Is the description really accurate?
It's the same as for ScriptEffectStart. Now, I changed ScriptEffectStart here to ScriptEffectFinish, but nothing else. --Stardaemon 05:35, 1 April 2006 (EST)
No, I have changed it to what I am 99% sure is the right description. It runs once the scripted spell effect has expired/ended (example a buff of 20seconds would mean that the block would run 20seconds after the start script).
TaggeD 12:17, 1 April 2006 (EST)
Yeah, your new description looks more accurate:) Not that I've played with magic scripts, but it makes a lot of sense.
--Stardaemon 05:04, 2 April 2006 (EDT)
I'm having issues with the ScriptEffectFinish block not running. While an actor is affected by a scripted spell, leaving the cell or using the wait menu seems to prevent the block from running, which leaves the actors permanently affected by the spell. I'm not sure there's a way to fix this, just wondered if anyone else has noticed this. Scruggs 18:18, 18 July 2006 (EDT)
- Dragoon Wraith TALK 18:24, 18 July 2006 (EDT): Well, a work-around could hit actors in a cell with a new spell after Waiting (or entering the cell) that would check IsSpellTarget and if not, whether the effects were still on, and if so, then remove them like you would with ScriptEffectFinish.