Revision as of 02:37, 19 August 2007 by imported>ShadowDancer (adding weather list to page)
SetWeather WeatherID, WeatherOverrideFlag (optional)
SetWeather clear sw OblivionStormTamriel 1
Sets the weather to WeatherID. The weather will begin transitioning to the new weather -- the time it takes to transition is the "Trans Delta" setting on the new weather. Note that if the weather is currently transitioning, it will finish its transition before starting to transition to the new weather.
If the optional WeatherOverrideFlag is set to 1, the weather will remain in the specified weather until the ReleaseWeatherOverride command is used.
Weather Types:
Console IDs
- Tamriel
- CamoranWeather 000370CE
- Clear 00038EEE
- Cloudy 00038EFE
- DefaultWeather 0000015E
- Fog 00038EEF
- Overcast 00038EEC
- Rain 00038EF2
- Snow 00038EED
- Thunderstorm 00038EF1
- OblivionStormTamriel 000836D5
- OblivionStormTamrielMQ16 0006BC8B
- Oblivion
- OblivionDefault 00032E15
- OblivionElectrical 00067198
- OblivionMountainFog 000671A1
- OblivionSigil 000C0999
- OblivionStormOblivion 00067199
- SigilWhiteOut 000C42DE
- Other
- MS14Sky 0018BCCF