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Coda Script Documentation[edit | edit source]

Coda, simply put, is a powerful scripting language all Bethesda Game Studios Editor Extender plugins implement.

It’s primarily used to automate operations inside an editor environment. Tedious and monotonous tasks like renaming objects, renumbering form IDs, batch editing object attributes, etc, can be completed with just a few lines of straight forward scripting.

It must be noted that Coda is not a replacement for Legacy/ObScript – It's a completely new language used only inside a(n Extended) Bethesda Game Studios Editor, such as the Construction Set and the Creation Kit.

Salient Features[edit | edit source]

  • Unlimited expression complexity.
  • Supports integers, floats, form references, strings and arrays.
  • Supports user-defined functions.
  • Supports control structures.
  • Supports the background execution of scripts.
  • Syntactically similar to Legacy/ObScript.
  • High performance.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Coda draws its inspiration from the scripting language Oblivion uses, Legacy.

Its syntax derives directly from that of (OBSE) extended Legacy, in order to keep the learning curve shallow while allowing extensibility. There are, however, a few striking differences between the two.

  • While Legacy implements explicit data types such as short, long, float, etc., Coda combines them all into a single variant for ease of use.
  • Variable assignment is performed with just the necessary operators; special keywords such as let or set are not required.
  • Script command calling syntax is similar to those of programming languages such as C++, Java, etc. – arguments are placed inside parentheses and delineated with commas.

Script Anatomy[edit | edit source]

A "typical" Coda script looks something like this:

CODA(SampleCodaScript, “0.01”)
VAR aFirst
VAR aSecond = 2.7181812
VAR aThird = “This is a sample Coda script!”
VAR aArg1
VAR aArg2

BEGIN aArg1 aArg2
  PrintToConsole(“Hello World”)
  ; begin test
  aFirst = 45 * 8 – (2154 / 1.689)
  aSecond = (int)aArg1 + (float)aArg2
  IF (aFirst > aSecond)
    aThird = “Ding!”
    aFirst = 1
  ELSEIF (aFirst < aSecond)
    aThird = “Dong!”
   aSecond = 1
   aThird = “Duckling!”
   aArg1 = -1
 aArg1 = 0
 aArg2 = 10
 aThird = ArrayCreate(10)
 IF (aArg1 == aArg2)
   RETURN(aArg1 * 353.555)
 ELSEIF (aArg1 == aArg2 * 12)
   aSecond = CALL(“UserFunction23”, aThird, “Calling a user-defined function!”)
 WHILE (aArg1 < aArg2)
   ArrayInsert(aThird, aArg1, -1)
   aArg1 += 1
   IF (aArg1 == 3 || aArg1 == 5)
   ELSEIF (aArg1 == 8)
 FOREACH aArg2 <- aThird
 ; end test

Looks intimidating, doesn’t it? Well, that sample script intends to showcase most of the language’s features.

A regular script would be much more simple, rest assured. Coda will be able to scale to most, if not all, of your needs.

A script can be broken down to the following components:

1. Script Name[edit | edit source]


CODA(<script name> [, “polling interval”])

As with Legacy, Coda scripts need to begin with a script name declaration. The name of the script must the same as the file name it’s saved under.
The polling interval is the duration in seconds between successive executions of the script when it’s running in Background mode. It may be omitted, in which case it will be executed every time the script backgrounder updates.

2. Variable Declarations[edit | edit source]


VAR <variable name> [= <initial value>]

Variables are to be declared immediately following the script name declaration.
There are no limits placed on the number of variables that can be declared inside a script.
All declarations have local scope i.e., they can be accessed only by their parent script. However, all scripts can access the global variable pool (more on that later).
Declarations are allowed to have either numeric or string initializations.

3. Script Body[edit | edit source]


BEGIN [<parameters 1…10>] ...code... END

The BEGIN block encapsulates all of the script’s executable code.
The declaration can optionally contain a parameter list. Each parameter must correspond to a predeclared variable, which will be initialized with the respective argument before the script’s execution.
Scripts are allowed to have up to 10 parameters. Note that parameters can only be passed to a script through the CALL command.

Scripts are case-insensitive. Comments can be added after a semicolon delimiter.

Variables and Data Types[edit | edit source]

Coda intrinsically supports the following data types:

  • Integer
  • Float (Double precision)
  • String
  • Reference
  • Array

Integers are 32-bit values. Float and string types are similar to those used in various programming languages.

Reference is a special type used to store forms or records (any object that can be created in the editor). All editor objects have a unique Form ID, which is what the reference data type tracks.

Arrays are collections of data elements stored together, each identified by an integer called an index. Their elements can be of any supported data type, including other arrays. Array indices are zero-based i.e., they range from 0 to n-1 where n is the size of the array. Array variables are passed by reference and automatically garbage collected. Variables in Coda are polymorphic – they can contain data of any of the supported types. However, they can only store one type at a time. For instance, they cannot contain an integral value and a string at the same time.

