All plants that might contain ingredients are considered to be Flora. When activated, the harvested ingredient may be added to the actor's inventory, depending upon the harvest chance set for that season.
Base Object FieldsEdit
- ID: The Editor ID for this object. This is a unique name used to identify the floral object within the Construction Set
- Name: This is the name displayed by the plant ingame
- Script: Object script attached to the plant
- NIF File: 3D art used to display the plant ingame
- Quest Item: Marks this as a quest item
- Animation: This button is broken. Does nothing
Ingredient ProductionEdit
- Ingredient: The ingredient item that is produced when the plant is harvested
- Spring: Chance of harvesting during spring
- Summer: Chance of harvesting during summer
- Fall: Chance of harvesting during fall
- Winter: Chance of harvesting during winter
Reference Object FieldsEdit
- Ownership Tab: Declares the owner faction and/or owner NPC. Harvesting a owned plant is considered to be a crime
- Actors can walk right through them because the Havok Data of the original game meshes is set to "NonCollidable".
- By convention, the percentage chance of the ingredient being available is the same for all four seasons.