List of Functions

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This page lists all scripting functions including OBSE and OBSE plugin functions.

Editors: Do not edit entries on this page. See Raw Function List for more info.

0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

A[edit | edit source]

OBSE Abs Converts negative number to equivalent positive number.
CS Activate Activate object.
OBSE 17 Activate2
OBSE 18 ActorValueToCode
OBSE 17 ActorValueToString
OBSE 17 ActorValueToStringC
CS AddAchievement X-Box only
OBSE 10 AddEffectItem
OBSE 10 AddEffectItemC
CS AddFlames Adds the 'flame nodes' object to the object
OBSE 11 AddFullEffectItem
OBSE 11 AddFullEffectItemC
CS AddItem Adds number of item to calling container's inventory.
OBSE 15 AddItemNS
OBSE 17 AddMagicEffectCounter
OBSE 17 AddMagicEffectCounterC
CS AddScriptPackage Adds script package to the calling actor.
CS AddSpell Add spell/ability/disease to actor.
OBSE 15 AddSpellNS
OBSE 13 AddToLeveledList
CS AddTopic Adds the topic to player's known list of topics.
CS AdvancePCLevel Brings up the 'level menu' and allows player to advance a level.
CS AdvancePCSkill Increases player's skill by the given amount.
OBSE AHammerKey Simulates rapid keypresses on odd frames.
OBSE Algohol
OBSE 15 AnimPathIncludes
OBSE 11 AppendToName
OBSE 19 Ar_Append
OBSE 17 Ar_BadNumericIndex
OBSE 17 Ar_BadStringIndex
OBSE 17 Ar_Construct
OBSE 17 Ar_Copy
OBSE 20 Ar_CustomSort
OBSE 17 Ar_DeepCopy
OBSE 17 Ar_Dump
OBSE 17 Ar_DumpID
OBSE 17 Ar_Erase
OBSE 17 Ar_Find
OBSE 17 Ar_First
OBSE 17 Ar_HasKey
OBSE 18 Ar_Insert
OBSE 18 Ar_InsertRange
OBSE 17 Ar_Keys
OBSE 17 Ar_Last
OBSE 18 Ar_List
OBSE 19 Ar_Map
OBSE 17 Ar_Next
OBSE 17 Ar_Null
OBSE 17 Ar_Prev
OBSE 18 Ar_Range
OBSE 18 Ar_Resize
OBSE 17 Ar_Size
OBSE 17 Ar_Sort
OBSE 17 Ar_SortAlpha
Pluggy ArrayCmp Compares two arrays.
Pluggy ArrayCount Returns the count of indexes that contain a value.
Pluggy ArrayEsp Gets or sets the esp associated to an array.
Pluggy ArrayProtect Gets or sets the protection state of an array.
Pluggy ArraySize Gets or sets the size of an array.
OBSE 17 AsciiToChar
CS Autosave Force an autosave of the game.

B[edit | edit source]

OBSE 17 Break

C[edit | edit source]

OBSE 13 CalcLeveledItem
OBSE 15 CalcLevItemNR
OBSE 18 CalcLevItems
OBSE 18 Call
OBSE 17 CanCastPower
OBSE 14 CanCorpseCheck
OBSE 20 CanFastTravelFromWorld
CS CanHaveFlames Returns 1 if the object can have flames.
CS CanPayCrimeGold Returns 1 if actor can pay their bounty (crime gold)
OBSE 16 CanTravelToMapMarker
CS Cast Calling object casts the spell at specified target.
OBSE Ceil Rounds decimal portion of number up, even if less than 0.5.
OBSE 19 ClearActiveQuest
OBSE 15 ClearHotKey
OBSE 15 ClearLeveledList
CS 1.2 ClearOwnership Removes all ownership to the item in question.
OBSE 20 ClearOwnership_T
OBSE 20 ClearPlayersLastRiddenHorse
OBSE 16 ClickMenuButton
OBSE CloneForm
OBSE 15 CloseAllMenus Closes all currently open menus.
CS CloseCurrentOblivionGate Performs functions and closes current oblivion gate.
CS CloseOblivionGate If calling reference is an Oblivion gate, closes it.
OBSE 16 CloseTextInput
OBSE 10 CompareFemaleBipedPath
OBSE 10 CompareFemaleGroundPath
OBSE 10 CompareFemaleIconPath
OBSE 10 CompareIconPath
OBSE 10 CompareMaleBipedPath
OBSE 10 CompareMaleGroundPath
OBSE 10 CompareMaleIconPath
OBSE 10 CompareModelPath
OBSE 10 CompareName
OBSE 13 CompareNames
OBSE 15 CompareScripts
CS CompleteQuest Marks the quest as complete.
OBSE Con_GetINISetting
OBSE Con_HairTint
OBSE 13 Con_LoadGame
OBSE Con_ModWaterShader
OBSE 18 Con_outputLocalMapPictures
OBSE 14 Con_PlayerSpellBook
OBSE 11 Con_QuitGame
OBSE Con_RefreshINI
OBSE Con_RunMemoryPass
OBSE 10 Con_Save
OBSE 11 Con_SaveINI
OBSE Con_SetCameraFOV
OBSE Con_SetClipDist
OBSE Con_SetFog
OBSE Con_SetGameSetting
OBSE Con_SetGamma
OBSE Con_SetHDRParam
OBSE Con_SetImageSpaceGlow
OBSE Con_SetINISetting
OBSE Con_SetSkyParam
OBSE Con_SetTargetRefraction
OBSE Con_SetTargetRefractionFire
OBSE Con_SexChange
OBSE 16 Con_Show1stPerson
OBSE 10 Con_ToggleAI
OBSE 10 Con_ToggleCombatAI
OBSE Con_ToggleDetection
OBSE 14 Con_ToggleMapMarkers
OBSE 10 Con_ToggleMenus
OBSE Con_WaterDeepColor
OBSE Con_WaterReflectionColor
OBSE Con_WaterShallowColor
OBSE 17 Continue
OBSE 10 CopyAllEffectItems
Pluggy CopyArray Creates a copy of an array and returns the newly created ArrayID.
OBSE 13 CopyEyes
OBSE 10 CopyFemaleBipedPath
OBSE 10 CopyFemaleGroundPath
OBSE 10 CopyFemaleIconPath
OBSE 13 CopyHair
OBSE 10 CopyIconPath
OBSE 19 CopyIR
OBSE 10 CopyMaleBipedPath
OBSE 10 CopyMaleGroundPath
OBSE 10 CopyMaleIconPath
OBSE 10 CopyModelPath
OBSE 10 CopyName
OBSE 10 CopyNthEffectItem
OBSE 21 CopyRace
Pluggy CopyString
Pluggy CreateArray Creates a new array.
CS CreateFullActorCopy Creates a copy of the actor and its base.
Pluggy CreateString
OBSE 19 CreateTempRef
OBSE 14 CreatureHasNoHead
OBSE 14 CreatureHasNoLeftArm
OBSE 14 CreatureHasNoMovement
OBSE 14 CreatureHasNoRightArm
OBSE 14 CreatureNoCombatInWater
OBSE 14 CreatureUsesWeaponAndShield

D[edit | edit source]

OBSE 16 DebugPrint
OBSE 16 DeleteFromInputText
CS DeleteFullActorCopy Deletes a created reference and its base object.
OBSE 17 DeleteReference
Pluggy DelFile
Pluggy DelTxtFile
Pluggy DestroyAllArrays Destroys all arrays associated with the EspID.
Pluggy DestroyAllStrings Destroys the array.
Pluggy DestroyArray
Pluggy DestroyString
CS Disable Disables the calling object.
OBSE 13 DisableControl
OBSE DisableKey
CS DisableLinkedPathPoints Disables any path points linked to the calling object.
OBSE DisableMouse
CS DisablePlayerControls Player cannot move, wait, activate things, access journal.
OBSE 21 DispatchEvent
CS Dispel Removes specified spell/magic that is affecting an actor.
CS DispelAllSpells Removes all current spells/magic that affecting an actor.
OBSE 17 DispelNthActiveEffect
CS Drop Calling actor drops the specified item(s) in the world at his feet.
CS DropMe Drops the calling item from its container.
Pluggy DupArray
CS DuplicateAllItems Duplicates all items into the target container.
CS DuplicateNPCStats Duplicates all stats from specified actor to calling actor.

E[edit | edit source]

CS Enable Enables the calling object.
OBSE 13 EnableControl
CS EnableFastTravel Enables or disables fast travel.
OBSE EnableKey
CS EnableLinkedPathPoints Enables any path points linked to the calling object.
OBSE EnableMouse
CS EnablePlayerControls Call after DisablePlayerControls to reenable controls.
CS EquipItem Forces the actor to equip the item.
OBSE 18 EquipItem2
OBSE 18 EquipItem2NS
OBSE 15 EquipItemNS
OBSE 20 EquipItemSilent
OBSE 18 EquipMe
Pluggy EspToString
CS EssentialDeathReload Forces reload of the game, following an optional message.
OBSE 17 Eval
CS EvaluatePackage Forces actor to reevaluate which AI package they should run.

