

set refVar to GetSelf
set refVar to this


if GetSelf == GetActionRef
set MyQuest.targetRef to GetSelf

An alias for This. Returns the calling object itself as a reference. Useful for if statements, or for setting reference variables on other scripts.


  • This function doesn't work quite as expected for items. See Modding Terminology, especially the Dynamic Items and Scripting Notes sections for more information. In particular :
    • GetSelf applied to a mod based (non-dynamic) item will always return the original formid of the item as long as the item is in the world (not in an inventory).
    • getSelf applied to a dynamic item will always return 0 -- even when the item is in a cell and has a reference. While you might expect it to return the formid of its dynamic reference while in the cell, apparently the function is rigged to return zero for safety reasons. Directly contrary to the behavior of getSelf, placeAtMe creates a dynamic reference -- and returns the correct formid.
  • GetSelf returns 0 if the item is in an inventory (for both, dynamic and non-dynamic items)
set ref to GetSelf
if (ref.GetIsReference player == 0)

to make sure it's not the player. See the talk page for more information.

  • This function returns 0 when called on a Light.
  • If used (1) in an item script AND (2) the item is in a container in an exterior cell AND (3) the container cell is loaded as the player approaches on foot AND (4) GetSelf is used in the very first frame >> the game CTDs. (see the talk page for details)

See AlsoEdit
