Calling commands from C++/ParamInfo

  • Includes OBSE 16 and some oblivionOnline commands
Copyright 2009   Julian Bangert aka masterfreek64 
This file is part of OblivionOnline.

OblivionOnline is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

OblivionOnline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
//for version 2.416
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdShow[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdShowQuestVars[1] = {
	{ "Quest", kParamType_Quest, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdToggleAI[1] = {
	{ "Actor (optional)", kParamType_Actor, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPickRefByID[1] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetLightingPasses[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCenterOnCell[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetGameSetting[2] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetINISetting[2] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetINISetting[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCenterOnExterior[2] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCalcLowPathToPoint[3] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetFog[2] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetClipDist[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetImageSpaceGlow[4] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSpeakSound[3] = {
	{ "Filename", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "Emotion", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "EmotionValue", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdBetaComment[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdToggleCellNode[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetCameraFOV[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdShowQuestLog[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdShowFullQuestLog[1] = {
	{ "Quest", kParamType_Quest, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdDumpTexturePalette[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCenterOnWorld[3] = {
	{ "WorldSpace", kParamType_WorldSpace, 0 },
	{ "Cell X", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Cell Y", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddFaceAnimNote[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdToggleMapMarkers[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdHairTint[3] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSaveGame[2] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLoadGame[2] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdTestAllCells[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSaveWorld[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdTestLocalMap[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMoveToQuestTarget[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdShowSubtitle[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOutputMemContexts[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOutputMemStats[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdToggleDetectionStats[1] = {
	{ "Actor (optional)", kParamType_Actor, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetTargetRefraction[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetTargetRefractionFire[2] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSkyParam[2] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetHDRParam[6] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOutputArchiveProfile[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetDebugText[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRunMemoryPass[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModWaterShader[2] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "Float(optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdWaterShallowColor[3] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdWaterDeepColor[3] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdWaterReflectionColor[3] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRunCellTest[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdFlushNonPersistActors[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetGamma[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdWasteMemory[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdToggleCastShadows[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSTBBColorConstants[4] = {
	{ "Float (Optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "Float (Optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "Float (Optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "Float (Optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCloseFile[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetTreeMipmapBias[2] = {
	{ "Float (Optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "Float (Optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 }

static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMessageBox[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetDistance[1] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddItem[2] = {
	{ "ObjectID", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "Count", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetEssential[2] = {
	{ "Actor Base", kParamType_ActorBase, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRotate[2] = {
	{ "Axis", kParamType_Axis, 0 },
	{ "Speed", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPos[1] = {
	{ "Axis", kParamType_Axis, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPos[2] = {
	{ "Axis", kParamType_Axis, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetAngle[1] = {
	{ "Axis", kParamType_Axis, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetAngle[2] = {
	{ "Axis", kParamType_Axis, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetStartingPos[1] = {
	{ "Axis", kParamType_Axis, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetStartingAngle[1] = {
	{ "Axis", kParamType_Axis, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdActivate[2] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 1 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetActorValue[1] = {
	{ "Actor Value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetActorValue[2] = {
	{ "Actor Value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "Amount", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModActorValue[2] = {
	{ "Actor Value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "Amount", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPlayGroup[2] = {
	{ "Animation Group", kParamType_AnimationGroup, 0 },
	{ "Flags", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLoopGroup[3] = {
	{ "Animation Group", kParamType_AnimationGroup, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Flags", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdStartCombat[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetLineOfSight[1] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddSpell[1] = {
	{ "Spell Item", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveSpell[1] = {
	{ "Spell Item", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCast[2] = {
	{ "Magic Item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetInSameCell[1] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMenuMode[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPlaceAtMe[4] = {
	{ "ObjectID", kParamType_TESObject, 0 },
	{ "Count", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "Distance", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "Direction", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPlaySound[1] = {
	{ "Sound", kParamType_Sound, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSameFaction[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSameRace[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSameSex[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetDetected[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetItemCount[1] = {
	{ "ObjectID", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSay[5] = {
	{ "Topic", kParamType_Topic, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "NPC (Optional)", kParamType_NPC, 1 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSayTo[3] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 },
	{ "Topic", kParamType_Topic, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetScriptVariable[2] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 },
	{ "Variable Name", kParamType_VariableName, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdStartQuest[1] = {
	{ "Quest", kParamType_Quest, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdStopQuest[1] = {
	{ "Quest", kParamType_Quest, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetQuestRunning[1] = {
	{ "Quest", kParamType_Quest, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetStage[2] = {
	{ "Quest", kParamType_Quest, 0 },
	{ "Stage", kParamType_QuestStage, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetStage[1] = {
	{ "Quest", kParamType_Quest, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetStageDone[2] = {
	{ "Quest", kParamType_Quest, 0 },
	{ "Stage", kParamType_QuestStage, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetFactionRankDifference[2] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetShouldAttack[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetInCell[1] = {
	{ "Cell", kParamType_Cell, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIsClass[1] = {
	{ "Class", kParamType_Class, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIsRace[1] = {
	{ "Race", kParamType_Race, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIsSex[1] = {
	{ "Sex", kParamType_Sex, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetInFaction[1] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIsID[1] = {
	{ "ObjectID", kParamType_TESObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetFactionRank[1] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetGlobalValue[1] = {
	{ "Global", kParamType_Global, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetDisposition[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdStreamMusic[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetQuestVariable[2] = {
	{ "Quest", kParamType_Quest, 0 },
	{ "Variable Name", kParamType_VariableName, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveItem[2] = {
	{ "ObjectID", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "Count", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModDisposition[2] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 },
	{ "Value", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetDeadCount[1] = {
	{ "Actor Base", kParamType_ActorBase, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdShowMap[2] = {
	{ "Map Marker", kParamType_MapMarker, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdStartConversation[2] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 },
	{ "Topic", kParamType_Topic, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdDrop[2] = {