F[edit | edit source]

OBSE 14 FactionHasSpecialCombat
OBSE FemaleBipedPathIncludes
OBSE FemaleGroundPathIncludes
OBSE FemaleIconPathIncludes
OBSE 15 FileExists
Pluggy FileToString
Pluggy FindFloatInArray
Pluggy FindInArray
Pluggy FindRefInArray
Pluggy FirstFreeInArray
Pluggy FirstInArray
Pluggy FloatToString
OBSE Floor Rounds decimal portion of number down, even if greater than 0.5.
OBSE 10 Fmod Returns remainder of a quotient for floating point numbers.
CS ForceActorValue Modifies the current value of stat to the given value.
CS ForceCloseOblivionGate Instantly closes the calling oblivion gate.
OBSE 19 ForceColumnVector
CS ForceFlee Causes actor to analyze area for threats and flee if threat found.
OBSE 19 ForceRowVector
CS ForceTakeCover
CS ForceWeather Forces the weather to immediately switch to the specified weather.
OBSE 17 ForEach
OBSE 18 Function

G[edit | edit source]

OBSE 14 || GetActorMinLevel ||
OBSE 19 GenerateIdentityMatrix
OBSE 19 GenerateRotationMatrix
OBSE 19 GenerateZeroMatrix
CS GetActionRef Returns reference to Actor activating the caller (OnActivate block type only!).
OBSE 18 GetActiveEffectCasters
OBSE 18 GetActiveEffectCodes
OBSE 13 GetActiveEffectCount
OBSE 15 GetActiveMenuFilter
OBSE 15 GetActiveMenuMode
OBSE 15 GetActiveMenuObject
OBSE 15 GetActiveMenuRef
OBSE 15 GetActiveMenuSelection
OBSE 19 GetActiveQuest
OBSE 16 GetActiveUIComponentFullName
OBSE 16 GetActiveUIComponentID
OBSE 16 GetActiveUIComponentName
OBSE 18 GetActorAlpha
OBSE 20 GetActorBaseLevel
OBSE GetActorLightAmount
OBSE 14 GetActorMaxLevel
OBSE 21 GetActorMaxSwimBreath -
OBSE 18 GetActorPackages
OBSE 14 GetActorSoulLevel
OBSE 21 GetActorSwimBreath
CS GetActorValue Returns current value of an NPC/Player stat.
OBSE 14 GetActorValueC
CS GetAlarmed
OBSE 15 GetAlchMenuApparatus Returns apparatus being used in brewing process.
OBSE 15 GetAlchMenuIngredient Returns one of the ingredients in potion being brewed.
OBSE 15 GetAlchMenuIngredientCount Returns amount of ingredient for potion being brewed.
OBSE 18 GetAllies
OBSE 19 GetAllModLocalData
OBSE GetAltControl
OBSE 15 GetAltControl2 Returns the dx scancode of alternate key used for specified control.
CS GetAmountSoldStolen
CS GetAngle Finds the angle (0-360 degrees) on specified axis.
OBSE 10 GetApparatusType
CS GetArmorRating
CS GetArmorRatingUpperBody
OBSE GetArmorType
OBSE 19 GetArrayVariable
OBSE 15 GetArrowProjectileBowEnchantment
OBSE 15 GetArrowProjectileEnchantment
OBSE 15 GetArrowProjectilePoison
OBSE GetAttackDamage
CS GetAttacked
OBSE 19 GetAVForBaseActor
OBSE 19 GetAVMod
CS GetBarterGold Gives amount of gold available from NPC vendor.
OBSE 19 GetBarterItem
OBSE 19 GetBarterItemQuantity
CS GetBaseActorValue
OBSE GetBaseActorValueC
OBSE 18 GetBaseAV2
OBSE 18 GetBaseAV2C
OBSE 17 GetBaseItems
OBSE GetBaseObject
OBSE 16 GetBipedIconPath
OBSE 16 GetBipedModelPath
OBSE 16 GetBipedSlotMask
OBSE 18 GetBirthsignSpells
OBSE 10 GetBookCantBeTaken
OBSE 10 GetBookIsScroll
OBSE 19 GetBookLength
OBSE 10 GetBookSkillTaught
OBSE 16 GetBookText
OBSE 19 GetBoundingBox
OBSE 20 GetBoundingRadius
CS GetButtonPressed Returns number of button (counting from 0) clicked in last MessageBox.
OBSE 15 GetCalcAllLevels
OBSE 15 GetCalcEachInCount
OBSE 20 GetCallingScript
OBSE 18 GetCellBehavesAsExterior
OBSE 19 GetCellChanged
OBSE 20 GetCellClimate
OBSE 18 GetCellDetachTime
OBSE 20 GetCellLighting
OBSE 14 GetCellMusicType
OBSE 20 GetCellNorthRotation
OBSE 18 GetCellResetHours
OBSE 20 GetCellWaterType
OBSE 15 GetChanceNone
OBSE GetClass
OBSE GetClassAttribute
CS GetClassDefaultMatch
OBSE 19 GetClassMenuHighlightedClass
OBSE 19 GetClassMenuSelectedClass
OBSE GetClassSkill
OBSE 18 GetClassSkills
OBSE GetClassSpecialization
OBSE 13 GetClimateHasMasser
OBSE 13 GetClimateHasSecunda
OBSE 13 GetClimateMoonPhaseLength
OBSE 12 GetClimateSunriseBegin
OBSE 12 GetClimateSunriseEnd
OBSE 12 GetClimateSunsetBegin
OBSE 12 GetClimateSunsetEnd
OBSE 13 GetClimateVolatility
OBSE 15 GetCloseSound
CS GetClothingValue Computes the total value of worn equipment on the actor.
OBSE 18 GetCombatSpells
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyle
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleAcrobaticsDodgeChance
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleAttackChance
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleAttackDuringBlockMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleAttackNotUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleAttackSkillModBase
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleAttackSkillModMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleAttackUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleBlockChance
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleBlockNotUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleBlockSkillModBase
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleBlockSkillModMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleBlockUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleBuffStandoffDist
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeBackNotUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeBackTimerMax
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeBackTimerMin
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeBackUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeChance
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeFatigueModBase
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeFatigueModMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeFWAttackingMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeFWNotAttackingMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeFWTimerMax
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeFWTimerMin
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeLRChance
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeLRTimerMax
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeLRTimerMin
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeNotUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleDodgeUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleEncumberedSpeedModBase
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleEncumberedSpeedModMult
OBSE 18 GetCombatStyleFleeingDisabled
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleGroupStandoffDist
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleH2HBonusToAttack
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleHoldTimerMax
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleHoldTimerMin
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleIdleTimerMax
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleIdleTimerMin
OBSE 18 GetCombatStyleIgnoreAlliesInArea
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleKOBonusToAttack
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleKOBonusToPowerAttack
OBSE 18 GetCombatStyleMeleeAlertOK
OBSE 17 GetCombatStylePowerAttackChance
OBSE 17 GetCombatStylePowerAttackFatigueModBase
OBSE 17 GetCombatStylePowerAttackFatigueModMult
OBSE 18 GetCombatStylePrefersRanged
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleRangedStandoffDist
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleRangeMaxMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleRangeOptimalMult
OBSE 18 GetCombatStyleRejectsYields
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleRushAttackChance
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleRushAttackDistMult
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleStaggerBonusToAttack
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleStaggerBonusToPowerAttack
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleSwitchDistMelee
OBSE 17 GetCombatStyleSwitchDistRanged
OBSE 18 GetCombatStyleWillYield
CS GetCombatTarget
OBSE 19 GetCompletedQuests
CS GetContainer Returns a reference to the container the scripted object is in, if any.
OBSE 15 GetContainerMenuView Returns 1 for player inventory, 0 for merchant\container.
OBSE 13 GetContainerRespawns
OBSE GetControl
OBSE 13 GetCreatureBaseScale
OBSE 10 GetCreatureCombatSkill
OBSE 14 GetCreatureFlies
OBSE 10 GetCreatureMagicSkill
OBSE 18 GetCreatureModelPaths
OBSE 13 GetCreatureReach
OBSE 13 GetCreatureSoulLevel
OBSE 15 GetCreatureSound
OBSE 14 GetCreatureSoundBase
OBSE 10 GetCreatureStealthSkill
OBSE 14 GetCreatureSwims
OBSE 10 GetCreatureType
OBSE 14 GetCreatureWalks
CS GetCrime
CS GetCrimeGold
CS GetCrimeKnown
OBSE 14 GetCrosshairRef
CS GetCurrentAIPackage
CS GetCurrentAIProcedure
OBSE 10 GetCurrentCharge
OBSE 12 GetCurrentClimateID
OBSE 18 GetCurrentEditorPackage
OBSE 19 GetCurrentEventName
OBSE 10 GetCurrentHealth
OBSE 18 GetCurrentPackage
OBSE 20 GetCurrentPackageProcedure
OBSE 19 GetCurrentQuests
OBSE 17 GetCurrentRegion
OBSE 18 GetCurrentRegions
OBSE 20 GetCurrentScript
OBSE 10 GetCurrentSoulLevel
CS GetCurrentTime
OBSE 12 GetCurrentWeatherID
CS GetCurrentWeatherPercent
OBSE 16 GetCursorPos
CS GetDayOfWeek
CS GetDead
CS GetDeadCount
OBSE 13 GetDebugSelection
OBSE 18 GetDescription
CS GetDestroyed
CS GetDetected
CS GetDetectionLevel
CS GetDisabled
CS GetDisposition
CS GetDistance
CS GetDoorDefaultOpen
OBSE 18 GetDoorTeleportRot
OBSE 18 GetDoorTeleportX
OBSE 18 GetDoorTeleportY
OBSE 18 GetDoorTeleportZ
OBSE 17 GetEditorID
OBSE 20 GetEditorSize
OBSE 9a GetEnchantment
OBSE 9a GetEnchantmentCharge
OBSE 9a GetEnchantmentCost
OBSE 9a GetEnchantmentType
OBSE 19 GetEnchMenuBaseItem
OBSE 15 GetEnchMenuEnchItem
OBSE 15 GetEnchMenuSoulgem
OBSE GetEquipmentSlot
OBSE 10 GetEquipmentSlotMask
CS GetEquipped
OBSE GetEquippedCurrentCharge
OBSE GetEquippedCurrentHealth
OBSE 17 GetEquippedItems
OBSE GetEquippedObject
OBSE 20 GetEquippedTorchTimeLeft
OBSE GetEquippedWeaponPoison
Pluggy GetEsp
OBSE 15 GetEyes
CS GetFactionRank
CS GetFactionRankDifference
CS GetFactionReaction
OBSE 15 GetFallTimer
CS GetFatiguePercentage
OBSE 13 GetFirstRef
OBSE 16 GetFirstRefInCell
OBSE 17 GetFollowers
CS GetForceRun
CS GetForceSneak
OBSE 16 GetFormFromMod
OBSE 17 GetFormIDString
CS GetFriendHit
OBSE 15 GetFullGoldValue
CS GetFurnitureMarkerID
OBSE 18 GetGameDifficulty
OBSE GetGameLoaded
OBSE 13 GetGameRestarted
CS GetGameSetting
CS GetGlobalValue
OBSE 15 GetGodMode
CS GetGold
OBSE GetGoldValue
OBSE 18 GetGridsToLoad
OBSE 15 GetHair
OBSE 15 GetHairColor
CS GetHeadingAngle
OBSE 16 GetHidesAmulet
OBSE 16 GetHidesRings
OBSE 20 GetHighActors
OBSE 14 GetHorse
OBSE 15 GetHotKeyItem
OBSE 16 GetIconPath
CS GetIdleDoneOnce
CS GetIgnoreFriendlyHits
OBSE GetIgnoresResistance
Pluggy GetInArray
CS GetInCell
CS GetInCellParam
CS GetInFaction
OBSE 16 GetIngredient
OBSE 16 GetIngredientChance
OBSE 16 GetInputText
CS GetInSameCell
OBSE GetInventoryObject
CS GetInvestmentGold
OBSE 19 GetInvRefsForItem
CS GetInWorldspace
CS GetIsAlerted
CS GetIsClass
CS GetIsClassDefault
CS GetIsCreature
CS GetIsCurrentPackage
CS GetIsCurrentWeather
CS GetIsGhost
CS GetIsPlayableRace
CS GetIsPlayerBirthsign
CS GetIsRace
CS GetIsReference
CS GetIsSex
CS GetIsUsedItem
CS GetIsUsedItemType
CS GetItemCount
OBSE 17 GetItems
OBSE 17 GetKeyName
OBSE GetKeyPress
CS GetKnockedState
OBSE 16 GetLastCreatedPotion
OBSE 16 GetLastCreatedSpell
OBSE 16 GetLastEnchantedItem
OBSE 19 GetLastSigilStoneCreatedItem
OBSE 19 GetLastSigilStoneEnchantedItem
OBSE 19 GetLastTransactionItem
OBSE 19 GetLastTransactionQuantity
OBSE 16 GetLastUniqueCreatedPotion
OBSE 19 GetLastUsedSigilStone
CS GetLevel
OBSE 18 GetLeveledSpells
OBSE 15 GetLevItemByLevel
OBSE 16 GetLevItemIndexByForm
OBSE 16 GetLevItemIndexByLevel
OBSE 20 GetLightDuration
OBSE 14 GetLightRadius
OBSE 19 GetLightRGB
OBSE 13 GetLinkedDoor
OBSE 20 GetLocalGravity
CS GetLocked
CS GetLockLevel
OBSE 15 GetLoopSound
OBSE 21 GetLuckModifiedSkill
