
This is a command from NifSE.


(bool:success) BSFurnitureMarkerSetPositionRefs Array:posRefs short:nifID short:blockID
(bool:success) BSFurnMrkSetPosRefs Array:posRefs short:nifID short:blockID

Takes an array of "position refs", which are StringMaps containing the various values of the position refs.

Each "position ref" has four parts:

["orient"] — Orientation, a short
["offset"] — Offset, itself an Array:
   ["offset"][0] — x coordinate, a float
   ["offset"][1] — y coordinate, a float
   ["offset"][2] — z coordinate, a float
["posRef1"] — Position Reference 1, a short
["posRef2"] — Position Reference 2, a short

The two position references always seem to have the same value in tested NIFs, but NifSE does not enforce this requirement.

The default value of blockID, 0, indicates the NIF's root, a NiNode. NiNode blocks are not derived from BSFurnitureMarker, so this function will always require an explicit blockID.


  • The position references control what icon appears when the player looks at a piece of furniture (for sitting or sleeping), but this seems to be determined in the Construction Set. Thus, changing the position references during the game with this function does not update the icon that is displayed. The actual behavior does change, however.

See AlsoEdit