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PushActorAway pushes a target actor away from the caller.

Syntax:[edit | edit source]

[CallerRef.]PushActorAway TargetRef, Force 

Examples:[edit | edit source]

pusher.PushActorAway pushed 100

Notes:[edit | edit source]

  • Both the CallerRef and TargetRef must be actors (NPCs or creatures).
  • Setting the push magnitude to a negative value will result in a pull effect.
  • Using the same reference for pusher and pushed will have send the actor straight up into the air if force is positive, and will crumple the actor to the ground if force is negative. Using only pushed reference will have the same result.
  • When used in water with the same pusher and pushed this has a reverse effect and sinks the pusher if the value is positive and simply knocks out the pusher if it is negative.
  • Push force is reduced by agility attribute on the pushed by fKnockbackAgilBase and fKnockbackAgilMult game settings using following formula: new_force = force * (fKnockbackAgilBase + pushed_agility_cap_at_100 * fKnockbackAgilMult). To counter reduced force and have same effect on all actors use opposite formula: new_force = force / (fKnockbackAgilBase + pushed_agility_cap_at_100 * fKnockbackAgilMult) but make sure its not divided by zero.
  • Distance is proportional to force and constant value of ~26.5 should be used when calculating force vs distance in situations with no agility modifiers, with formula: force = distance / 26.5.