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectAreaSound
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectAreaSoundC
OBSE GetMagicEffectBarterFactor
OBSE GetMagicEffectBaseCost
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectBoltSound
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectBoltSoundC
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectCastingSound
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectCastingSoundC
OBSE 19 GetMagicEffectChars
OBSE 19 GetMagicEffectCharsC
OBSE GetMagicEffectCode
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectCounters
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectCountersC
OBSE GetMagicEffectEnchantFactor
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectEnchantShader
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectEnchantShaderC
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectHitShader
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectHitShaderC
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectHitSound
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectHitSoundC
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectIcon
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectIconC
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectLight
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectLightC
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectModel
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectModelC
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectName
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectNameC
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectNumCounters
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectNumCountersC
OBSE 10 GetMagicEffectOtherActorValue
OBSE 10 GetMagicEffectOtherActorValueC
OBSE GetMagicEffectProjectileSpeed
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectResistValue
OBSE 17 GetMagicEffectResistValueC
OBSE GetMagicEffectSchool
OBSE 10 GetMagicEffectUsedObject
OBSE 10 GetMagicEffectUsedObjectC
OBSE GetMagicItemEffectCount
OBSE GetMagicItemType
OBSE 15 GetMagicProjectileSpell
OBSE 20 GetMapMarkers
OBSE 16 GetMapMarkerType
OBSE 18 GetMapMenuMarkerName
OBSE 18 GetMapMenuMarkerRef
OBSE 19 GetMaxAV
OBSE 16 GetMenuFloatValue
OBSE 16 GetMenuHasTrait
OBSE 16 GetMenuStringValue
OBSE 12 GetMerchantContainer
OBSE 17 GetMessageBoxType
OBSE 20 GetMiddleHighActors
OBSE 16 GetModelPath
OBSE 15 GetModIndex
OBSE 19 GetModLocalData
OBSE GetMouseButtonPress
OBSE 18 GetMouseButtonsSwapped
OBSE 16 GetName
OBSE 13 GetNextRef
CS GetNoRumors
OBSE 20 GetNthActiveEffectActorValue
OBSE 18 GetNthActiveEffectBoundItem
OBSE 13 GetNthActiveEffectCaster
OBSE 13 GetNthActiveEffectCode
OBSE 13 GetNthActiveEffectData
OBSE 13 GetNthActiveEffectDuration
OBSE 18 GetNthActiveEffectEnchantObject
OBSE 13 GetNthActiveEffectMagicItem
OBSE 13 GetNthActiveEffectMagicItemIndex
OBSE 13 GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude
OBSE 18 GetNthActiveEffectSummonRef
OBSE 13 GetNthActiveEffectTimeElapsed
OBSE 14 GetNthChildRef
OBSE 15 GetNthDetectedActor
OBSE 20 GetNthEffectItem
OBSE GetNthEffectItemActorValue
OBSE GetNthEffectItemArea
OBSE GetNthEffectItemCode
OBSE GetNthEffectItemDuration
OBSE GetNthEffectItemMagnitude
OBSE 17 GetNthEffectItemName
OBSE GetNthEffectItemRange
OBSE 10 GetNthEffectItemScript
OBSE 16 GetNthEffectItemScriptName
OBSE 10 GetNthEffectItemScriptSchool
OBSE 10 GetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffect
OBSE 16 GetNthExplicitRef
OBSE 14 GetNthFaction
OBSE 16 GetNthFactionRankName
OBSE 14 GetNthFollower
OBSE 15 GetNthLevItem
OBSE 15 GetNthLevItemCount
OBSE 15 GetNthLevItemLevel
OBSE 17 GetNthMagicEffectCounter
OBSE 17 GetNthMagicEffectCounterC
OBSE 16 GetNthModName
OBSE 15 GetNthPackage
OBSE 10 GetNthPlayerSpell
OBSE 12 GetNthRaceBonusSkill
OBSE 14 GetNthRaceSpell
OBSE GetNthSpell
OBSE 14 GetNumChildRefs
OBSE 15 GetNumDetectedActors
OBSE GetNumericINISetting
OBSE 16 GetNumExplicitRefs
OBSE 14 GetNumFactions
OBSE 14 GetNumFollowers
OBSE GetNumItems
OBSE GetNumKeysPressed
OBSE 15 GetNumLevItems
OBSE 15 GetNumLoadedPlugins
OBSE GetNumMouseButtonsPressed
OBSE 15 GetNumPackages
OBSE 14 GetNumRanks
OBSE 13 GetNumRefs
OBSE 16 GetNumRefsInCell
OBSE GetObjectCharge
OBSE GetObjectHealth
OBSE GetObjectType
OBSE 18 GetOblivionDirectory
OBSE 15 GetOBSERevision
CS GetOffersServicesNow
OBSE 13 GetOpenKey
OBSE 15 GetOpenSound
CS GetOpenState
OBSE 13 GetOwner
OBSE 13 GetOwningFactionRequiredRank
OBSE 18 GetPackageAllowFalls
OBSE 18 GetPackageAllowSwimming
OBSE 18 GetPackageAlwaysRun
OBSE 18 GetPackageAlwaysSneak
OBSE 18 GetPackageArmorUnequipped
OBSE 18 GetPackageContinueIfPCNear
OBSE 19 GetPackageData
OBSE 18 GetPackageDefensiveCombat
OBSE 19 GetPackageLocationData
OBSE 18 GetPackageLockDoorsAtEnd
OBSE 18 GetPackageLockDoorsAtLocation
OBSE 18 GetPackageLockDoorsAtStart
OBSE 18 GetPackageMustComplete
OBSE 18 GetPackageMustReachLocation
OBSE 18 GetPackageNoIdleAnims
OBSE 18 GetPackageOffersServices
OBSE 18 GetPackageOncePerDay
OBSE 19 GetPackageScheduleData
OBSE 18 GetPackageSkipFalloutBehavior
CS GetPackageTarget
OBSE 19 GetPackageTargetData
OBSE 18 GetPackageUnlockDoorsAtEnd
OBSE 18 GetPackageUnlockDoorsAtLocation
OBSE 18 GetPackageUnlockDoorsAtStart
OBSE 18 GetPackageUseHorse
OBSE 18 GetPackageWeaponsUnequipped
OBSE GetParentCell
OBSE 13 GetParentCellOwner
OBSE 13 GetParentCellOwningFactionRequiredRank
OBSE 13 GetParentCellWaterHeight
CS GetParentRef Returns the parent reference (assigned in Construction Set) of an object in the world.
OBSE 17 GetParentWorldspace
OBSE 20 GetPathNodeLinkedRef
OBSE 20 GetPathNodePos
OBSE 20 GetPathNodesInRadius
OBSE 20 GetPathNodesInRect
OBSE 15 GetPCAttributeBonus
OBSE 19 GetPCAttributeBonusC
CS GetPCExpelled
CS GetPCFactionAttack
CS GetPCFactionMurder
CS GetPCFactionSteal
CS GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
CS GetPCFame
CS GetPCInFaction
CS GetPCInfamy
CS GetPCIsClass
CS GetPCIsRace
OBSE 18 GetPCLastDroppedItem
OBSE 18 GetPCLastDroppedItemRef
OBSE 15 GetPCMajorSkillUps
CS GetPCMiscStat
OBSE 17 GetPCMovementSpeedModifier
CS GetPCSleepHours
OBSE 16 GetPCSpellEffectivenessModifier
OBSE 16 GetPCTrainingSessionsUsed
CS GetPersuasionNumber
OBSE 18 GetPlayerBirthsign
CS GetPlayerControlsDisabled
CS GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse
CS 1.2 GetPlayerInSEWorld Should be 1 if player is in Shivering Isles.
OBSE 18 GetPlayerSkillAdvances
OBSE 18 GetPlayerSkillAdvancesC
OBSE 11 GetPlayerSkillUse
OBSE 18 GetPlayerSkillUseC
OBSE 14 GetPlayersLastActivatedLoadDoor
OBSE 14 GetPlayersLastRiddenHorse
OBSE GetPlayerSpell
OBSE 10 GetPlayerSpellCount
OBSE 13 GetPluginVersion
CS GetPos Returns position on x, y, or z axis in world.
OBSE 15 GetProcessLevel
OBSE 16 GetProjectile
OBSE 16 GetProjectileDistanceTraveled
OBSE 16 GetProjectileLifetime
OBSE 15 GetProjectileSource
OBSE 16 GetProjectileSpeed
OBSE 15 GetProjectileType
OBSE 10 GetQuality
OBSE 19 GetQuantityMenuCurrentQuantity
OBSE 19 GetQuantityMenuItem
OBSE 19 GetQuantityMenuMaximumQuantity
CS GetQuestRunning 1 if StartQuest or SetStage was used or is running by default.
CS GetQuestVariable Intended for dialogue conditions - use questName.variable instead.
OBSE 14 GetRace
OBSE 12 GetRaceAttribute
OBSE 12 GetRaceAttributeC
OBSE 19 GetRaceDefaultHair
OBSE 19 GetRaceEyes
OBSE 19 GetRaceHairs
OBSE 18 GetRaceReaction
OBSE 18 GetRaceScale
OBSE 12 GetRaceSkillBonus
OBSE 12 GetRaceSkillBonusC
OBSE 14 GetRaceSpellCount
OBSE 20 GetRaceVoice
OBSE 18 GetRaceWeight
CS GetRandomPercent Returns an integer from 0 to 100. See also Rand (OBSE).
OBSE 19 GetRawFormIDString
OBSE 15 GetRefCount
Pluggy GetRefEsp
OBSE 15 GetRefVariable
OBSE 20 GetRequiredSkillExp
CS GetRestrained
OBSE 14 GetRider
REID GetRuntimeEditorID Returns the editor ID of a form or an empty string if the form has no editorID.
CS GetScale
OBSE 12 GetScript
OBSE 13 GetScriptActiveEffectIndex
CS GetScriptVariable
CS GetSecondsPassed
OBSE 18 GetSelectedSpells
CS GetSelf Returns the actor affected by a scripted effect in a script effect block.
OBSE 15 GetServicesMask
CS GetShouldAttack
OBSE 19 GetSigilStoneUses
CS GetSitting
OBSE 18 GetSkillGoverningAttribute
OBSE 18 GetSkillGoverningAttributeC
OBSE 20 GetSkillSpecialization
OBSE 11 GetSkillUseIncrement
OBSE 17 GetSkillUseIncrementC
CS GetSleeping
OBSE GetSoulGemCapacity
OBSE GetSoulLevel
OBSE 15 GetSoundPlaying Returns number of times the specified sound is playing.
OBSE 15 GetSourceModIndex
OBSE 18 GetSpecialAnims
OBSE 19 GetSpellAreaEffectIgnoresLOS
OBSE GetSpellCount
OBSE 19 GetSpellDisallowAbsorbReflect
OBSE 16 GetSpellEffectiveness
OBSE 12 GetSpellExplodesWithNoTarget
OBSE GetSpellHostile
OBSE 19 GetSpellImmuneToSilence
OBSE GetSpellMagickaCost
OBSE GetSpellMasteryLevel
OBSE 19 GetSpellPCStart
OBSE 17 GetSpells
OBSE 10 GetSpellSchool
OBSE 19 GetSpellScriptEffectAlwaysApplies
OBSE GetSpellType
CS GetStage
CS GetStageDone
CS GetStartingAngle
CS GetStartingPos
OBSE 16 GetStringGameSetting
OBSE 16 GetStringINISetting
CS GetTalkedToPC
CS GetTalkedToPCParam
OBSE 18 GetTargets
OBSE 18 GetTelekinesisRef
OBSE 13 GetTeleportCell
OBSE 18 GetTeleportCellName
OBSE 20 GetTerrainHeight
OBSE 16 GetTextInputControlPressed
OBSE 16 GetTextInputCursorPos
OBSE 19 GetTexturePath
OBSE 17 GetTileChildren
OBSE 17 GetTileTraits
CS GetTimeDead Floating point number of hours since NPC/Creature was killed.
OBSE 20 GetTimeLeft
OBSE 13 GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitude
OBSE 13 GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitudeC
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitude
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitudeC
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitude
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitudeC
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitude
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitudeC
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitude
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitudeC
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitude
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitudeC
OBSE 13 GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitude
OBSE 13 GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitudeC
OBSE 13 GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitude
OBSE 13 GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitudeC
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEPowerMagnitude
OBSE 13 GetTotalAEPowerMagnitudeC
OBSE 13 GetTotalAESpellMagnitude
OBSE 13 GetTotalAESpellMagnitudeC
OBSE 15 GetTotalPCAttributeBonus
CS GetTotalPersuasionNumber
OBSE 15 GetTrainerLevel
OBSE 15 GetTrainerSkill
OBSE 19 GetTransactionInfo
OBSE 13 GetTravelHorse
CS GetTrespassWarningLevel
Pluggy GetTypeInArray
CS GetUnconscious
CS GetUsedItemActivate
CS GetUsedItemLevel
OBSE 17 GetUsedPowers
OBSE 18 GetUserTime
CS GetVampire
OBSE 15 GetVariable
OBSE 20 GetVelocity
OBSE 20 GetVerticalVelocity
CS GetWalkSpeed
OBSE 18 GetWaterShader
CS GetWeaponAnimType
OBSE GetWeaponReach
CS GetWeaponSkillType
OBSE GetWeaponSpeed
OBSE GetWeaponType
OBSE 18 GetWeatherClassification
OBSE 13 GetWeatherCloudSpeedLower
OBSE 13 GetWeatherCloudSpeedUpper
OBSE 13 GetWeatherColor
OBSE 13 GetWeatherFogDayFar
OBSE 13 GetWeatherFogDayNear
OBSE 13 GetWeatherFogNightFar
OBSE 13 GetWeatherFogNightNear
OBSE 13 GetWeatherHDRValue
OBSE 13 GetWeatherLightningFrequency
OBSE 19 GetWeatherOverride
OBSE 13 GetWeatherSunDamage
OBSE 13 GetWeatherSunGlare
OBSE 13 GetWeatherTransDelta
OBSE 13 GetWeatherWindSpeed
OBSE GetWeight
CS GetWindSpeed
OBSE 18 GetWorldSpaceParentWorldSpace
OBSE 18 GlobalVariableExists
CS GoToJail