The data type of a variable’s value can be determined at run-time by the (TYPEID) operator.

The operator returns one of the following values indicating the variable’s type:

  • TYPEINFO_INVALID – The variable is uninitialized.
  • TYPEINFO_NUMERIC – The variable contains either an integer or float.
  • TYPEINFO_STRING – The variable contains a string.
  • TYPEINFO_REFERENCE – The variable contains a reference.
  • TYPEINFO_ARRAY – The variable contains an array.


  ; SomeVariable has a string value
  ; numeric value

Script commands (and certain operators) often expect parameters of a particular type.

Due to their polymorphic nature, variables sometimes need to be explicitly converted or cast into the required data type.

Casting a variable forces the script engine to reinterpret its value as one of the cast type.

The following type-casts are supported by the engine:

  • Integer --> Float
  • Integer --> Reference
  • Integer --> String
  • Float --> Integer
  • Float --> Reference
  • Float --> String
  • Reference --> Float
  • Reference --> Integer
  • Reference --> String

Casting operations are performed by using the various infix operators that define the destination data type.

The following casting operators are supported by the engine:

  • (FLOAT) - Cast to float.
  • (INT) - Cast to integer.
  • (REF) - Cast to reference.
  • (ARRAY) - Cast to array, provided for completeness.
  • (STR) or $ - Cast to string.


VarA = (INT)VarB VarA = (REF)VarB VarB = (STR)VarC PrintToConsole($VarA)

Operators[edit | edit source]

Coda implements a variety of mathematical, logical and relational operators for use in expressions. Precedence is the same as that in C++.

Standard Operators[edit | edit source]

+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponent

Assignment Operators[edit | edit source]

= Assignment
+= Add and Assign. Adds the expression on the right to the variable/array element on the left.
-= Subtract and Assign. Subtracts the expression on the right from the variable/array element on the left.
*= Multiply and Assign.
/= Divide and Assign.

Logical Operators[edit | edit source]

AND or && Logical And. True if both expressions are true.
OR or || Logical Or. True if either expression is true.
XOR Logical Xor. True if one expression is true and the other false.

Relational Operators[edit | edit source]

== Equality. True if the operands are equal. Operands must be comparable to each other.
!= Inequality. True if the operands are not equal.
> Greater Than.
< Less Than.
>= Greater or Equal.
<= Less than or Equal.

Bitwise Operators[edit | edit source]

& Bitwise And.
| Bitwise Or.
<< Binary Left Shift.
>> Binary Right Shift.

Miscellaneous Operators[edit | edit source]

// String Concatenation.
- Sign Operator.
[] Index/Subscript Operator. Used with arrays, returns a reference to the array element at a specific index.

VarArray[3] = 234 VarA = 43.1 / VarArray[0]

Numeric Notation[edit | edit source]

Coda allows numbers to be represented as decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16) or binary (base 2) values inside expressions.

  • Hexadecimal – 0x0044FFA2, 0xBEEF
  • Binary – #010010, #11011

Constants[edit | edit source]

The script parser supports the following constants:

  • Pi – 3.141592653589793238462643
  • E – 2.718281828459045235360287

Intrinsic Math Functions[edit | edit source]

All angles are represented as radians.

  • Abs - Returns the absolute value of a number.
  • Sin, Cos, Tan - Returns the sine, cosine and tangents respectively.
  • SinH, CosH, TanH - Returns the hyperbolic sine, cosine and tangents respectively.
  • ASin, ACos, ATan - Returns the arc sine, cosine and tangents respectively.
  • ASinH, ACosH, ATanH - Returns the hyperbolic arc sine, cosine and tangents respectively.
  • Log, Log10 - Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number.
  • Log2 - Returns the base-2 logarithm of a number.
  • Ln - Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
  • Sqrt - Returns the square root of a number.
  • Exp - Returns the exponential of a number i.e., enumber
  • Min(x, y …z) - Returns the smallest number in a set.
  • Max(x, y …z) - Returns the largest number in a set.
  • Sum(x, y …z) - Returns the sum of all the numbers in a set.

Language Constructs & Features[edit | edit source]

As with all other scripting languages, Coda offers many ways of controlling code flow through conditional control blocks, flow control constructs, etc.

IF…ELSEIF...ELSE...ENDIF[edit | edit source]

The staple of all programming languages, the IF construct works the same way as Legacy’s. It allows one to control the execution of script expressions based on one or more conditions.


IF expressionA [comparison] expressionB
   ; test "expressionA [comparison] expressionB" passed
ELSEIF expressionB [comparison] expression
   ; test "expressionB [comparison] expressionC" passed
  ; none of the above tests passed

ELSE and ELSEIF clauses are optional. While an IF construct can contain an arbitrary number of ELSEIF clauses, only one ELSE clause is allowed. As with Legacy, Coda evaluates the entire conditional expression in IF/ELSEIF statements.

WHILE…LOOP[edit | edit source]

The WHILE construct is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given Boolean condition.