	{ "ObjectID", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "Count", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddTopic[1] = {
	{ "Topic", kParamType_Topic, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMessage[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetAlert[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLook[1] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetHeadingAngle[1] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsActionRef[1] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompleteQuest[1] = {
	{ "Quest", kParamType_Quest, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLock[2] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdUnLock[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetCrimeGold[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModCrimeGold[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCrimeKnown[3] = {
	{ "Crime Type", kParamType_CrimeType, 0 },
	{ "Criminal", kParamType_Actor, 0 },
	{ "Victim", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPositionWorld[5] = {
	{ "X", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Y", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Z", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Rotation", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Worldspace", kParamType_WorldSpace, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPositionCell[5] = {
	{ "X", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Y", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Z", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Rotation", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Interior Cell", kParamType_Cell, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCrime[2] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 },
	{ "Crime Type (optional)", kParamType_CrimeType, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPCIsClass[1] = {
	{ "Class", kParamType_Class, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPCIsRace[1] = {
	{ "Race", kParamType_Race, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPCIsSex[1] = {
	{ "Sex", kParamType_Sex, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPCInFaction[1] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIsReference[1] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetFactionRank[2] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Value", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModFactionRank[2] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Value", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdKillActor[1] = {
	{ "Actor (optional)", kParamType_Actor, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdResurrectActor[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIsCurrentWeather[1] = {
	{ "Weather ID", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddScriptPackage[1] = {
	{ "Package", kParamType_AIPackage, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMoveToMarker[4] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 },
	{ "Float (Optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "Float (Optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "Float (Optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIsCurrentPackage[1] = {
	{ "Package", kParamType_AIPackage, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsCurrentFurnitureRef[1] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsCurrentFurnitureObj[1] = {
	{ "Furniture", kParamType_Furniture, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSize[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveMe[1] = {
	{ "Container (optional)", kParamType_Container, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetFactionReaction[2] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetFactionReaction[3] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Value", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModFactionReaction[3] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Value", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTalkedToPCParam[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveAllItems[2] = {
	{ "Container (optional)", kParamType_Container, 1 },
	{ "Ownership Added (optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdWakeUpPC[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetCombatStyle[1] = {
	{ "Combat Style (optional)", kParamType_CombatStyle, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPlaySound3D[1] = {
	{ "Sound", kParamType_Sound, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSelectPlayerSpell[1] = {
	{ "Spell Item", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetDetectionLevel[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEquipped[1] = {
	{ "ObjectID", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdWait[1] = {
	{ "Package", kParamType_AIPackage, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdStopWaiting[1] = {
	{ "Package", kParamType_AIPackage, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetCellPublicFlag[2] = {
	{ "Cell", kParamType_Cell, 0 },
	{ "Flag", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCSleepHours[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModAmountSoldStolen[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCloseCurrentOblivionGate[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPCExpelled[1] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCExpelled[2] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Value", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPCFactionMurder[1] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCFactionMurder[2] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Value", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPCFactionSteal[1] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCFactionSteal[2] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Value", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPCFactionAttack[1] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCFactionAttack[2] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Value", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPCFactionSubmitAuthority[1] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCFactionSubmitAuthority[2] = {
	{ "Faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "Value", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetDestroyed[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetForceRun[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetForceSneak[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAdvancePCSkill[2] = {
	{ "Actor Value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "Amount", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdHasMagicEffect[1] = {
	{ "Magic Effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetDoorDefaultOpen[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOpenState[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCloseOblivionGate[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsSpellTarget[1] = {
	{ "Magic Item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIsPlayerBirthsign[1] = {
	{ "Birthsign", kParamType_Birthsign, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdVampireFeed[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIsClassDefault[1] = {
	{ "Class", kParamType_Class, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetInCellParam[2] = {
	{ "Cell", kParamType_Cell, 0 },
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetInChargen[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetGhost[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdEquipItem[2] = {
	{ "ObjectID", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "Flag", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdUnequipItem[2] = {
	{ "ObjectID", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "Flag", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetClass[1] = {
	{ "Class", kParamType_Class, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetUnconscious[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetRestrained[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdForceFlee[2] = {
	{ "Cell (optional)", kParamType_Cell, 1 },
	{ "ObjectReferenceID (optional)", kParamType_ObjectRef, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIsUsedItem[1] = {
	{ "ObjectID", kParamType_TESObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIsUsedItemType[1] = {
	{ "Form Type", kParamType_FormType, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModPCFame[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModPCInfamy[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCFame[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCInfamy[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetGameSetting[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeather[2] = {
	{ "Weather ID", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdForceTakeCover[2] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 },
	{ "Value", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModBarterGold[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetBarterGold[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetQuestObject[2] = {
	{ "Object", kParamType_TESObject, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdForceActorValue[2] = {
	{ "Actor Value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "Amount", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModPCSkill[2] = {
	{ "Actor Value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "Amount", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModPCAttribute[2] = {
	{ "Actor Value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "Amount", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdEnableFastTravel[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPlayBink[2] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetBaseActorValue[1] = {
	{ "Actor Value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsOwner[1] = {
	{ "Owner(optional)", kParamType_Owner, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOwnership[1] = {
	{ "Owner(optional)", kParamType_Owner, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsCellOwner[2] = {
	{ "Cell", kParamType_Cell, 0 },
	{ "Owner(optional)", kParamType_Owner, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetCellOwnership[2] = {
	{ "Cell", kParamType_Cell, 0 },
	{ "Owner(optional)", kParamType_Owner, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetCellFullName[2] = {
	{ "Cell", kParamType_Cell, 0 },
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetActorFullName[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetFriendHit[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPackDuration[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPlayMagicShaderVisuals[2] = {
	{ "Effect Shader ID", kParamType_EffectShader, 0 },
	{ "Time(optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPlayMagicEffectVisuals[2] = {
