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How : Finding the player's Combat Targets ?

How do I find out who's in combat with the pC without having a script running on the target ( in form of a token or a script attached to the target ).

Can this be done remotely and the references returned to the originating script ( say a token script running elsewhere on an NPC ) ? -- shademe 02:05, 4 October 2008 (EDT)

Right now the only thing I can think of would be to indirectly script the player (as directly scripting the player is messy business). Let me elaborate, you could possibly add a scripted ability to the player that retrieves any NPC's within a certain proximity as references. Once that has been done you can check their combat targets then process the appropriate code. You probably won't want to be running the script every frame of gamemode so you could see this article here. I believe you may also find this article to be helpful. Hope it all goes well for you.
Antares 00:09, 5 October 2008 (EDT)
That was my first thought as well :o but walking through nearby references requires OBSE or a rather long spell of scripts to work - Both of which I'm trying to avoid. -- shademe 01:17, 5 October 2008 (EDT)
The spell AoE isn't too bad and has worked for many. If you want to use a centralized script, have the spell pass the NPC's reference to an activator function
begin ScriptEffectStart
    if (GetCombatTarget == player)
        set ActRef.rNPC to GetSelf
        ActRef.Activate player, 1
The only downside - each NPC can't have its own set of variables, but most of the time their not necessary. I would suggest taking this discussion to the forums for more answers.
--Haama 10:34, 5 October 2008 (EDT)

I'll try the activator function method and give you a head's up. Anyways, moving this to the forums - Discussion Thread. If I get someting definitive, I'll post in on the function article. Thanks for the replies, Haama,Antares - Appreciate it. -- shademe 02:14, 6 October 2008 (EDT)

I understand the method's you supplied in the article only retrieve the players potential combat targets? I forget my point but I was just going to do some very minor editing to clarify the article. In fact doesn't this achieve something closer to general retrieval of NPC's that are combat-targeting the player? Anyway I keep writing in hope that I will remember my point, something along the lines of retrieving the player's combat target being impossible due to the game not being able to read the player's mind, this does come pretty (workably :D) close to doing that though. Good job on that, big thumbs up!
--Antares 11:14, 9 October 2008 (EDT)
Hey, thanks for fixing out that article, I did think it was ambiguous but didn't have the time edit it yesterday. -- shademe 02:59, 10 October 2008 (EDT)