Generic Unequip

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Problem: Prevent PC from equipping a generic type of item.Edit

E.g. prevent male pc from equipping female clothes or vice versa. Or prevent pc from equipping faction specific armor.

Solution IdeasEdit

  • Use unequipMe. This is an Oblivion Script Extender Function. (The function was added to the OBSE v0019.)
  • Use getBaseObject. But that requires OBSE.
  • "RemoveMe player" comes close to working, but suffers from an infinite loop.
  • DropMe seems like it should work, but in fact only partially removes the item. I.e. the item disapears from inventory, but ist still present both visually and statistically on the player (i.e. it's still visible and the player still gets armor, etc. stats from the item).

Solution: RemoveMeEdit

Fortunately, the infinite loop problem with removeMe can be circumvented, like so:

short removing

begin onEquip player
    if player.getIsSex male
    elseif removing
        set removing to 0
        message "That's made for a man."
        set removing to 1
        removeMe player

What happens here is that the onEquip block will continue to run until it is exited normally. Ordinarily the removeMe (which causes an immediate return) prevents a normal exit, but that has been sidestepped here through the "removing" flag. I.e. the onEquip block will run twice here -- first time ending with "removeMe", second time ending by clearing the "removing" flag.

A minor problem with this approach is that the player doll does not update to reflect the removal -- however, armor/magic effect stats are correct and the item is correctly un-highlighted in inventory. Also the player doll will be corrected as soon as the player equips/unequips another item.

Solution: RemoveMe or OBSEEdit

An improvement on the approach above would be to use OBSE if it's present, but otherwise use the removeMe approach. This is probably too much hassle in most cases (since determining that obse is not present requires recovering from a failed/returned function call). However, if Cobl is being used, then one can simply test the cobSigSe.version variable.

scn cobGenUnequipFemaleOS
;--Generic script that will unequip if item is player is female.
short removing
ref rItem

begin onEquip player
    ;--Removing test 
    if player.getIsSex male
    elseif removing
        set removing to 0
    elseif cobSigSe.version >= 12 ;--See of OBSE version >= 0.12.
        set rItem to getBaseObject 
        message "That's made for a man." ;Avoid "XXX unequipped" message spam.
        message "That's made for a man."
        player.unequipItem rItem
        message "That's made for a man."
        set removing to 1
        removeMe player

Solution: Non Generic RemovalEdit

Of course, if dealing with a specific item, or a small set of items, then a non-generic removal script can be used. E.g. for the Amulet of Kings (slightly optimized):

scn AmuletofKingsSCRIPT
begin OnEquip player
    MessageBox "The Amulet of Kings slips off as you try to fasten it around your neck."
    player.unequipitem AmuletofKings 1

Or for a small set of known items (from Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul):

scriptName AmazonArmorQueen2
; Created: Jorge "Oscuro" Salgado

Begin OnEquip Player
    if Player.GetIsSex Male
        if GetIsID 00GRARG01COOO
            Player.UnequipItem 00GRARG01COOO 1
        elseif GetIsID 00GRARG01GOOO
            Player.UnequipItem 00GRARG01GOOO 1
        elseif GetIsID 00GRARG02GOOO
            Player.UnequipItem 00GRARG02GOOO 1
        MessageBox "This magnificent armor suits only females."