
From the Oblivion ConstructionSet Wiki
Revision as of 01:03, 25 July 2006 by imported>ShadowDancer (adding to Category: Animation Functions)
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AnimGroups are groups of animations that can be played on actors and creatures as well as some objects.

AttackBackPower AttackBow AttackForwardPower AttackLeft AttackLeftPower AttackPower AttackRight AttackRightPower Backward BlockAttack BlockHit BlockIdle CastSelf CastSelfAlt CastTarget CastTargetAlt CastTouch CastTouchAlt DodgeBack DodgeForward DodgeLeft DodgeRight Equip FastBackward FastForward FastLeft FastRight Forward Idle JumpLand JumpLoop JumpStart Left Recoil Right Stagger TorchIdle TurnLeft TurnRight Unequip