User talk:Diablerie

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Revision as of 15:23, 12 June 2006 by imported>Diablerie
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Notes on Game Balance

One of the issues I ran into while working on the Claws + Monk Gear mod was game balance. Powerful weapons are cool, but making something too powerful, too early in the game just isn't fun.

Fortunately (in a sense), hand-to-hand combat was already underpowered in Oblivion. Adding on-strike damage to gauntlets and claw weapons would bring it up to par with weapon combat. Then, to avoid having the player "lose" a slot, I could add additional properties to the item.

My rule of thumb is not to make items more powerful than anything that already exists in the game. Trancendent Sigil Stones are useful guidelines for this. For example, the best sigils can do 25 points of elemental damage, increase stats by 12, give 35% elemental resistance, or 20 points of shield.

Gauntlets use the hand slot, so doing damage and adding a "replacement" gauntlet ability would make it a fair item. Claws use the ring slot, and it's possible to equip two, so claws should only do half damage. I intentionally made on-strike claws and gauntlets not equippable at the same time.

Price works as a balancing factor only at low levels, where money is limited. By the time the player reaches level 15+, he can buy pretty much anything in the game. I think the best way to make items specifically for a higher level character is to make a level-limited quest.

-- Diablerie 11:25, 10 June 2006 (EDT)


Comments are welcome! Please don't edit the table below, though. -- Diablerie 11:25, 10 June 2006 (EDT)

Claws + Monk Gear Item Plan

Item Item Type How to Get Abilities Notes
Stonefist Bracers bracers merchant Health damage 3; Block 6
Bracers of the Sun bracers merchant Fire damage 10; Light 30; Resist fire 15
Elemental Bands bracers hidden merchant Fire, Frost, Shock damage 5; Hand to hand 10
Fists of Flame leather gauntlets merchant Fire damage 5
Hands of Oblivion daedric gauntlets hidden merchant Fire damage 15; Strength 10
Touch of Rime fur gauntlets merchant Frost damage 5
Frostbite blades gauntlets merchant Frost damage 10; Damage speed 5
Arctic Grip glass gauntlets hidden merchant Frost damage 15; Frost shield 10 Boost frost shield?
Gloves of Lightning steel gauntlets merchant Shock damage 5
Stormtouch orcish gauntlets merchant Shock damage 10; Fortify speed 8
Thunderfist elvish gauntlets hidden merchant Shock damage 15; Weakness to shock 50 (on strike)
Fist of the Brawler knuckles? merchant Health damage 2; Hand to hand 4 weak set
Fist of Might knuckles? merchant Health damage 2; Strength 4 "
Claw of the Bear claws? merchant ? damage 5; ? medium-powered set
Claw of the Tiger claws? merchant ? damage 5; ? "
Silent Death katar? hidden merchant? quest? Poison damage 8; Shield 16; Sneak 10; Light, Heavy armor -100 strong set (unarmored)
Swift Retribution katar? hidden merchant? quest? Poison damage 8; Shield 16; Athletics 10; Light, Heavy armor -100 "
? folding katar? quest ? damage 11; ? ultimate set
? folding katar? quest ? damage 11; ? "
Blade of Final Rest claws? guild merchant Health damage ?; ? Dark Brotherhood set
Blade of Pestilence claws? guild merchant Poison damage ?; ? "
Hand of Justice knuckles? guild merchant Frost damage ?; ? Fighters Guild set
Hand of Valor knuckles? guild merchant Shock damage ?; ? "
? ? guild merchant (spell) ? Mages Guild set (summonable)
? ? guild merchant (spell) ? "
? ? guild merchant ? Thieves Guild set
? ? guild merchant ? "

Mod Planning/Discussion

General questions:

Should there be a set of claws for each guild, or just some of them?
Create new quests or tie in to existing quests?
What kind of set bonuses for the claws?

One possibility is to have some sort of "critical strike" ability for claws. If matching claws are equipped, have a chance of doing extra damage on each hit. -- Diablerie 08:56, 11 June 2006 (EDT)

I think crit strike chance for a matching set of claws is a great idea, if it can be done it's definatley the way to go. It would differentiate the claws from the gauntlets. I'd also say that the stronger claws should be better than the gauntlets, since they are the main focus of the mod, i mean the gauntlets can be any gauntlets , but the claws and katars are what is percieved to do extra damage. Also no damage gauntlets and claws at the same time. -- Cryo

To limit the level at witch you can get them i'd say place them on fixed level bosses , so even if a level 5 gets the quest, there is no way he can defeat the level 40 boss using the Blades of Final Rest for example.

Also have longer quests to get the whole set, for example you find out about a powerfull set of claws, and have to search someone out who knows their location and find each claw separatley in some dungeon or on some boss.

Another way to recieve quests is from books, like have a rare book that forifies h2h by 1 and tells you about the possible location of a certain pair of claws. -- Cryo

I found an excellent place to have a hidden merchant and/or a quest giver. There's an "isolated house" in the southwest of Cyrodiil. On the world map, it's just north of the "st" in "The West Weald". The house just has some unimportant bandits in it, and they can be replaced with one or more NPCs. -- Diablerie 16:23, 12 June 2006 (EDT)

The DB and fighters guild claws are ok, i'd say add in some special Punchblades for the thieves guild that fortify sneak as well as do damage, but no claws for the mages guild though (or maybe a strong summonable set) -- Cryo

Summonable claws! Awesome idea! Making a spell that "fakes" a bound item should be doable. It would be helpful if you could make a set of claws with a daedric texture, preferably ones that attach from the back of the hand. -- Diablerie 16:23, 12 June 2006 (EDT)

I'll write more as i get ideas, this is shaping up great so far -- Cryo