	{ "Magic Effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "Time(optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdStopMagicShaderVisuals[1] = {
	{ "Effect Shader ID", kParamType_EffectShader, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdStopMagicEffectVisuals[1] = {
	{ "Magic Effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdResetInterior[1] = {
	{ "Cell", kParamType_Cell, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetActorAlpha[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdForceWeather[2] = {
	{ "Weather ID", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetInvestmentGold[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetLevel[4] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetInWorldspace[1] = {
	{ "WorldSpace", kParamType_WorldSpace, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModPCMiscStat[2] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPCMiscStat[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetScale[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModScale[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdKillAllActors[1] = {
	{ "Actor (optional)", kParamType_Actor, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNoRumors[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdDispel[1] = {
	{ "Magic Item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdTriggerHitShader[1] = {
	{ "Float (Optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddAchievement[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdDuplicateAllItems[2] = {
	{ "Container (optional)", kParamType_Container, 1 },
	{ "Ownership Added (optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdEssentialDeathReload[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetShowQuestItems[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdDuplicateNPCStats[1] = {
	{ "Actor (optional)", kParamType_Actor, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetIgnoreFriendlyHits[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetActorRefraction[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetItemValue[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetRigidBodyMass[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetAllReachable[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetAllVisible[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNoAvoidance[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSendTrespassAlarm[1] = {
	{ "Actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSceneIsComplex[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPreloadMagicEffect[1] = {
	{ "Magic Effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdShowDialogSubtitles[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdForceCloseOblivionGate[1] = {
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPlayerInSEWorld[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPushActorAway[2] = {
	{ "ObjectReferenceID", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetActorsAI[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdtestargcommand[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetInventoryItemType[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsKeyPressed[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEquipmentSlotType[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPrintToConsole[21] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetActiveSpell[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSquareRoot[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdrSin[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdrCos[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdrTan[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdrASin[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdrACos[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdrATan[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLog[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdExp[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLog10[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdFloor[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCeil[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAbs[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRand[2] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPow[2] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdrATan2[2] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdrSinh[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdrCosh[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdrTanh[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSin[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCos[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdTan[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdASin[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdACos[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdATan[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdATan2[2] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSinh[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCosh[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdTanh[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetInventoryObject[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEquippedObject[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsKeyPressed2[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdTapKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdHoldKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdReleaseKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdHammerKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAHammerKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdUnhammerKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdDisableKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdEnableKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMoveMouseX[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMoveMouseY[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMouseSpeedX[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMouseSpeedY[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_SetGameSetting[2] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_SetINISetting[2] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_GetINISetting[1] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_SetFog[2] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_SetClipDist[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_SetImageSpaceGlow[4] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_SetCameraFOV[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_HairTint[3] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_SetTargetRefraction[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_SetTargetRefractionFire[2] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_SetSkyParam[2] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_RunMemoryPass[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_ModWaterShader[2] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "Float(optional)", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_WaterShallowColor[3] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_WaterDeepColor[3] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_WaterReflectionColor[3] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_SetGamma[1] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_SetHDRParam[6] = {
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "Float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCurrentValue[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetObjectValue[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetObjectType[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsWeapon[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsAmmo[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsArmor[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsClothing[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsBook[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsIngredient[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsContainer[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsAlchemyItem[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsApparatus[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsSoulGem[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsSigilStone[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsDoor[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsActivator[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsLight[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsFurniture[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdHasSpell[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsClassSkill[2] = {
	{ "skill", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "class", kParamType_Class, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetClassAttribute[2] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "class", kParamType_Class, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetClassSkill[2] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "class", kParamType_Class, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetClassSpecialization[1] = {
	{ "class", kParamType_Class, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModActorValue2[2] = {
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "amount", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNumericGameSetting[2] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetControl[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetAltControl[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetKeyPress[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEquippedCurrentValue[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "slot", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEquippedObjectValue[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "slot", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicItemValue[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectValue[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectCodeValue[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "effect code", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicItemHasEffect[3] = {
	{ "effect code", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicItemHasEffectCode[3] = {
