Category:Projectile Functions (OBSE)

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Projectile functions provided by the Oblivion Script Extender. Note that there are no CS Projectile functions.

Finding the Projectile Reference[edit source]

The only way to get a projectile reference is by walking through projectile references with GetFirstRef, GetNextRef and Label/GoTo. See GetFirstRef for the necessary info and a good, generalized example (note that the example walks through door references, change the 24 to 34 for projectiles).

Another example - this one will walk through each projectile until it finds an arrow shot by your companion (Reference EditorID = TriggerHappyFan) and marks the player as the shooter.

ref rProj
set rProj to (GetFirstRef 34 1)
if rProj
    if (rProj.GetProjectileType == 0) && (rProj.GetProjectileSource == TriggerHappyFan)
        set rProj to GetNextRef