Difference between revisions of "Special variables"

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m (→‎Globals: Moved GameHour note above Months)
(→‎Globals: used Message instead of PrintC - no need to confuse someone unfamiliar with OBSE.)
Line 38: Line 38:
  set Test to GameHour
  set Test to GameHour
  printc "Gamehour is %.2f", Test
  Message "Gamehour is %.2f", Test
will print out "Gamehour is 2.5" if it is 2:30 A.M.
will print out "Gamehour is 2.5" if it is 2:30 A.M.

Revision as of 18:56, 29 February 2008


Some global variables are predefined and handled and/or updated by the game-engine itself.

Type Name Description
short GameYear The current year
short GameMonth The current month (0-11)
short GameDay The current day of the month (0-31) depending on month
short* GameHour The current hour (0-23 hours)
short TimeScale Minutes that pass in-game within one minute of real-life
short GameDaysPassed Days that have passed since the beginning of the game

*While GameHour is listed as a short, it returns a float value. For instance,

float Test
set Test to GameHour
Message "Gamehour is %.2f", Test

will print out "Gamehour is 2.5" if it is 2:30 A.M.

GameMonth Name Description
0 Morningstar Same # of days as January (31)
1 Sun's Dawn Same # of days as February (28)
2 First Seed Same # of days as March (31)
3 Rain's Hand Same # of days as April (30)
4 Second Seed Same # of days as May (31)
5 Mid-Year Same # of days as June (30)
6 Sun's Height Same # of days as July (31)
7 Last Seed Same # of days as August (31)
8 Heartfire Same # of days as September (30)
9 Frost Fall Same # of days as October (31)
10 Sun's Dusk Same # of days as November (30)
11 Evening Star Same # of days as December (31)


There are also local variables with special functions:

Script-Type Variable-Type Name Description
Quest float fQuestDelayTime Determines how long (in real-time seconds) the game will wait between two runs of a quest script. The default value is 5 seconds. This value will also be used when fQuestDelayTime is defined but set to 0.
Object(Trap) float fTrapDamage Amount of damage to do each time the trap affects an actor.
Object(Trap) float fTrapPushBack Amount of push back force to apply each time a trap effects an actor. This should range from 0 to 1000.
Object(Trap) float fTrapMinVelocity Minimum velocity a trap must be moving at relative to the actor to do damage (combination of actor and traps respective velocities). This value is in BSUnits (128 = 6ft).
Object(Trap) float bTrapContinuous 0 = Only deal damage on first contact with trap.

1 = Continously subtract damage as long as actor is in contact with trap.