WHILE <expression>
  ; code
  IF <another expression>
  ELSEIF <yet another expression>

Each WHILE statement should be matched with a corresponding LOOP statement.

During execution, the engine evaluates the WHILE expression to a Boolean value.

If true, the statements following it will be executed until its LOOP statement is reached, at which point control returns to the top of the loop and the expression is evaluated again. If the expression returns false, execution is returned to the instruction immediately following the LOOP statement.

The BREAK and CONTINUE commands can be used inside loops to alter the flow of execution – the former causes the loop to exit immediately, while the latter skips the rest of the body of the loop and returns the execution to the top of the loop block for the reevaluation of its condition expression.

FOREACH…LOOP[edit | edit source]

This unconditional construct is used to iterate over the elements of an array, its workings similar to the WHILE loop.


FOREACH <iterator> <- <expression>
  ; do stuff

The expression must evaluate to an array; the iterator can be any variable. At the time of execution, the FOREACH expression is evaluated to get a result of the array data type and the iterator’s value is set to the array’s first element.

Upon reaching the LOOP statement, the iterator is set to the next element in the array and execution returns to the top of the loop.

The loop terminates when all of the array’s elements have been returned, at which point the iterator is restored to its original value.

RETURN[edit | edit source]

The RETURN command is used to stop the execution of the calling script, and optionally return a value. Syntax:



IF (Var1 == 4)
  RETURN(Var1 * 7 ^ 5)

CALL[edit | edit source]

The CALL command is used to execute external Coda scripts as functions. When a script is called as a function, execution passes to the function. The function script continues to execute until its end is reached or a RETURN statement is encountered, at which point execution is returned to the instruction immediately after the function call statement.


CALL(“<script name>”[, arguments 1…10])


CALL(“SwapStrings”, Var1, Var2)
Var1 = CALL(“ConcatString”, “Pig”, “gy”, “!”)

The command returns the value passed to the RETURN command, if any, or zero.

The first argument must be the name of the function script. Up to 10 arguments can be passed as parameters to the function script.

Global Data Store[edit | edit source]

In addition to local variables, scripts are allowed to access a pool of global variables.

These variables are stored in a location known as the ‘global data store’.

Global variables need to be explicitly created by the user, not unlike those in the editor. The global data store’s contents can be managed from the Coda menu in the editor’s main menu.

Global variables can contain either numeric or string data. Script executing in the background will be reinitialized on closing the data store.

Background Scripts[edit | edit source]

Coda comes with a special module called the ‘Backgrounder’ that executes scripts as a background editor process.

Any script placed in the Background folder is automatically initialized as a background script at editor start-up and will be executed at regular intervals, determined by the backgrounder’s and its own script’s polling interval – the only requirement placed on them is that they cannot contain a parameter list.

Background scripts remain persistent i.e. they preserve their state, for the entirety of a session or until they are reinitialized.

The backgrounding process is performed as a synchronous operation, i.e. there may only be one script executing at any given time. The operation can be suspended (and resumed) from the Coda menu in the editor’s main menu.

Executing Scripts[edit | edit source]

Regular scripts can be executed from the editor extender’s console window by using the RunCodaScript console command.


RunCodaScript <script name>

Scripts invoked in this way cannot have a parameter list.

In addition to the above, the DumpCodaDocs console command may be used to quickly open the command documentation for reference. Syntax:


The command generates the documentation and saves it in the editor’s root directory under the following name: coda_command_doc.htm

Resource Location[edit | edit source]

As with all Bethesda Game Studios Editor Extender-related resources, Coda scripts are to be saved inside the Data\BGSEE directory.

  • Data\BGSEE\Coda – All regular scripts are saved in this folder.
  • Data\BGSEE\Coda\Background – Background scripts are saved in this folder.

Coda scripts are expected to have a file extension of ‘coda’. For instance,


Sample Scripts[edit | edit source]

Here are some sample scripts for a variety of tasks.

Strip off Leading Digits from Editor IDs[edit | edit source]

CODA(BatchEditEID, "0")
var Buffer
var EditorID
var firstChar
  ; retrieve AI package forms
  forEach Buffer <- GetDataHandlerFormList(0x3D)
    EditorID = GetEditorID(Buffer)
    firstChar = StringSubStr(EditorID, 0, 1)
    ; we only want to change the editor IDs that start with a number
    if StringIsNumber(firstChar)
      ;printC("editorID (old) ="//EditorID)
      ;skip the first character
      EditorID = StringSubStr(EditorID, 1, StringLength(EditorID))
      ;printC("editorID (new) ="//EditorID)
      setEditorID(Buffer, EditorID)
  ; It's pretty quick, but nice to know exactly when it's done.
  printc("All done.")

Display an annoying message in the Console incessantly[edit | edit source]

CODA(ItWillNeverEnd, "1")
; this is a background script
var Timer = 0.0
  if ( Timer > 0)
    Timer -= GetSecondsPassed()
    Timer = 2.0


This category has only the following subcategory.