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There are six types of weapons. The player's skills (blade, blunt, marksman) are used to determine the effectiveness of the weapon. Using a staff does not require a skill. All characters use staffs equally well.

  • Type: How the weapon is used.
Type Skill
Blade One Hand Blade
Blade Two Hand Blade
Blunt One Hand Blunt
Blunt Two Hand Blunt
Bow Marksman
Staff None
  • Enchanting: The magic effect associated with this object.
  • Enchantment: The amount of enchantment points available to power the magic effects. When the item runs out of enchantment points, it must be recharged with a soul gem.
  • Ignores Normal Weapon Resistance: If checked, this weapon will ignore any resistance to normal weapons ability on the target. Silver and Daedric items are supposed to have this set. Magic weapons do not need to have it set. They always ignore resistance to normal weapons.
  • Health: The amount of wear and tear the weapon can take before breaking. Weapons with reduced health do less damage. The amount of health reduced per strike with the weapon seems to be calculated from the setting fDamageToWeaponPercentage.
  • Reach: How far from the model the weapon can reach and do damage. This field is not used for bows.
  • Speed: A measure of how long it take to make one normal attack. Numbers less than one mean a slow weapon that attacks slowly. Numbers greater than one mean a fast weapon that attacks rapidly. See fPowerAttackDelay for attack speed formulas.
  • Damage: The base damage for the weapon. In the case of bows, this value is added to the Damage value of the arrow to make a final damage value.

See Also[edit | edit source]