Interior cells
Revision as of 04:52, 23 September 2023 by (talk)
Interior Cells are entered through a load door linked to another cell (interior or exterior). When in an interior, the exterior world is no longer visible. Each interior cell is essentially its own universe.
Common data:
- Can't Travel From Here: Check to disable fast travel from this cell.
- Music Type: Default music type for this cell.
- Has Water: Check if you want this cell to have water.
- Height: Water level
- Water: Select Water type for this cell
- Hand Changed: Makes CS know you you altered the water height yourself rather than having the region generator do it.
- Ambient: Select color of the ambient light
- Fog: Select color and distance of fog - distance measured in inches approx.
- Directional: Select color and angle of directional light
- Behave Like Exterior: Check to make a "fake exterior", with no landscape but sky and weather.
- Climate: Select the climate for a "fake exterior" interior cell.
Interior Data:
- Name: Displayed name (used on load doors and local map)
- Oblivion Interior: Check to mark this interior as part of an Oblivion worldspace (see CloseOblivionGate)
- Owner NPC: Select an NPC which owns the cell -- anyone else will be considered trespassing unless the cell is flagged Public or all locked load doors have been unlocked by the owner.
- Global Variable: Select a global variable which will turn off ownership of the cell while true.
- Owner Faction: Select a Faction which owns the cell -- anyone not belonging to the faction (or not of the Required Rank) will be considered trespassing unless the cell is flagged Public or all locked load doors have been unlocked by a faction member.
- Required Rank: If selected, this is the minimum faction rank required to access the cell.
- Flags:
- Public Area: If checked, no one will ever be considered trespassing in the cell, but all objects in the cell still inherit the cell ownership and so cannot be freely taken.
- Off Limits: If checked, anyone caught trespassing will immediately be considered committing a crime (instead of being warned as with normal trespassing behavior)
- Can't Wait: If checked, waiting is disabled in this cell