H[edit | edit source]

OBSE HammerKey Simulates rapid keypresses on even frames.
OBSE 14 HasBeenPickedUp
OBSE 20 HasEffectShader
CS HasFlames
OBSE 14 HasLowLevelProcessing
CS HasMagicEffect
OBSE 14 HasModel
OBSE 14 HasName
OBSE 14 HasNoPersuasion
OBSE HasSpell
OBSE 21 HasTail
CS HasVampireFed
OBSE 15 HasVariable
OBSE HoldKey

I[edit | edit source]

OBSE 11 IncrementPlayerSkillUse
OBSE 17 IncrementPlayerSkillUseC
Pluggy IniDelKey
Pluggy IniKeyExists
Pluggy IniReadFloat
Pluggy IniReadInt
Pluggy IniReadRef
Pluggy IniReadString
Pluggy IniWriteFloat
Pluggy IniWriteInt
Pluggy IniWriteRef
Pluggy IniWriteString
OBSE 16 InsertInInputText
Pluggy IntToHex
Pluggy IntToString
CS IsActionRef
OBSE 14 IsActivatable
OBSE IsActivator
CS IsActor
CS IsActorAVictim
CS IsActorDetected
CS IsActorEvil
OBSE 14 IsActorRespawning
CS IsActorsAIOff
CS IsActorUsingATorch
OBSE IsAlchemyItem
OBSE 15 IsAnimGroupPlaying
CS IsAnimPlaying
OBSE IsApparatus
OBSE IsArmor
OBSE 15 IsAttacking
OBSE 20 IsAutomaticDoor
OBSE 15 IsBarterMenuActive
OBSE 15 IsBipedIconPathValid
OBSE 15 IsBipedModelPathValid
OBSE 15 IsBlocking
OBSE 15 IsCasting
CS IsCellOwner
OBSE 20 IsCellPublic
OBSE 11 IsClassAttribute
OBSE 18 IsClassAttributeC
OBSE IsClassSkill
OBSE 18 IsClassSkillC
OBSE IsClonedForm
OBSE IsClothing
CS IsCloudy
OBSE 16 IsConsoleOpen
OBSE IsContainer
CS IsContinuingPackagePCNear
OBSE 16 IsControl
OBSE 17 IsControlDisabled
OBSE 13 IsControlPressed
OBSE IsCreature
OBSE 14 IsCreatureBiped
CS IsCurrentFurnitureObj
CS IsCurrentFurnitureRef
OBSE 16 IsDigit
OBSE 15 IsDodging
OBSE 19 IsEquipped
CS IsEssential
CS IsFacingUp
OBSE 14 IsFactionEvil
OBSE 14 IsFactionHidden
OBSE 14 IsFemale
OBSE 16 IsFlora
OBSE 15 IsFlying
OBSE 15 IsFormValid
OBSE IsFurniture
OBSE 17 IsGameMessageBox
OBSE 11 IsGlobalCollisionDisabled
CS IsGuard
OBSE 14 IsHarvested
OBSE 20 IsHiddenDoor
CS IsHorseStolen
OBSE 15 IsIconPathValid
CS IsIdlePlaying
OBSE 15 IsInAir
CS IsInCombat
CS IsInDangerousWater
OBSE IsIngredient
CS IsInInterior
CS IsInMyOwnedCell
OBSE 20 IsInOblivion
OBSE 15 IsJumping
OBSE 17 IsKeyDisabled
OBSE IsKeyPressed
OBSE IsKeyPressed2
OBSE 13 IsKeyPressed3
CS IsLeftUp
OBSE 16 IsLetter
OBSE IsLight
OBSE 14 IsLightCarriable
OBSE 13 IsLoadDoor
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectCanRecover
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectCanRecoverC
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectDetrimental
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectDetrimentalC
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectForEnchanting
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectForEnchantingC
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectForSpellmaking
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectForSpellmakingC
OBSE IsMagicEffectHostile
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectMagnitudePercent
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectMagnitudePercentC
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectOnSelfAllowed
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectOnSelfAllowedC
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectOnTargetAllowed
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectOnTargetAllowedC
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectOnTouchAllowed
OBSE 10 IsMagicEffectOnTouchAllowedC
OBSE 10 IsMagicItemAutoCalc
OBSE 16 IsMapMarkerVisible
OBSE 20 IsMinimalUseDoor
OBSE 15 IsModelPathValid
OBSE 14 IsModLoaded
OBSE 15 IsMovingBackward
OBSE 15 IsMovingForward
OBSE 15 IsMovingLeft
OBSE 15 IsMovingRight
OBSE 20 IsNthActiveEffectApplied
OBSE 10 IsNthEffectItemScripted
OBSE 10 IsNthEffectItemScriptHostile
OBSE 18 IsOblivionGate
OBSE 20 IsOblivionInterior
OBSE 20 IsOblivionWorld
OBSE 14 IsOffLimits
OBSE 15 IsOnGround
CS IsOwner
OBSE 20 IsPathNodeDisabled
CS IsPCAMurderer
OBSE 14 IsPCLevelOffset
CS IsPCSleeping
OBSE 14 IsPersistent
OBSE 12 IsPlayable
OBSE 15 IsPlayable2
CS IsPlayerInJail
CS IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace
CS IsPlayersLastRiddenHorse
CS IsPleasant
OBSE 13 IsPluginInstalled
OBSE IsPoison
OBSE 15 IsPowerAttacking
OBSE 16 IsPrintable
OBSE 16 IsPunctuation
OBSE 19 IsQuestCompleted
OBSE IsQuestItem
OBSE 12 IsRaceBonusSkill
OBSE 12 IsRaceBonusSkillC
OBSE 17 IsRacePlayable
CS IsRaining
OBSE 15 IsRecoiling
OBSE 17 IsRefDeleted
OBSE 15 IsReference
OBSE IsRefEssential
CS IsRidingHorse
CS IsRunning
OBSE 10 IsScripted
CS IsShieldOut
OBSE IsSigilStone
CS IsSneaking
CS IsSnowing
OBSE IsSoulGem
OBSE 15 IsSpellHostile
CS IsSpellTarget
OBSE 15 IsStaggered
OBSE 14 IsSummonable
CS IsSwimming
OBSE 14 IsTaken
CS IsTalking
OBSE 16 IsTextInputInUse
OBSE 10 IsThirdPerson
CS IsTimePassing
CS IsTorchOut
CS IsTrespassing
CS IsTurnArrest
OBSE 15 IsTurningLeft
OBSE 15 IsTurningRight
OBSE 13 IsUnderWater
OBSE 16 IsUppercase
CS IsWaiting
OBSE IsWeapon
CS IsWeaponOut
CS IsYielding

K[edit | edit source]

CS Kill Immediately "ends" Actor/Creature.
CS KillAllActors

L[edit | edit source]

OBSE Label
Pluggy LC
OBSE 10 LeftShift
OBSE 17 Let
OBSE 16 LoadGameEx
CS Lock
OBSE Log10
OBSE 10 LogicalAnd
OBSE 10 LogicalNot
OBSE 10 LogicalOr
OBSE 10 LogicalXor
CS Look
OBSE 17 Loop
CS LoopGroup

M[edit | edit source]