	{ "effect code", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMouseButtonPress[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetRefEssential[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeight[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeight[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModWeight[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetGoldValue[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetGoldValue[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModGoldValue[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetObjectHealth[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetObjectHealth[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModObjectHealth[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEquipmentSlot[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetEquipmentSlot[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetObjectCharge[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetObjectCharge[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModObjectCharge[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsQuestItem[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetQuestItem[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEnchantment[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetEnchantment[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveEnchantment[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetAttackDamage[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetAttackDamage[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModAttackDamage[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeaponReach[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeaponReach[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModWeaponReach[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeaponSpeed[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeaponSpeed[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModWeaponSpeed[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeaponType[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeaponType[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIgnoresResistance[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetIgnoresResistance[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetArmorAR[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetArmorAR[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModArmorAR[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetArmorType[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetArmorType[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetSoulLevel[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetSoulGemCapacity[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsFood[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetIsFood[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsPoison[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetName[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetModelPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetIconPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMaleBipedPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetFemaleBipedPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMaleGroundPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetFemaleGroundPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMaleIconPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetFemaleIconPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEquippedCurrentHealth[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetEquippedCurrentHealth[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "slot", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModEquippedCurrentHealth[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "slot", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEquippedCurrentCharge[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetEquippedCurrentCharge[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "slot", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModEquippedCurrentCharge[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "slot", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetEquippedWeaponPoison[1] = {
	{ "poison", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCloneForm[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsClonedForm[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNumericINISetting[2] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicItemType[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicItemEffectCount[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthEffectItemCode[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthEffectItemMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthEffectItemArea[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthEffectItemDuration[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthEffectItemRange[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthEffectItemActorValue[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetSpellType[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetSpellMagickaCost[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetSpellMasteryLevel[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEnchantmentType[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEnchantmentCharge[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEnchantmentCost[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectCode[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectBaseCost[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectSchool[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectProjectileSpeed[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectEnchantFactor[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectBarterFactor[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectBaseCostC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectSchoolC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectProjectileSpeedC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectEnchantFactorC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectBarterFactorC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemMagnitude[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModNthEffectItemMagnitude[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemArea[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModNthEffectItemArea[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemDuration[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModNthEffectItemDuration[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemRange[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemActorValue[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemActorValueC[3] = {
	{ "actor value code", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveNthEffectItem[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSpellType[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSpellMagickaCost[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModSpellMagickaCost[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSpellMasteryLevel[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetEnchantmentCharge[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModEnchantmentCharge[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetEnchantmentCost[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModEnchantmentCost[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetEnchantmentType[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNumericINISetting[2] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNumericINISetting[1] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectHostile[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectHostileC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSaveIP[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRestoreIP[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyNthEffectItem[3] = {
	{ "from Magic Item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "toMagicItem", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyAllEffectItems[2] = {
	{ "from Magic Item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "toMagicItem", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddEffectItem[2] = {
	{ "effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "toMagicItem", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddEffectItemC[2] = {
	{ "effect code", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "toMagicItem", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicItemAutoCalc[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMagicItemAutoCalc[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectForSpellmaking[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectForSpellmakingC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectForEnchanting[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectForEnchantingC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectDetrmimental[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectDetrimentalC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectCanRecover[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectCanRecoverC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectMagnitudePercent[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectMagnitudePercentC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectFXPersists[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectFXPersistsC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectOnSelfAllowed[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectOnSelfAllowedC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectOnTouchAllowed[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectOnTouchAllowedC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectOnTargetAllowed[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsMagicEffectOnTargetAllowedC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectHasNoDuration[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectHasNoDurationC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectHasNoMagnitude[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectHasNoMagnitudeC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectHasNoArea[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectHasNoAreaC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectHasNoIngredient[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectHasNoIngredientC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectHasNoHitEffect[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectHasNoHitEffectC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesWeapon[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesWeaponC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesArmor[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesArmorC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesCreature[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesCreatureC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesSkill[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesSkillC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesAttribute[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesAttributeC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesOtherActorValue[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicEffectUsesOtherActorValueC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectOtherActorValue[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectOtherActorValueC