User talk:Nee

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Hey all.

I'm having trouble editing the scripting of a mod I downloaded. The mod lets you lock on to people in third person view and bases your movement around them (if you strafe you run in a circle around them). The way you lock onto people is via a ring that you set to a hotkey, and when equiped, you lock on. I've been looking for a command to add to the script that will rotate the camera a little to the left or right and lock it in position when i target onto someone. This would allow a better view for battle, i think (it worked great in Zelda for N64, anyways). Here's what the script looks like:

scriptname TargetActivatorScript
ref source

Begin OnEquip
  set TargetCount to 0
  set TargetCurrent to 0
  set TargetMinHeading to 45.0
  set source to player.PlaceAtMe TargetActivator,1,0,0
  source.cast TargetSpell player
Begin OnUnequip
  set TargetCount to -1
  set TargetCurrent to -1
  set TargetMinHeading to 45.0
  player.dispel TargertSpell

Thanks for any help.

Dragoon Wraith TALK 09:25, 1 August 2006 (EDT): Controlling the camera or the player are things ObScript cannot do. I also doubt that Oblivion is designed to allow the camera to move independently of the player (other than when R is held), since it always defaults to over the player's shoulder.
Your best bet, I would think, would be the Oblivion Script Extender, but I don't think it is yet capable of doing what you need. One possibility, I suppose, is to use Timeslip's functions, if/when they're officially released, to press R and move the mouse around. Doing this would require rather ridiculous maths to make sure you're moving the mouse correctly, I would guess...
mmmpld 05:51, 2 August 2006 (EDT): Can't swing a weapon while holding 'r'.
Dragoon Wraith TALK 09:48, 2 August 2006 (EDT): Well that sucks. You certainly could in Morrowind...
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