OBSE 19 MagicEffectCodeFromChars
OBSE 17 MagicEffectFromChars
OBSE 17 MagicEffectFromCode
OBSE 10 MagicEffectFXPersists
OBSE 10 MagicEffectFXPersistsC
OBSE 10 MagicEffectHasNoArea
OBSE 10 MagicEffectHasNoAreaC
OBSE 10 MagicEffectHasNoDuration
OBSE 10 MagicEffectHasNoDurationC
OBSE 10 MagicEffectHasNoHitEffect
OBSE 10 MagicEffectHasNoHitEffectC
OBSE 10 MagicEffectHasNoIngredient
OBSE 10 MagicEffectHasNoIngredientC
OBSE 10 MagicEffectHasNoMagnitude
OBSE 10 MagicEffectHasNoMagnitudeC
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesArmor
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesArmorC
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesAttribute
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesAttributeC
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesCreature
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesCreatureC
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesOtherActorValue
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesOtherActorValueC
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesSkill
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesSkillC
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesWeapon
OBSE 10 MagicEffectUsesWeaponC
OBSE MagicItemHasEffect
OBSE MagicItemHasEffectCode
OBSE 12 MagicItemHasEffectCount
OBSE 12 MagicItemHasEffectCountCode
OBSE 14 MagicItemHasEffectItemScript
OBSE MaleBipedPathIncludes
OBSE MaleGroundPathIncludes
OBSE MaleIconPathIncludes
OBSE 17 MatchPotion
OBSE 19 MatrixAdd
OBSE 19 MatrixDeterminant
OBSE 19 MatrixInvert
OBSE 19 MatrixMultiply
OBSE 19 MatrixRREF
OBSE 19 MatrixScale
OBSE 19 MatrixSubtract
OBSE 19 MatrixTrace
OBSE 19 MatrixTranspose
OBSE 10 MenuHoldKey
CS MenuMode (Function) 1 if a menu is showing. Allows checking for specific menus using type code.
OBSE 10 MenuReleaseKey
OBSE 10 MenuTapKey
CS Message Displays simple formatted message in corner of screen.
CS MessageBox Displays a box that pauses game and provides message in middle of screen.
OBSE 14 MessageBoxEx
OBSE 14 MessageEx
CS ModActorValue
OBSE ModActorValue2
OBSE 14 ModActorValueC
CS ModAmountSoldStolen
OBSE ModAttackDamage
OBSE 19 ModAVMod
CS ModBarterGold
CS ModCrimeGold
OBSE 18 ModCurrentCharge
CS ModDisposition
OBSE 9a ModEnchantmentCharge
OBSE 9a ModEnchantmentCost
OBSE ModEquippedCurrentCharge
OBSE ModEquippedCurrentHealth
CS ModFactionRank
CS ModFactionReaction
OBSE 10 ModFemaleBipedPath
OBSE 10 ModFemaleGroundPath
OBSE 10 ModFemaleIconPath
OBSE ModGoldValue
OBSE 10 ModIconPath
OBSE 19 ModLocalDataExists
OBSE 10 ModMaleBipedPath
OBSE 10 ModMaleGroundPath
OBSE 10 ModMaleIconPath
OBSE 10 ModModelPath
OBSE 11 ModName
OBSE 13 ModNthActiveEffectMagnitude
OBSE ModNthEffectItemArea
OBSE ModNthEffectItemDuration
OBSE ModNthEffectItemMagnitude
OBSE 14 ModNthEffectItemScriptName
OBSE ModObjectCharge
OBSE ModObjectHealth
CS ModPCAttribute
CS ModPCFame
CS ModPCInfamy
CS ModPCMiscStat
OBSE 17 ModPCMovementSpeed
CS ModPCSkill
OBSE 16 ModPCSpellEffectiveness
OBSE 18 ModPlayerSkillExp
OBSE 18 ModPlayerSkillExpC
OBSE 10 ModQuality
Pluggy ModRefEsp
CS ModScale
OBSE 19 ModSigilStoneUses
OBSE ModSpellMagickaCost
OBSE ModWeaponReach
OBSE ModWeaponSpeed
OBSE ModWeight
OBSE MoveMouseX
OBSE MoveMouseY
OBSE 16 MoveTextInputCursor
CS MoveTo
CS MoveToMarker

N[edit | edit source]

OBSE NameIncludes 1 if the object has the given string in its full name.
OBSE 17 NumToHex

O[edit | edit source]

OBSE 15 OffersApparatus
OBSE 15 OffersArmor
OBSE 15 OffersBooks
OBSE 15 OffersClothing
OBSE 15 OffersIngredients
OBSE 15 OffersLights
OBSE 15 OffersMagicItems
OBSE 15 OffersMiscItems
OBSE 15 OffersPotions
OBSE 15 OffersRecharging
OBSE 15 OffersRepair
OBSE 15 OffersServicesC
OBSE 15 OffersSpells
OBSE 15 OffersTraining
OBSE 15 OffersWeapons
OBSE 13 OnControlDown
OBSE 13 OnKeyDown
OBSE 16 OpenTextInput
OBSE 18 OutputLocalMapPicturesOverride
OBSE 21 OverrideActorSwimBreath‎

P[edit | edit source]

Pluggy PackArray
OBSE 13 ParentCellHasWater
OBSE 20 PathEdgeExists
CS PayFine Confiscates player's stolen goods, resets bounty to zero, sends outside jail.
CS PayFineThief Resets bounty to zero (without confiscating goods or going to jail).
CS PickIdle
CS PlaceAtMe
CS PlayBink
CS PlayGroup
OBSE 20 PlayIdle
CS PlayMagicEffectVisuals
CS PlayMagicShaderVisuals
CS PlaySound
CS PlaySound3D
CS PositionCell
CS PositionWorld
CS PreloadMagicEffect
OBSE 17 Print
OBSE 19 PrintActiveTileInfo
OBSE 18 PrintD
OBSE 17 PrintTileInfo
OBSE PrintToConsole
CS 1.2 PurgeCellBuffers Clears inactive textures or models from memory.
CS 1.2 PushActorAway Pushes a target actor away from the caller.

Q[edit | edit source]

OBSE 18 QuestExists

R[edit | edit source]

OBSE 13 RefreshControlMap
OBSE 13 RefreshCurrentClimate
CS RefreshTopicList
Pluggy RefToString
OBSE ReleaseKey
CS ReleaseWeatherOverride
Pluggy RemInArray
OBSE 12 RemoveAllEffectItems
CS RemoveAllItems
OBSE 18 RemoveBaseSpell
OBSE RemoveEnchantment
OBSE RemoveEquippedWeaponPoison
OBSE 19 RemoveEventHandler
CS RemoveFlames
OBSE 13 RemoveFromLeveledList
CS RemoveItem
OBSE 15 RemoveItemNS
OBSE 15 RemoveLevItemByLevel
CS RemoveMe Deletes the inventory item. Caution: crash if used too fast.
OBSE 19 RemoveMeIR
OBSE 19 RemoveModLocalData
OBSE RemoveNthEffectItem
OBSE 16 RemoveNthLevItem
OBSE 17 RemoveNthMagicEffectCounter
OBSE 17 RemoveNthMagicEffectCounterC
OBSE 12 RemoveScript
CS RemoveScriptPackage
CS RemoveSpell
OBSE 15 RemoveSpellNS
Pluggy RenFile
Pluggy RenTxtFile
CS Reset3DState
OBSE 16 ResetAllVariables
CS ResetFallDamageTimer
CS ResetHealth Immediately heals Actor to full health/magicka/stamina.
CS ResetInterior
OBSE 20 ResolveModIndex
OBSE RestoreIP
CS Resurrect
OBSE 10 RightShift
CS Rotate
OBSE 11 RunBatchScript
OBSE 16 RunScriptLine

S[edit | edit source]