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectUsedObject[1] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMagicEffectUsedObjectC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsCreature[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureType[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureCombatSkill[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureMagicSkill[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureStealthSkill[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetBookCantBeTaken[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetBookIsScroll[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetBookSkillTaught[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetBookCantBeTaken[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetBookIsScroll[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetBookSkillTaught[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetApparatusType[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetApparatusType[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetQuality[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetQuality[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModQuality[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSoulLevel[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSoulGemCapacity[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModModelPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModIconPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModMaleBipedPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModFemaleBipedPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModMaleGroundPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModFemaleGroundPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModMaleIconPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModFemaleIconPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompareModelPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompareIconPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompareMaleBipedPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompareFemaleBipedPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompareMaleGroundPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompareFemaleGroundPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompareMaleIconPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompareFemaleIconPath[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthPlayerSpell[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyModelPath[2] = {
	{ "src", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "dest", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyIconPath[2] = {
	{ "src", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "dest", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyMaleBipedPath[2] = {
	{ "src", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "dest", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyFemaleBipedPath[2] = {
	{ "src", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "dest", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyMaleGroundPath[2] = {
	{ "src", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "dest", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyFemaleGroundPath[2] = {
	{ "src", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "dest", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyMaleIconPath[2] = {
	{ "src", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "dest", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyFemaleIconPath[2] = {
	{ "src", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "dest", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_Save[2] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_ToggleAI[1] = {
	{ "Actor (optional)", kParamType_Actor, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsScripted[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompareName[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMenuTapKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMenuHoldKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMenuReleaseKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEquipmentSlotMask[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int (optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLeftShift[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRightShift[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLogicalAnd[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLogicalOr[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLogicalXor[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLogicalNot[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetSpellSchool[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsNthEffectItemScripted[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthEffectItemScript[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffect[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthEffectItemScriptSchool[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsNthEffectItemScriptHostile[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffect[3] = {
	{ "effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffectC[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemScriptSchool[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemScriptHostile[3] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdfmod[3] = {
	{ "x", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "n", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "offset", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyName[2] = {
	{ "src", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "dest", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetDisableGlobalCollision[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddFullEffectItem[6] = {
	{ "effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "magnitude", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "area", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "duration", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "range", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "toMagicItem", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddFullEffectItemC[6] = {
	{ "effect code", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magnitude", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "area", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "duration", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "range", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "toMagicItem", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPlayerSkillUse[1] = {
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRunBatchScript[1] = {
	{ "filename", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetSkillUseIncrement[2] = {
	{ "skill", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSkillUseIncrement[3] = {
	{ "nuVal", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "skill", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIncrementPlayerSkillUse[3] = {
	{ "skill", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "howManyTimes", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsClassAttribute[2] = {
	{ "skill", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "class", kParamType_Class, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModName[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAppendToName[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetRaceAttribute[2] = {
	{ "attribute", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetRaceAttributeC[2] = {
	{ "which", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetRaceSkillBonus[2] = {
	{ "attribute", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsRaceBonusSkillC[2] = {
	{ "attribute", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsRaceBonusSkill[2] = {
	{ "attribute", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetRaceSkillBonusC[2] = {
	{ "attribute", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthRaceBonusSkill[2] = {
	{ "attribute", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetClimateSunriseBegin[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetClimateSunriseEnd[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetClimateSunsetBegin[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetClimateSunsetEnd[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetSpellExplodesWithNoTarget[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSpellExplodesWithNoTarget[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveAllEffectItems[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemScript[3] = {
	{ "script", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemScriptName[3] = {
	{ "name", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMerchantContainer[1] = {
	{ "container", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicItemHasEffectCount[3] = {
	{ "effect code", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicItemHasEffectCountCode[3] = {
	{ "effect code", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetScript[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveScript[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetScript[2] = {
	{ "script", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "object", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsPlayable[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetIsPlayable[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCAMurderer[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetClimateMoonPhaseLength[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetClimateHasMasser[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetClimateHasSecunda[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetClimateSunriseBegin[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetClimateSunriseEnd[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetClimateSunsetBegin[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetClimateSunsetEnd[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetClimateMoonPhaseLength[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetClimateHasMasser[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetClimateHasSecunda[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetClimateVolatility[2] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 },
	{ "GetWeatherInfo", 57047257, 0 } //strange parameter type
