What function changes an item's level requirement? If this method can only create an array in the CS, it would probably be faster and easier to use quest variables.--Haama 23:45, 5 February 2008 (EST)
Requires Cell resets?
If I update a list that's part of a creature's inventory, will I need to wait for a cell reset before I see the changes?
The setup for, say, a wolf - The wolf has the leveled list "cobViNewLootWolfDrop". This list contains 1 of each Wolf Meat and Wolf Pelt. Using AddToLeveledList I add two instances of "cobViNewLootWolfVari50" to the list "cobViNewLootWolfDrop". So, from here on out, will every wolf I come across have a chance of dropping the "...Vari50" list? Or were the results of the original list already calculated, so they already have the old "...Drop" contents?
--Haama 14:10, 13 January 2011 (EST)