Welcome to the Scripting Portal
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt tempus neque. Morbi condimentum fermentum quam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam quis ipsum ac ante varius condimentum. Cras diam ipsum, cursus ut, molestie vitae, ullamcorper ut, nisl. Phasellus dignissim sem sed enim. In dolor ipsum, aliquam quis, fringilla at, pharetra eget, nisi. Vivamus tristique, arcu vel bibendum viverra, turpis massa gravida enim, vel viverra augue nulla ut nisl. Cras a turpis vitae ipsum aliquet mollis. Proin semper. Etiam vulputate, ante eget interdum ullamcorper, mi nulla porttitor felis, quis volutpat mi enim tincidunt nulla. Curabitur augue risus, volutpat at, rhoncus in, hendrerit quis, ante. Nullam ornare. Nullam eu sapien nec turpis ullamcorper commodo. Ut commodo diam nec pede. Praesent eget justo eget odio placerat auctor. Integer sit amet enim at erat luctus egestas.
Start Your Mod
The aim of this tutorial is to teach modders how to make their mods start the next time the player loads a save file with the mod activated. The method described is similar to the way that every official mod in integrated into the game, thus creating a more professional feel to your mod.
The majority of mods I have downloaded require the player to:
- use console commands to get the items or spells
- require the player to find an item only identified in the read me file
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to make a mod that:
- Activates the next time you play with a new or existing character
- Informs the player in the game where to go instead of relying on the read me files in the mod, thus creating a better role-play environment.
Things you can do
- Replace the Category:Functions (CS 1.0) with [[Category:Functions CS]] on ~400 functions.
- Discuss the future of the Wiki right here
Getting Started
Related Portals
- Portal:AI
- Portal:Quests