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetClimateVolatility[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsKeyPressed3[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsControlPressed[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdDisableControl[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdEnableControl[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOnKeyDown[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOnControlDown[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthActiveEffectCode[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthActiveEffectMagnitude[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthActiveEffectDuration[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthActiveEffectTimeElapsed[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthActiveEffectMagicItem[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthActiveEffectCaster[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthActiveEffectMagicItemIndex[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalActiveEffectMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEAbilityMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAESpellMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEPowerMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "magic effect", kParamType_MagicEffect, 0 },
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_LoadGame[2] = {
	{ "String", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "Integer (Optional)", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsPluginInstalled[1] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPluginVersion[1] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthActiveEffectData[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalActiveEffectMagnitudeC[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitudeC[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEAbilityMagnitudeC[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAESpellMagnitudeC[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitudeC[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitudeC[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEPowerMagnitudeC[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitudeC[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitudeC[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitudeC[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddToLeveledList[4] = {
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "item to add", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "level", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "count", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveFromLeveledList[2] = {
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "item to remove", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetTravelHorse[1] = {
	{ "container", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompareNames[2] = {
	{ "compare to", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "base object", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdTapControl[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherWindSpeed[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherCloudSpeedLower[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherCloudSpeedUpper[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherTransDelta[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherSunGlare[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherSunDamage[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherFogDayNear[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherFogDayFar[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherFogNightNear[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherFogNightFar[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherHDRValue[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherHDRValue[3] = {
	{ "nuVal", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "which", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherColor[4] = {
	{ "rgb", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "whichColor", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 },
	{ "time", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherColor[6] = {
	{ "red", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "green", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "blue", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "whichColor", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 },
	{ "time", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherLightningFrequency[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherWindSpeed[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherCloudSpeedLower[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherCloudSpeedUpper[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherTransDelta[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherSunGlare[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherSunDamage[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherFogDayNear[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherFogDayFar[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherFogNightNear[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetWeatherFogNightFar[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCalcLeveledItem[4] = {
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "level", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "chance none flag", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "min level difference", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOpenKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetWeatherLightningFrequency[1] = {
	{ "weather", kParamType_WeatherID, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthActiveEffectMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "which", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModNthActiveEffectMagnitude[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Float, 0 },
	{ "which", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetHair[2] = {
	{ "body data", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "base NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyHair[2] = {
	{ "copy from", kParamType_NPC, 0 },
	{ "copy to", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetEyes[2] = {
	{ "body data", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "base NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCopyEyes[2] = {
	{ "copy from", kParamType_NPC, 0 },
	{ "copy to", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetContainerRespawns[1] = {
	{ "container", kParamType_Container, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetContainerRespawns[2] = {
	{ "respawns", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "container", kParamType_Container, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureReach[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureBaseScale[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureSoulLevel[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetFirstRef[3] = {
	{ "form type", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "cell depth", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "include taken refs", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNumRefs[3] = {
	{ "form type", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "cell depth", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "include taken refs", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsOffLimits[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMessageEX[21] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMessageBoxEX[21] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdcon_ToggleMapMarkers[1] = {
	{ "Integer", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthChildRef[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetScaleEX[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthFollower[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsActorRespawning[1] = {
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsPCLevelOffset[1] = {
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdHasLowLevelProcessing[1] = {
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsSummonable[1] = {
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdHasNoPersuasion[1] = {
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCanCorpseCheck[1] = {
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetActorMinLevel[1] = {
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetActorMaxLevel[1] = {
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetFemale[2] = {
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetActorRespawns[2] = {
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCLevelOffset[4] = {
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "min level", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "max level", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetLowLevelProcessing[2] = {
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSummonable[2] = {
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNoPersuasion[2] = {
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetCanCorpseCheck[2] = {
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNumFactions[1] = {
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthFaction[2] = {
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsFactionEvil[1] = {
	{ "faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsFactionHidden[1] = {
	{ "faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdFactionHasSpecialCombat[1] = {
	{ "faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetFactionEvil[2] = {
	{ "faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetFactionHidden[2] = {
	{ "faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetFactionSpecialCombat[2] = {
	{ "faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsLightCarriable[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetLightRadius[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetLightRadius[2] = {
	{ "value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "type", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetRaceSpellCount[1] = {
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthRaceSpell[2] = {
	{ "attribute", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMagicItemHasEffectItemScript[2] = {
	{ "script", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetCurrentSoulLevel[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureWalks[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureSwims[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureFlies[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsCreatureBiped[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCreatureHasNoMovement[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCreatureHasNoHead[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCreatureHasNoLeftArm[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCreatureHasNoRightArm[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCreatureNoCombatInWater[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCreatureUsesWeaponAndShield[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsFemale[1] = {
	{ "base actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetHarvested[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetActorValueC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetActorValueC[2] = {
