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How to Write QazaaqEdit
It's Qazaaq: Q-A-Z-A-A-Q, not Qazaq or Quazaag.
It's actually very easy to write Qazaaq, you only need three letters, which is a very low avarage. You don't even need to use your right hand if you don't begin with a capital. This is not encouraged or recommended and should only be done in emergencies.
Let's start at the Q, a capital letter.
To produce a capital letter press and hold shift while typing the letter in question.
The Q is the only capital so you don't have to press the shift key again to write the rest of my name. Move your left hand or finger down to the a key and press it once. We will return to this key later in this tutorial.
Now move your left hand or finger down again to the z key and press it once, just like the a key. You've just finished writing half my name, good job! There are still three letters to go, let's move on.
Move your hand or finger up and back to the a key again. To produce the double a in Qazaaq you have to press this key twice. We end this tutorial with the same letter we began, the q. Notice this q is not a capital; don't hold shift while typing this letter. Press the q key once to finish writing Qazaaq.
Congratulations, you've successfully written my name! Like almost any word, Qazaaq is followed by a space in most cases, there are a few exceptions like when ending a sentence or using a punctuation mark like : or ;. That will not be covered in this tutorial.
See AlsoEdit
See User:Qazaaq/Mods.