Difference between revisions of "User:JRoush"

184 bytes added ,  18:46, 20 August 2010
Line 35: Line 35:
| <center> distMult </center>
| <center> distMult </center>
| 1 - (distance between detector and target) / maxDist
| 1 - (distance between detector and target) / maxDist
| <center> Line-of-Sight Sound Factor </center>
| <center> losSound </center>
| [[fSneakSoundLosMult]] if detector has line of sight to target
1.0 otherwise
| <center> Movement Bonus </center>
| <center> Movement Bonus </center>
Line 51: Line 56:
| <center> running </center>
| <center> running </center>
| [[fSneakRunningMult]] if target is running
| [[fSneakRunningMult]] if target is running
1.0 otherwise
| <center> Line-of-Sight Sound Factor </center>
| <center> losSound </center>
| [[fSneakSoundLosMult]] if detector has line of sight to target
1.0 otherwise
1.0 otherwise
Line 66: Line 66:
| <center> blind </center>
| <center> blind </center>
| 1.0 - (detector's "Blindness" AV) / 100.0
| 1.0 - (detector's "Blindness" AV) / 100.0
| <center> Target Light Factor </center>
| <center> light </center>
| [[fDetectionSneakLightMod]] + (light level on target) * ([[fDetectionNightEyeBonus]], if detector's NightEye AV > 0)
Light Factor is capped at 100
| <center> Line-of-Sight Light Factor </center>
| <center> Line-of-Sight Light Factor </center>
Line 89: Line 94:
| <center> Sound Bonus </center>
| <center> Sound Bonus </center>
| [[fSneakSoundsMult]] * losSound * distMult * (running * moving + combat) * swimSound
| [[fSneakSoundsMult]] * distMult * losSound * swimSound * (running * moving + combat)  
| <center> Light Bonus </center>
| <center> Light Bonus </center>
| [[fSneakSleepBonus]] if detector is sleeping
| [[fSneakSleepBonus]] if detector is sleeping
[[fSneakLightMult]] * invis * blind * swimLight * losLight * distMult * (LightLevel + [[fDetectionSneakLightMod]]), otherwise
[[fSneakLightMult]] * distMult * losLight * swimLight * light * invis * blind, otherwise
| <center> Skill Bonus </center>
| <center> Skill Bonus </center>
Anonymous user