Simulating new functions

Revision as of 14:44, 18 April 2006 by imported>Tegid (More function call options)

I've tried creating a custom "function" that can be called by other scripts. The basic approach I took was to make the function a quest script, and have the calling script call the function via |StartQuest function_quest|. Ex:

I have a quest called testfunc that is initially disabled and contains the following script:

scn testfuncscript

float param1
float param2
float result

begin GameMode
   Message "start func", 1
   set result to param1 + param2
   Message "end func: %.0f", result, 1
   StopQuest testfunc

In another script, I call this "function":

scn testscript

float r

begin OnActivate
   Message "before call", 1
   set testfunc.param1 to 10
   set testfunc.param2 to 20
   StartQuest testfunc
   set r to testfunc.result
   Message "after call: %.0f", r, 1

However, the above code doesn't work. The order of the output illustrates why:

before call
after call: 0
start func
end func: 30

This is what it should be:

before call
start func
end func: 30
after call: 30

The problem is that the calling script doesn't wait for the function script to execute, and instead the function script is delayed until after the calling script finishes executing.

So is there any way that can bypass this problem without resorting to nasty "wait for the other script to finish" hacks? (I could make the calling script have a GameMode block that would repeatly check when the function finishes executing, but that would be a serious PITA.) I suspect this same problem would've arisen if I had tried creating a function script by attaching it to a persistent object instead of a quest (and calling it via the Activate function).

--Maian 03:59, 18 April 2006 (EDT)

I'm just kind of brainstorming here, but you might try making a quest, marked "Allow repeated stages" so you can call the stages repeatedly, and make (say) stage 10 be your "function". Quest stage results are executed immediately, while the current script is processing, so you wouldn't have to wait for the results.

Keep your variables in your quest script. In stage 10 results, you'd have:

   Message "start func", 1
   set testfunc.result to testfunc.param1 + testfunc.param2
   Message "end func: %.0f", testfunc.result, 1

To call this function, you'd do the following:

scn testscript

float r

begin OnActivate
   Message "before call", 1
   set testfunc.param1 to 10
   set testfunc.param2 to 20
   setstage testfunc 10    ; call the "function"
   set r to testfunc.result
   Message "after call: %.0f", r, 1

I think this should work (I haven't tried it).

--Kkuhlmann 14:02, 18 April 2006 (EDT)

I've been doing this for awhile now with OnActivate functions placed on activators. The reference you use to activate it acts as a parameter to tell it how to act. Then when that function is done it activates the calling object to let it know that it is finished and it is time to process the results.

So for instance

scn ActivateFunction
ref incoming

begin OnActivate
  set incoming to GetActionRef
  if (incoming == CallingScriptRef.Me)
     set CallingScriptRef.Value to CallingScriptRef.Value + 3
     CallingScriptRef.Activate CallingScriptRef.ActivateFunctionRef 1
scn CallingScript
ref Me
ref ActivateFunctionRef
long Value
ref incoming

begin OnLoad
  set Me to GetSelf
  set Value to 0
  Message "I am storing a value of %.0f", Value, 1

begin OnActivate
  set incoming to GetActionRef
  if (incoming == ActivateFunctionRef)
    Message "Now I am storing a value of %.0f", Value, 1
  ActivateFunctionRef.Activate Me 1

This removes the need for a game mode block and allows function passing (or setting in a persistent reference). I've used this quite successfully for some cool stuff I'm finishing the testing on. --Tegid 14:44, 18 April 2006 (EDT)