User talk:Rookwood

Revision as of 11:13, 30 January 2010 by imported>DragoonWraith

Hello everyone,

I have a question: How would I make a certain weapon use a different attack animation Alex 17:31, 18 January 2010 (EST)

Hi, welcome to the wiki! First an administrative note, please sign with ~~~~. That will automatically insert your name (with a link) and the time and date. To answer your question; attack animations are linked to weapon types. Each type has its own attack animation. See Weapon for a list of the available weapon types. I hope that's a sufficient answer.
--Qazaaq 18:22, 18 January 2010 (EST)
Hey thanks for your quick reply is there a way to add a new weapon type
Alex 11:51, 19 January 2010 (EST)
The weapon types are hardcoded, so I'm afraid that's not possible. It may be possible to simulate it, but that would require extensive scripting.
--Qazaaq 17:37, 20 January 2010 (EST)

Is there any tips or tutorials you could possibly link to abou that kind of scripting if possible please as the mod I'm making adds a sword that has a sharp point at the end but smooth sides and as it is looks very unrealistic - thanks for your help so far Alex 17:26, 21 January 2010 (EST)

You'll have better luck asking this on the Forums. I don't know how to approach this exactly (and I don't have time to figure it out), but I can give you a few pointers.
  • Easiest would be replacing the attack animations for the duration the weapon is equipped. Look into special animations, it's briefly explained on this page Animation Tab in the first paragraph. I'm not sure replacing attack animations is possible with this method. You'll need the OBSE function ToggleSpecialAnim to toggle the attack animations on and off when the weapon is equipped and unequipped.
  • Harder would be overriding the attack animation each time it's played. You'll have to monitor the controls and take action when the player presses the attack button. Instead of playing the actual attack animation you'll have to make an animation with a higher priority as a special idle animation and invoke that with PickIdle.
If you have any specific questions I may be able to answer them here, but I'd recommend opening a thread on the Forums.
--Qazaaq 06:46, 22 January 2010 (EST)
Thank you for your advice my forum topic is here
Alex 16:05, 23 January 2010 (EST)
I can't work out how to use the function GetMouseButtonPress I want it so that when I attack (click the left mouse button) it adds an animation token also I can't work out how to use ToggleSpecialAnim Here is my script
scn PointyStickAnim

Begin OnActorEquip AESPointyStick

player.ToggleSpecialAnim onehandattackright.kf

if GetMouseButtonPress == 1
		player.additem pointystickanimationtoken 1
		player.removeitem pointystickanimationtoken 1

Alex 16:53, 24 January 2010 (EST)
First, please do not e-mail members demanding attention to your questions; that's very rude. I check here when I can, and if I haven't checked, then it is because I am busy, or, perhaps, do not have an answer to your question.
Anyway, if you want to do scripting, you're going to have to learn how to script properly. That means doing the My Second Script tutorial, and reading the various pages here and learning. For example, you have mis-matched if/else/elseif/endif statements in that script, so it probably doesn't even work. Second, OnActorEquip only works if the script is attached to the actor in question - assuming that you want this to work with the player, you can't do that, attaching a script to a player is a huge compatibility problem, assuming it even works (and I'm not sure it does). You should attach the script to the item, you should use GameMode and GetIsEquipped, and then you should use ToggleSpecialAnim (which, by the way, needs you to pass a 1 after the filename to turn it on). Also, why are you adding the token at all? If the special anim works correctly, then it should replace the normal attack animation entirely - you shouldn't even have to detect button presses, it should just work. Though, IIRC, it doesn't, because special attack animations have problems (though I could very well be wrong on this point).
If that's the case, this becomes far more complicated, because you need to play an Idle animation and do your own attack detection and hit detection. That's exceedingly difficult to do, and very much not something anyone is just going to be able to "tell you" how to do - that's a very advanced script, and something that you will largely have to be able to understand, write, and debug yourself.
Dragoon Wraith TALK 17:27, 27 January 2010 (EST)
Sorry about that its just been a while since I had a decent reply and I just thought "that will work" not realising the concequences.
Alex 02:29, 28 January 2010 (EST)
The Forum Topic is progressing faster than it is here so check there before replying
Alex 11:02, 30 January 2010 (EST)
That is typically the case, which is why we recommend that people take questions to the Forum.
Dragoon Wraith TALK 11:13, 30 January 2010 (EST)
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