CS SameFaction
CS SameFactionAsPC
CS SameRace
CS SameRaceAsPC
CS SameSex
CS SameSexAsPC
CS Say
CS SayTo
CS ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds
CS SelectPlayerSpell
CS SendTrespassAlarm
OBSE 19 SetActiveQuest
CS SetActorAlpha
CS SetActorFullName
OBSE 21 SetActorMaxSwimBreath
CS SetActorRefraction
OBSE 14 SetActorRespawns
CS 1.2 SetActorsAI Activates/de-activates actor's AI.
OBSE 21 SetActorSwimBreath
CS SetActorValue
OBSE 14 SetActorValueC
CS SetAlert Forces NPC to keep weapon drawn if 1. No other effect.
CS SetAllReachable
CS SetAllVisible
OBSE 15 SetAltControl Assigns a new mouse button to the specified control.
CS SetAngle
OBSE 10 SetApparatusType
OBSE SetArmorType
OBSE 16 SetArrowProjectileBowEnchantment
OBSE 16 SetArrowProjectileEnchantment
OBSE 16 SetArrowProjectilePoison
CS SetAtStart
OBSE SetAttackDamage
OBSE 19 SetAVMod
CS SetBarterGold
OBSE 16 SetBaseForm
OBSE 16 SetBipedIconPathEX
OBSE 16 SetBipedModelPathEX
OBSE 16 SetBipedSlotMask
OBSE 10 SetBookCantBeTaken
OBSE 10 SetBookIsScroll
OBSE 10 SetBookSkillTaught
OBSE 16 SetButtonPressed
OBSE 17 SetCanCastPower
OBSE 14 SetCanCorpseCheck
OBSE 20 SetCanFastTravelFromWorld
OBSE 16 SetCanTravelToMapMarker
OBSE 20 SetCellBehavesAsExterior
OBSE 20 SetCellClimate
CS SetCellFullName
OBSE 20 SetCellHasWater
OBSE 20 SetCellIsPublic
OBSE 20 SetCellLighting
OBSE 21 SetCellMusicType
CS SetCellOwnership
CS SetCellPublicFlag
OBSE 18 SetCellResetHours
OBSE 17 SetCellWaterHeight
OBSE 20 SetCellWaterType
OBSE 16 SetChanceNone
CS SetClass
OBSE 18 SetClassAttribute
OBSE 18 SetClassAttributeC
OBSE 18 SetClassSkills
OBSE 19 SetClassSkills2
OBSE 18 SetClassSpecialization
OBSE 13 SetClimateHasMasser
OBSE 13 SetClimateHasSecunda
OBSE 13 SetClimateMoonPhaseLength
OBSE 13 SetClimateSunriseBegin
OBSE 13 SetClimateSunriseEnd
OBSE 13 SetClimateSunsetBegin
OBSE 13 SetClimateSunsetEnd
OBSE 13 SetClimateVolatility
OBSE 15 SetCloseSound
CS SetCombatStyle
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleAcrobaticsDodgeChance
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleAttackChance
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleAttackDuringBlockMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleAttackNotUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleAttackSkillModBase
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleAttackSkillModMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleAttackUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleBlockChance
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleBlockNotUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleBlockSkillModBase
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleBlockSkillModMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleBlockUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleBuffStandoffDist
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeBackNotUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeBackTimerMax
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeBackTimerMin
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeBackUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeChance
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeFatigueModBase
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeFatigueModMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeFWAttackingMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeFWNotAttackingMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeFWTimerMax
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeFWTimerMin
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeLRChance
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeLRTimerMax
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeLRTimerMin
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeNotUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleDodgeUnderAttackMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleEncumberedSpeedModBase
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleEncumberedSpeedModMult
OBSE 18 SetCombatStyleFleeingDisabled
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleGroupStandoffDist
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleH2HBonusToAttack
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleHoldTimerMax
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleHoldTimerMin
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleIdleTimerMax
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleIdleTimerMin
OBSE 18 SetCombatStyleIgnoreAlliesInArea
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleKOBonusToAttack
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleKOBonusToPowerAttack
OBSE 18 SetCombatStyleMeleeAlertOK
OBSE 17 SetCombatStylePowerAttackChance
OBSE 17 SetCombatStylePowerAttackFatigueModBase
OBSE SetCombatStylePowerAttackFatigueModMult
OBSE 18 SetCombatStylePrefersRanged
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleRangedStandoffDist
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleRangeMaxMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleRangeOptimalMult
OBSE 18 SetCombatStyleRejectsYields
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleRushAttackChance
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleRushAttackDistMult
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleStaggerBonusToAttack
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleStaggerBonusToPowerAttack
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleSwitchDistMelee
OBSE 17 SetCombatStyleSwitchDistRanged
OBSE 18 SetCombatStyleWillYield
OBSE 13 SetContainerRespawns
OBSE 15 SetControl Assigns a new key to the specified control.
OBSE 20 SetCreatureSkill
OBSE 19 SetCreatureSoundBase
CS SetCrimeGold
OBSE 18 SetCurrentCharge
OBSE 18 SetCurrentHealth
OBSE 14 SetCurrentSoulLevel
OBSE 16 SetDebugMode
OBSE 19 SetDescription
CS SetDestroyed
OBSE 15 SetDetectionState
OBSE 11 SetDisableGlobalCollision
CS SetDoorDefaultOpen
OBSE 18 SetDoorTeleport
OBSE 9a SetEnchantment
OBSE 9a SetEnchantmentCharge
OBSE 9a SetEnchantmentCost
OBSE 9a SetEnchantmentType
OBSE SetEquipmentSlot
OBSE SetEquippedCurrentCharge
OBSE SetEquippedCurrentHealth
OBSE SetEquippedWeaponPoison
CS SetEssential
OBSE 19 SetEventHandler
OBSE 13 SetEyes
OBSE 14 SetFactionEvil
OBSE SetFactionHasSpecialCombat
OBSE 14 SetFactionHidden
CS SetFactionRank
CS SetFactionReaction
OBSE 14 SetFactionSpecialCombat
OBSE 14 SetFemale
OBSE SetFemaleBipedPath
OBSE SetFemaleGroundPath
OBSE SetFemaleIconPath
Pluggy SetFloatInArray
CS SetForceRun
CS SetForceSneak
OBSE 18 SetFunctionValue
OBSE 18 SetGameDifficulty
CS SetGhost
OBSE SetGoldValue
OBSE 20 SetGoldValue_T
OBSE 13 SetHair
OBSE 14 SetHarvested
OBSE 15 SetHasBeenPickedUp
OBSE 16 SetHidesAmulet
OBSE 16 SetHidesRings
OBSE 15 SetHotKeyItem
OBSE SetIconPath
OBSE 16 SetIconPathEX
CS SetIgnoreFriendlyHits
OBSE SetIgnoresResistance
Pluggy SetInArray
CS SetInCharGen
OBSE 16 SetIngredient
OBSE 16 SetIngredientChance
OBSE 20 SetInputText
CS SetInvestmentGold
OBSE 20 SetIsAutomaticDoor
OBSE 16 SetIsControl
OBSE SetIsFood
OBSE 20 SetIsHiddenDoor
OBSE 20 SetIsMinimalUseDoor
OBSE 20 SetIsOblivionGate
OBSE 12 SetIsPlayable
CS SetItemValue
CS SetLevel
OBSE 20 SetLightDuration
OBSE 14 SetLightRadius
OBSE 19 SetLightRGB
OBSE 20 SetLocalGravity
OBSE 20 SetLocalGravityVector
OBSE 15 SetLoopSound
OBSE 14 SetLowLevelProcessing
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectAreaSound
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectAreaSoundC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectBarterFactor
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectBarterFactorC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectBaseCost
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectBaseCostC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectBoltSound
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectBoltSoundC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectCanRecover
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectCanRecoverC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectCastingSound
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectCastingSoundC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectCounters
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectCountersC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectEnchantFactor
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectEnchantFactorC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectEnchantShader
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectEnchantShaderC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectForEnchanting
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectForEnchantingC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectForSpellmaking
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectForSpellmakingC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectFXPersists
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectFXPersistsC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectHitShader
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectHitShaderC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectHitSound
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectHitSoundC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectIcon
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectIconC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectIsDetrimental
