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[[scriptname]] ScriptName
Oblivion's scripting language is customized for the game, but shares much of the structure of a formalized programming language. A basic script has three elements: a script name, a begin statement, and an end statement. Here's an example:

ScriptName MyScript
begin OnAdd Player
; do stuff

[[begin]] [block type]
The [[scriptname|ScriptName]] command is fairly self-explanatory: it sets the name of the script. It is required, and the name must be unique.

The [[begin]] directive defines the action that triggers the script. If the conditions of the [[begin]] statement are met, all commands between [[begin]] and [[end]] are executed. Every [[begin]] statement must have a corresponding [[end]] statement!

You can also abort execution of your script using the return command. This is useful inside an [[if]] statement where you don't want to continue execution any further.

<nowiki>; comment</nowiki>
You may add comments to your code by starting the line with a semicolon. A comment is ignored by the game, but allows you to leave yourself notes on what a particular script is doing.

[[Declaring_variables|short]] varNameShort
====See also:====
[[Declaring_variables|long]] varNameLong
[[Declaring_variables|float]] varNameFloat
[[Reference_variables|ref]] varNameRef
set varName to 5
if ( varName > 100 ) ; greater than
elseif ( varName < 20 ) ; less than
if ( varName == x ) ; equals
if ( varName != x ) ; not equal to
if ( varName >= x ) ; greater than or equal to
if ( varName <= x ) ; less than or equal to
if ( varName && x ) ; logical and
if ( varName || x ) ; logical or
[[return]] ; exits the script -- no lines following will be processed
set objectID.varName to 100
objectID.getav health

* [[Declaring_variables|Declaring Variables]]
* [[if|The if statement]]
* [[Set]]
* [[Console Commands]]
* [[Calling commands from C++]] - see for Locations of commands in the Game .exe

[[Category: Scripting]]
[[Category: Scripting]]
[[Category: Functions|Z]]