	{ "actor value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "amount", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModActorValueC[2] = {
	{ "actor value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "amount", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModNthEffectItemScriptName[3] = {
	{ "name", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetBaseActorValueC[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureSoundBase[1] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNumRanks[1] = {
	{ "faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdHasModel[2] = {
	{ "model path", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "creature", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsModLoaded[1] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetRace[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdHasName[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetRefCount[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMagicProjectileSpell[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetModIndex[1] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetSourceModIndex[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCalcAllLevels[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCalcEachInCount[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetChanceNone[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCalcLeveledItemNR[4] = {
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "level", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "chance none flag", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "min level difference", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNumLevItems[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthLevItem[2] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddItemNS[2] = {
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "quantity", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveItemNS[2] = {
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "quantity", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdEquipItemNS[2] = {
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "lockEquip", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdUnequipItemNS[2] = {
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "lockEquip", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAddSpellNS[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveSpellNS[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetHair[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetEyes[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetHairColor[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetOpenSound[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCloseSound[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetLoopSound[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOpenSound[2] = {
	{ "sound", kParamType_Sound, 0 },
	{ "object", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetCloseSound[2] = {
	{ "sound", kParamType_Sound, 0 },
	{ "object", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetLoopSound[2] = {
	{ "sound", kParamType_Sound, 0 },
	{ "object", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCreatureSound[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsPlayable2[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsFormValid[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsReference[1] = {
	{ "ref", kParamType_ObjectRef, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdToggleCreatureModel[3] = {
	{ "model path", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "creature", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMessageSound[1] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMessageIcon[1] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetVariable[2] = {
	{ "variable name", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "quest", kParamType_Quest, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetRefVariable[2] = {
	{ "variable name", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "quest", kParamType_Quest, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdHasVariable[2] = {
	{ "variable name", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "quest", kParamType_Quest, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetFullGoldValue[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthDetectedActor[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetDetectionState[2] = {
	{ "actor", kParamType_Actor, 0 },
	{ "level", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetHotKeyItem[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdClearHotKey[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetHotKeyItem[2] = {
	{ "hotkey", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersWeapons[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersArmor[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersClothing[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersBooks[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersLights[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersIngredients[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersApparatus[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersMiscItems[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersMagicItems[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersSpells[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersPotions[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersTraining[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersRecharging[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersRepair[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOffersServicesC[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTrainerSkill[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetTrainerLevel[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersWeapons[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersArmor[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersClothing[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersBooks[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersIngredients[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersSpells[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersLights[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersMiscItems[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersMagicItems[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersApparatus[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersPotions[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersTraining[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersRecharging[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetOffersRepair[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetServicesMask[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetServicesMask[1] = {
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetTrainerSkill[2] = {
	{ "skill", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "npc", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetTrainerLevel[2] = {
	{ "RGB value", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "NPC", kParamType_NPC, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNumPackages[1] = {
	{ "actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthPackage[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "actor", kParamType_ActorBase, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCompareScripts[2] = {
	{ "script", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "script", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsAnimGroupPlaying[1] = {
	{ "anim group", kParamType_AnimationGroup, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdAnimPathIncludes[1] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdClearLeveledList[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthLevItemCount[2] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthLevItemLevel[2] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsSpellHostile[1] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetSpellHostile[2] = {
	{ "spell", kParamType_SpellItem, 0 },
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveLevItemByLevel[2] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsModelPathValid[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsIconPathValid[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsBipedModelPathValid[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsBipedIconPathValid[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdFileExists[1] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetPCAttributeBonus[1] = {
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNameEx[22] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "inventory object", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetHasBeenPickedUp[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetActiveMenuFilter[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetActiveMenuSelection[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetActiveMenuObject[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetActiveMenuRef[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetSoundPlaying[2] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 1 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetAlchMenuIngredient[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetAlchMenuIngredientCount[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetAlchMenuApparatus[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetAltControl2[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetLevItemByLevel[2] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetControl[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetAltControl[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_Construct[21] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_Compare[23] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "stringVar", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "bCaseSensitive", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_Erase[3] = {
	{ "stringVar", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "startPos", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "howMany", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_Length[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_SubString[3] = {
	{ "stringVar", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "startPos", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "howMany", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_Count[25] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "stringVar", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "startPos", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "endPos", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "bCaseSensitive", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_Find[25] = {