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectIsDetrimentalC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectIsHostile
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectIsHostileC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectLight
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectLightC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectMagnitudePercent
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectMagnitudePercentC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectModel
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectModelC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectName
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectNameC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectNoArea
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectNoAreaC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectNoDuration
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectNoDurationC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectNoHitEffect
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectNoHitEffectC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectNoIngredient
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectNoIngredientC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectNoMagnitude
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectNoMagnitudeC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectOnSelfAllowed
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectOnSelfAllowedC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectOnTargetAllowed
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectOnTargetAllowedC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectOnTouchAllowed
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectOnTouchAllowedC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectOtherActorValue
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectOtherActorValueC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectProjectileSpeed
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectProjectileSpeedC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectResistValue
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectResistValueC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectSchool
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectSchoolC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsedObject
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsedObjectC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesActorValue
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesActorValueC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesArmor
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesArmorC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesAttribute
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesAttributeC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesCreature
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesCreatureC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesSkill
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesSkillC
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesWeapon
OBSE 17 SetMagicEffectUsesWeaponC
OBSE 10 SetMagicItemAutoCalc
OBSE 15 SetMagicProjectileSpell
OBSE SetMaleBipedPath
OBSE SetMaleGroundPath
OBSE SetMaleIconPath
OBSE 16 SetMapMarkerType
OBSE 16 SetMapMarkerVisible
OBSE 16 SetMenuFloatValue
OBSE 16 SetMenuStringValue
OBSE 12 SetMerchantContainer
OBSE 15 SetMessageIcon
OBSE 15 SetMessageSound
OBSE SetModelPath
OBSE 16 SetModelPathEX
OBSE 19 SetModLocalData
OBSE SetMouseSpeedX
OBSE SetMouseSpeedY
OBSE SetName
OBSE 15 SetNameEx
CS SetNoAvoidance
OBSE 14 SetNoPersuasion
CS SetNoRumors
OBSE 13 SetNthActiveEffectMagnitude
OBSE SetNthEffectItemActorValue
OBSE SetNthEffectItemActorValueC
OBSE SetNthEffectItemArea
OBSE SetNthEffectItemDuration
OBSE SetNthEffectItemMagnitude
OBSE SetNthEffectItemRange
OBSE 12 SetNthEffectItemScript
OBSE 11 SetNthEffectItemScriptHostile
OBSE 12 SetNthEffectItemScriptName
OBSE 16 SetNthEffectItemScriptNameEX
OBSE 10 SetNthEffectItemScriptSchool
OBSE 10 SetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffect
OBSE 10 SetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffectC
OBSE 16 SetNthFactionRankNameEX
OBSE SetNumericGameSetting
OBSE SetNumericINISetting
OBSE SetObjectCharge
OBSE SetObjectHealth
OBSE 15 SetOffersApparatus
OBSE 15 SetOffersArmor
OBSE 15 SetOffersBooks
OBSE 15 SetOffersClothing
OBSE 15 SetOffersIngredients
OBSE 15 SetOffersLights
OBSE 15 SetOffersMagicItems
OBSE 15 SetOffersMiscItems
OBSE 15 SetOffersPotions
OBSE 15 SetOffersRecharging
OBSE 15 SetOffersRepair
OBSE 15 SetOffersServicesC
OBSE 15 SetOffersSpells
OBSE 15 SetOffersTraining
OBSE 15 SetOffersWeapons
OBSE 18 SetOLMPGrids
OBSE 13 SetOpenKey
OBSE 15 SetOpenSound
CS SetOpenState
CS SetOwnership
OBSE 20 SetOwnership_T
OBSE 18 SetPackageAllowFalls
OBSE 18 SetPackageAllowSwimming
OBSE 18 SetPackageAlwaysRun
OBSE 18 SetPackageAlwaysSneak
OBSE 18 SetPackageArmorUnequipped
OBSE 18 SetPackageContinueIfPCNear
OBSE 19 SetPackageData
OBSE 18 SetPackageDefensiveCombat
OBSE 19 SetPackageLocationData
OBSE 18 SetPackageLockDoorsAtEnd
OBSE 18 SetPackageLockDoorsAtLocation
OBSE 18 SetPackageLockDoorsAtStart
OBSE 18 SetPackageMustComplete
OBSE 18 SetPackageMustReachLocation
OBSE 18 SetPackageNoIdleAnims
OBSE 18 SetPackageOffersServices
OBSE 18 SetPackageOncePerDay
OBSE 19 SetPackageScheduleData
OBSE 18 SetPackageSkipFalloutBehavior
OBSE 18 SetPackageTarget
OBSE 19 SetPackageTargetData
OBSE 18 SetPackageUnlockDoorsAtEnd
OBSE 18 SetPackageUnlockDoorsAtLocation
OBSE 18 SetPackageUnlockDoorsAtStart
OBSE 18 SetPackageUseHorse
OBSE 18 SetPackageWeaponsUnequipped
CS SetPackDuration
OBSE 20 SetPathNodeDisabled
OBSE 13 SetPCAMurderer
OBSE 16 SetPCAttributeBonus
OBSE 19 SetPCAttributeBonusC
CS SetPCExpelled
CS SetPCFactionAttack
CS SetPCFactionMurder
CS SetPCFactionSteal
CS SetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
CS SetPCFame
CS SetPCInfamy
OBSE 14 SetPCLevelOffset
OBSE 16 SetPCMajorSkillUps
CS SetPCSleepHours
OBSE 16 SetPCTrainingSessionsUsed
OBSE 18 SetPlayerBirthsign
CS 1.2 SetPlayerInSEWorld Should be 1 if player is in Shivering Isles.
OBSE 15 SetPlayerProjectile
OBSE Setplayerskeletonpath
OBSE 18 SetPlayerSkillAdvances
OBSE 18 SetPlayerSkillAdvancesC
OBSE 20 SetPlayersLastRiddenHorse
CS SetPos
OBSE 20 SetPos_T
OBSE 17 SetPowerTimer
OBSE 16 SetProjectileSource
OBSE 16 SetProjectileSpeed
OBSE 10 SetQuality
OBSE SetQuestItem
CS SetQuestObject
OBSE 16 SetRaceAlias
OBSE 16 SetRacePlayable
OBSE 20 SetRaceScale
OBSE 16 SetRaceVoice
OBSE 20 SetRaceWeight
OBSE 15 SetRefCount
OBSE SetRefEssential
Pluggy SetRefInArray
CS SetRestrained
CS SetRigidBodyMass
CS SetScale
OBSE 14 SetScaleEX
CS SetSceneIsComplex
OBSE 12 SetScript
CS SetShowQuestItems
OBSE 19 SetSigilStoneUses
CS SetSize
OBSE 18 SetSkillGoverningAttribute
OBSE 18 SetSkillGoverningAttributeC
OBSE 20 SetSkillSpecialization
OBSE 11 SetSkillUseIncrement
OBSE 17 SetSkillUseIncrementC
OBSE 10 SetSoulGemCapacity
OBSE 10 SetSoulLevel
OBSE 19 SetSpellAreaEffectIgnoresLOS
OBSE 19 SetSpellDisallowAbsorbReflect
OBSE 12 SetSpellExplodesWithNoTarget
OBSE 15 SetSpellHostile
OBSE 19 SetSpellImmuneToSilence
OBSE SetSpellMagickaCost
OBSE SetSpellMasteryLevel
OBSE 19 SetSpellPCStart
OBSE 19 SetSpellScriptEffectAlwaysApplies
OBSE SetSpellType
CS SetStage
Pluggy SetString
OBSE 16 SetStringGameSettingEX
OBSE 16 SetStringINISetting
OBSE 14 SetSummonable
OBSE 20 SetTextInputControlHandler
OBSE 20 SetTextInputDefaultControlsDisabled
OBSE 19 SetTexturePath
OBSE 20 SetTimeLeft
OBSE 15 SetTrainerLevel
OBSE 15 SetTrainerSkill
OBSE 13 SetTravelHorse
CS SetUnconscious
OBSE 20 SetVelocity
OBSE 20 SetVerticalVelocity
OBSE SetWeaponReach
OBSE SetWeaponSpeed
OBSE SetWeaponType
CS SetWeather
OBSE 13 SetWeatherCloudSpeedLower
OBSE 13 SetWeatherCloudSpeedUpper
OBSE 13 SetWeatherColor
OBSE 13 SetWeatherFogDayFar
OBSE 13 SetWeatherFogDayNear
OBSE 13 SetWeatherFogNightFar
OBSE 13 SetWeatherFogNightNear
OBSE 13 SetWeatherHDRValue
OBSE 13 SetWeatherLightningFrequency
OBSE 13 SetWeatherSunDamage
OBSE 13 SetWeatherSunGlare
OBSE 13 SetWeatherTransDelta
OBSE 13 SetWeatherWindSpeed
OBSE SetWeight
CS ShowBirthsignMenu
CS ShowClassMenu
CS ShowDialogSubtitles
CS ShowEnchantment
CS ShowMap
CS ShowRaceMenu
CS ShowSpellMaking
CS SkipAnim
OBSE SquareRoot
CS StartCombat
CS StartConversation
CS StartQuest
CS StopCombat
CS StopCombatAlarmOnActor
CS StopLook
CS StopMagicEffectVisuals
CS StopMagicShaderVisuals
CS StopQuest
CS StopWaiting
TSFC StrAddNewLine
TSFC StrAppend
TSFC StrAppendCharCode
TSFC StrClear
TSFC StrClearLast
TSFC StrCompare
TSFC StrCopy
TSFC StrDeleteAll
CS StreamMusic
TSFC StrExpr
TSFC StrGetName
TSFC StrGetNthEffectItemScriptName
TSFC StrIDReplace
Pluggy StringCat
Pluggy StringCmp
Pluggy StringEsp
Pluggy StringGetName
Pluggy StringIns
Pluggy StringLen
Pluggy StringMsg
Pluggy StringMsgBox
Pluggy StringPos
Pluggy StringProtect
Pluggy StringRep
Pluggy StringSetName
OBSE 18 StringToActorValue
Pluggy StringToFloat
Pluggy StringToInt
Pluggy StringToRef
Pluggy StringToTxtFile
TSFC StrLength
TSFC StrLoad
TSFC StrMessageBox
TSFC StrPrint
TSFC StrReplace
TSFC StrSave
TSFC StrSetName
TSFC StrSetNthEffectItemScriptName
OBSE 16 Sv_Compare
OBSE 16 Sv_Construct
OBSE 16 Sv_Count
OBSE 16 Sv_Destruct
OBSE 16 Sv_Erase
OBSE 16 Sv_Find
OBSE 16 Sv_GetChar
OBSE 16 Sv_Insert
OBSE 16 Sv_Length
OBSE 18 Sv_Percentify
OBSE 16 Sv_Replace
OBSE 16 Sv_Set
OBSE 18 Sv_Split
OBSE 16 Sv_Substring
OBSE 16 Sv_ToNumeric

