Talk:Debug Text
One - AnimationsEdit
The first line says:
HK_STATE -> OnGround.
This state shows whatever action the actor is performing. For example, if I was jumping and blocking with a shield at the same time, it would read:
Action -> Block HK_STATE -> InAir.
Since the HK_STATE is a string variable, is there any way to access this variable in a script?--Omzy 17:47, 13 June 2006 (EDT)
Help pleaseEdit
When I use sdt 2 i get output different from that listed. It appears as:
FPS: ## (Type #) Queued IO Task Count: ## (Appears to refer to disk IO as it spikes when cells load) Queued Reference Count: ## (not sure what it means but it spikes on cell load too) Total BSTask Count: ## (This number also spikes on cell load)
The two queue counts return to 0 after cells finish loading; however the Total spikes and then rests at a progressively higher number as i play the game. As the total rises the game starts to lag more and more. This behave did not happen before or happened to a lesser extent so that i did not notice it until now. Sigil Baram 21:17, 2 April 2009 (EDT)