Talk:Pathing and Playtesting
- Let's save <in the "Oblivion\Data\" folder> and have our first playtest.
Don't think that needs to be added since the CS saves there by default. [MD]Languard
Actually I do think so, as I wondered myself if it's the good place to put it, as the folder name is not explicit. And I saw the question on the forums too. Never a bad thing to tell more than not enough. Bishop
Changing Player Start Z ValueEdit
Whenever I start Oblivion for a play test my character immediatly falls through the floor of my CRmExitWide01C block. It seems that the player start position's Z axis value is too low or something. How do I fix this? --Spilliton 02:37, 1 July 2006 (EDT)
===How do I get into 'my place' and avoid the probable "Z"-problem?! Though having made the appropiate changes to oblivion.ini to test my cell, I am NOT starting in my freshly designed "CreepyCave" but like usual in prison! If I 'player.coc' into the cell, I seem to have the same Z-problems like seen above since I'm ending up in brown mist.....(!!!) Second problem really sucks, please HELP!
Check you .ini file location, and the use my games folder setting. If you're using the .ini in your \Oblivion directory, then you need to turn off the mentioned setting, otherwise, the game looks to the .ini in your my documents\my games\oblivion directory. JBurgess 00:10, 5 October 2006 (EDT)
===How to start where you WANT to start --->
OK, I was having the same problems that other folks talk about (falling through mist, not starting where I'm supposed to) and I found a simple solution.
Remember the 2 doors you created for the entrance? Double click on CDoor01 (the one with the sky bubble behind it). Select the tab called "Teleport", and check the button that says "teleport". Since we're just testing, it doesn't matter if the doors link up to anywhere else, yet. Once you've done that, you should be able to move the teleport marker about, and THAT marker will be where you start from.
Not sure if it's a great way to fix the problem or not, but it's worked for me so far. =) ~MandoAndy 02:59, 25 February 2007 (EDT)
Problems with summonsEdit
In my new cell, any summoned creatures do not appear, magicka is lost, the spell timer appears, but the creature is nowhere to be SEEN. I'm guessing there's a problem with the Z value. My dungeon's building blocks all have the Z set to 0. I just thought it would make sense. IS that the problem?
also, whenever I summon a creature (a conjuration spell that i have CREATED, eg. summon timber wolf, which isn't available in Vanilla) it does not follow me into or out of my new dungeon.
Any suggestions or solutions with my two problems would be greatly appreciated!
--Nirnroot 09:49, 21 May 2007
- Since it is any creature that is summoned, it sounds more likely that the dungeon does not have a pathgrid generated. This is not generated automatically and is necessary for creatures to be able to move about the area created in the dungeon. If it is not generated, creatures placed in the mod will likely not show up (although they are still there, they just fall down and 'teleport', for lack of a better term, back up to fall down yet again) and summoned creatures will not appear (possibly following the above-mentioned scenario although I haven't checked personally) since they have no reference for the Z value of the cell's floor. Setting the floor with a Z value of 0 is unnecessary with a pathgrid.
- For additional information on the issue with creatures following you into the new dungeon see SubSpace for how to make creatures realize that there is a door that they can use. Additionally, you might want to check out Path Grids (simple) and Path Grid Generation for more information on pathgrids.
- --ShadowDancer 04:35, 27 August 2008 (EDT)
New Article?Edit
One improvement from Morrowind is the ability to use batch files for console commands. To do this, create a basic .txt file containing the commands you want to call in-game. Save this file in your main Oblivion directory with a meaningful name. In-game bring up the console (~) and type "Bat filename.txt" to call the commands.
I think this is quite the useful bit of information and could do with being easier to find. It would certainly save time playtesting, not that the alternative is horrible or anything. I think this information could better serve the purposes of this wiki by being on the Console Commands page.
Antares 02:50, 27 August 2008 (EDT)
- It may not necessarily deserve a new page, but it should be noted that this is possible on the Console Functions page and I am adding it now.
- --ShadowDancer 04:46, 27 August 2008 (EDT)