T[edit | edit source]

OBSE 13 TapControl
OBSE 17 TestExpr
CS This
CS ToggleActorsAI
OBSE 15 ToggleCreatureModel
OBSE 16 ToggleFirstPerson
OBSE 20 ToggleSkillPerk
OBSE 18 ToggleSpecialAnim
OBSE 16 ToLower
OBSE 18 ToNumber
OBSE 17 ToString
OBSE 16 ToUpper
CS TrapUpdate
CS TriggerHitShader
OBSE 18 TriggerPlayerSkillUse
OBSE 18 TriggerPlayerSkillUseC
Pluggy TxtFileExists
OBSE 17 TypeOf

U[edit | edit source]

OBSE 19 UncompleteQuest
CS UnequipItem
OBSE 15 UnequipItemNS
OBSE 20 UnequipItemSilent
OBSE 19 UnequipMe
OBSE UnHammerKey
CS Unlock
OBSE 19 Update3D
OBSE 16 UpdateTextInput

V[edit | edit source]

CS VampireFeed
OBSE 19 VectorCross
OBSE 19 VectorDot
OBSE 19 VectorMagnitude
OBSE 19 VectorNormalize

W[edit | edit source]

CS Wait
CS WhichServiceMenu
OBSE 17 While

Y[edit | edit source]

CS Yield