willing the actor is to commit a crime. Settings below 30 means the actor will commit a crime (i.e. steal food if given an eat package). A setting of 100 means the actor can report crimes directly, adding bounty to the player without a guard being present. The actor cannot make the actual arrest though.
- Buys/Sells: Only meaningful for NPCs. The NPC will buy or sell these classes of items.
- Barter Gold: How much money the NPC has to buy items from the player.
- Recharge: Checkbox to allow the NPC to offer recharging magic items as a service.
- Repair: Checkbox to allow the NPC to offer repairing items as a service.
- Training: Checkbox to allow the NPC to offer skills training as a service. The drop down select the skill for training and the number field determines the maximum skill value the NPC can train.
- AI Package List: This is the list of packages this actor will run. See Packages for more information.