Quest Stages Tab

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Setting a quest stage (see SetStage) adds the Log Entry to the player's quest log and runs the Result Script. If there are multiple stage items for a particular stage, each is evaluated to see if it passes the conditions (if any). Thus a single stage could potentially add several entries to the player's quest log and/or run multiple results scripts.

Quest Stage:

  • Index: Each stage has an index number from 0 to 255.
  • Quest Stage Items: Each stage can have 1 or more "stage items", which can include a log entry and/or a result script. Multiple stage items are often conditionalized so that only one is actually written to the player's log when a stage is set.

Quest Stage Items:

When a quest stage is set using the SetStage script command, each quest stage item may be applied: if it passes the specified conditions, the Log Entry text is written to the player's quest log, and the Result Script is run.

  • Log Entry: The text that is displayed in the player's quest log when the stage item is applied. Only one journal entry is permitted per stage, unless the "Allow Repeat Stages" flag is checked under the "Quest Data" tab. SetStage must still be called for each entry.
  • Result Script: These script commands are run when the stage item is applied.
  • Conditions: The conditions must be true for the quest stage item to be applied. Note that most reference functions are invalid when attached to a quest stage, since the stage is not a reference. Note also that "Run on Target" is invalid for conditions attached to quest stages. When setting a variable in a script as a condition, the variable must be changed before SetStage is called.
  • Complete Quest: If this box is checked, setting this stage will move the quest from the active to completed portions of the player's journal. Note that a completed quest can still be running.
  • Export Quest Stages: All the text and conditions of quest stages can be exported to a text file.


  • Some of the String Game Settings can be included in a Quest's Quest Stage Log Entry by using an ampersand (&) followed immediately by the String Game Setting followed immediately by a semicolon (;). Example: &sUActnActivate;