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "stringVar", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "startPos", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "endPos", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "bCaseSensitive", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_Replace[26] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "stringVar", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "startPos", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "endPos", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "bCaseSensitive", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "howMany", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_ToNumeric[2] = {
	{ "stringVar", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "startPos", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_Insert[23] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "stringVar", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "bCaseSensitive", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsDigit[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsLetter[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsPrintable[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsPunctuation[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsUpperCase[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_GetChar[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetDebugMode[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdDebugPrint[21] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRunScriptLine[22] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "run on ref", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdCharToAscii[1] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetFirstRefInCell[4] = {
	{ "cell", kParamType_Cell, 0 },
	{ "form type", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "cell depth", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "include taken refs", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNumRefsInCell[4] = {
	{ "cell", kParamType_Cell, 0 },
	{ "form type", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "cell depth", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "include taken refs", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdOpenTextInput[23] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "type", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "maxlength", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdInsertInInputText[21] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetRaceAlias[3] = {
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 0 },
	{ "alias", kParamType_Race, 0 },
	{ "bEnableAlias", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetRaceVoice[3] = {
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 0 },
	{ "alias", kParamType_Race, 0 },
	{ "bEnableAlias", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetRacePlayable[2] = {
	{ "race", kParamType_Race, 0 },
	{ "bool", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIngredient[1] = {
	{ "Flora", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIngredientChance[2] = {
	{ "Season", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Flora", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetIngredient[2] = {
	{ "Ingredient", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 },
	{ "Flora", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetIngredientChance[3] = {
	{ "Season", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "New Chance", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "Flora", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetProjectileSource[1] = {
	{ "actor reference", kParamType_Actor, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetArrowProjectileEnchantment[1] = {
	{ "enchantment", kParamType_MagicItem, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetArrowProjectileBowEnchantment[1] = {
	{ "enchantment", kParamType_MagicItem, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetArrowProjectilePoison[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetProjectileSpeed[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdModPCSpellEffectiveness[1] = {
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthModName[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetName[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetStringGameSetting[1] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetModelPath[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetIconPath[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetBipedModelPath[2] = {
	{ "path type", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetBipedIconPath[2] = {
	{ "path type", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthFactionRankName[3] = {
	{ "faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "rank", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "bFemale", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthEffectItemScriptName[2] = {
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetModelPathEX[22] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "object", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetIconPathEX[22] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "object", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthFactionRankNameEX[24] = {
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "faction", kParamType_Faction, 0 },
	{ "rank", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "bFemale", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetStringGameSettingEX[21] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetBipedModelPathEX[23] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "whichPath", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetBipedIconPathEX[23] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "whichPath", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetNthEffectItemScriptNameEX[23] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "magic item", kParamType_MagicItem, 0 },
	{ "which effect", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdToggleFirstPerson[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetFormFromMod[2] = {
	{ "modName", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "formID", kParamType_String, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetHidesRings[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetHidesRings[2] = {
	{ "path type", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetHidesAmulet[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetHidesAmulet[2] = {
	{ "path type", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMapMarkerVisible[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetCanTravelToMapMarker[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMapMarkerType[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetCursorPos[1] = {
	{ "axis", kParamType_Axis, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsFlora[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCMajorSkillUps[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCAttributeBonus[2] = {
	{ "actor value", kParamType_ActorValue, 0 },
	{ "amount", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMenuFloatValue[22] = {
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "menuType", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMenuStringValue[22] = {
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "menuType", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMenuFloatValue[23] = {
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "menuType", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "new value", kParamType_Float, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetMenuStringValue[22] = {
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "menuType", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdToUpper[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdToLower[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetButtonPressed[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetBaseForm[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetBipedSlotMask[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetBipedSlotMask[2] = {
	{ "path type", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNumExplicitRefs[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetNthExplicitRef[2] = {
	{ "path type", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "item", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdClickMenuButton[22] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "menuType", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetProjectile[3] = {
	{ "type", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "maxLifetime", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "formToMatch", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdRemoveNthLevItem[2] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetLevItemIndexByLevel[2] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetLevItemIndexByForm[2] = {
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 },
	{ "item to remove", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetBookText[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetMenuHasTrait[22] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "menuType", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetChanceNone[2] = {
	{ "index", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "leveled list", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_Cmdsv_Set[22] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "stringVar", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdIsControl[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetIsControl[2] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdLoadGameEx[21] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdDeleteFromInputText[3] = {
	{ "numToDelete", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "bBackwards", kParamType_Integer, 1 },
	{ "bWholeWords", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetPCTrainingSessionsUsed[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_Integer, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdMoveTextInputCursor[2] = {
	{ "numToMove", kParamType_Integer, 0 },
	{ "bBackwards", kParamType_Integer, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdGetStringIniSetting[21] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdSetStringIniSetting[21] = {
	{ "format string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "variable", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdTestExtractArgs[1] = {
	{ "TESForm", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdPrintToFile[11] = {
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "string", kParamType_String, 0 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 1 },
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	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 1 },
	{ "float", kParamType_Float, 1 }
static ParamInfo kParams_CmdDumpLevList[1] = {
	{ "int", kParamType_InventoryObject, 0 }