
I am a veteran CS user, and I have released one plug-in for Morrowind called ministry.esp. This was basically an extension to the old Ministry of Truth, while adding guilds, quests, and a city inside it for the player to explore. This also comes with four islands, each with its own faction-related dungeon (or at least what I consider a dungeon). Namely, Fighters' Guild, Mages' Guild, Thieves' Guild, and the Temple dungeons. In total, there are 22 quests in this plug-in.

I am also a member over at the Silgrad Tower mod. I have been working with them over the past month, and I am impressed with what I have seen (Friendly community, progress, etc...). Don't worry, I am still available for CS help if people need it. :) Leave a message on my Talk page.

OBLIVION SCRIPT EXTENDER: Category:Oblivion Script Extender