
Where Should I begin?Edit

Here is my Mod list page located here on the wiki

I am a scripter, Web designer, programmer, and gamer. I hardly play most of the games I buy since if they can be modded then I basically will spend all my time Modding then actually playing the Games. Like Here on TES4 I have played the game maybe since the day I got the game which was at midnight of the day that the game was released was maybe 50 hours total if that. The Highest level I have been was level 20 and I have never even once started the MQ. All I have ever done was explore then started playing around with the CS and saw lots of things that I for one Do not think should be the way it is. Here is a simple website I did with Google pages to set up a small place for my recent releases.

I am currently working on a project Here That is two years in the making and I am just now releasing parts of it. The name of it is called "Improved Leveling System", I know the name sounds lame and all but I am hoping that I can get some help with the project and getting things done the way I imagine the game should be like.

Right now I am having problems with this project since I feel as though I am talking to my self over on the project page the mod has been downloaded over 300 times total and I have not gotten any responses to how it is working for them to if it is even working at all for them. I am currently the Only person working on this project and it is turning into a complete Overhaul of the leveling system as well as how skills are treated and added bonuses once you reach a certain level in the skills.

--Raziel23x 08:06, 7 August 2007 (EDT)