BSA Unpacker Tutorial

Warning: The new files from the extracted archives will use 3.2 GB of your harddisk. For the sizes of the individual archives see BSA files.


Unpacking the BSA Files can be done with a few tools, for this tutorial we're assuming you're using BSA Commander. BSA Commander is one of the most user-friendly BSA unpackers and can also create BSA files.

Download BSA Commander from Vasily's homepage and extract the contents of the downloaded archive somewhere. Double click the executable (the Oblivion icon with BSA sign on it) to start the program. If you want to register BSA files in your Oblivion.ini file with BSA Commander you have to click on the Tools button at the top and make sure the Oblivion path corresponds with where you've installed Oblivion. You can also associate BSA Commander with .bsa files there, this will launch BSA Commander when you double click a .bsa file.

Extracting the BSA filesEdit

Click the Open button at the top left corner, browse to your Oblivion directory and open a BSA file. It will take a moment for the program to load the contents of the archive. When it's done you'll see a list of all the files inside the archive. The archive size, the number of files in the archive, the number of files selected and size of the unpacked files is shown at the bottom of the window in the status bar.

Click on the Unpack button to unpack all the selected files (everything is selected by default). You can quickly change the selection with the buttons on the right side of the window. In the unpack window you can change the output directory and choose to clear the unpack directory, overwrite existing files and show the unpacking statistics. Show unpacking stat creates a text file with all files in the archive and whether they've been successfully unpacked or not.

See AlsoEdit