Talk:Texture Replacer/Tutorial

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Hi there.

I got Photoshop 7.0 and the other tools that are required for this tutorial. I got stuck in the section where you should use the Normal Map Filter in Adobe Photoshop. The problem is that I don't get these "color dots" in my normal map, I only get it to be blue. I also have no idea how to bring up the alpha channel. There is another tutorial, Normal Maps Basic. I don't see the connection between that tutorial and my problem.

Please help me anybody!

I'm not sure what you mean by "color dots". Modifying a Normal Map manually seems like a poor idea; you'd be better off downloading nVidia's DDS plugin for Photoshop that can handle them. The Normal Map Basics tutorial discusses how to use that plugin.
Accessing the alpha map, anyway, is done by going to the Channels tab (usually in the same window as Layers, just have to click Channel instead of Layer - if it's not there, go to the Window menu and make sure Channel is checked), and then clicking on the Alpha.
Dragoon Wraith TALK 10:14, 21 December 2010 (EST)
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